yupp, thanks a bunch ^^ i'll post it on the first page as soon as i get the chance =D
lol...vivi...im sorry, that's not funny. i shouldnt laugh at names. Bad Destined. *slaps self*
well i'm fine with you using the name demyx i suppose, but id rather have any actual characters from the game in this RP if you dont mind ^^' if you RRREEEAAALLLYYY want it, i can maybe make an acception if we make some kind of deal. er--i'd also like you to fill out the following information: edit: oh just kidding i see this information now, sorry. ^^'
sounds good to me. ^^ after all, the symbol is red and black. i suppose that would make the most sense, huh? ^^' what should be red and what should be black? Im kinda leaning towards mostly black with red accents. it doesnt have to be a robe like organization xiii if you dont want. i'm up for anything ^^
well i suppose i'll leave that up to all of the members like yourself. What do you think the uniform should be like? All i know is it should probably have a heartless symbol on it somewhere. other than that, it doesnt matter so much to me ^^'
sure thing! just fill out the information on your character ^^
Greetings! =D I, DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt (AKA Destined) am the maker of this thread! This is the first RP I’ve ever made, so I do appreciate input on plot ideas. Here is what we have so far:? Buildings crumble to ashes as bombs fall from the sky. The journey is far from over for Sora and his friends. A new enemy is afoot, calling themselves “The Organization Corrupt.” A new generation of nobodies? On the contrary, it is an organization made completely out of Heartless taking on a human form. Is this the end of the keybearers, or will the organization meet their own demise? Seeking the power of the dream spheres, to obtain lost memories and find an alternate way to recreate the Kingdom Hearts that has been long gone for years. I. Talon (DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt) II. Kimazu (NymphofDestiny) III. IV. Raven (tenshigrl) V. VI. Rylie (DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt) VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. I. Xemnas II. Xigbar III. Xaldin IV. Vexen V. Lexaeus VI. Zexion VII. Saïx VIII. Axel IX. Demyx X. Luxord XI. Marluxia (DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt) XII. Larxene (Nymph of Destiny) XIII. Roxas (GateKeeper) Sora (Sora/Roxas) Riku (CarbuncleGem) Kairi (CarbuncleGem) (let me know if you think characters such as leon, tifa, and cloud should be available, along with any other character you may desire to play) i will point out right now that i do request more action from the organization corrupt members than from the organization xiii members. To join The Organization Corrupt, fill out the following information: (What is shown is my example of my characters) Rank: I Name: Talon Gender: Male Race: Heartless Age: 19 Height: average for is age Weight: on the skinnier side, but muscular IMAGE: Weapon: Claws Element: Darkness Strengths: Darkening Weaknesses: Light Personality Description: Talon is reserved. He does not feel the need to share any personal information with anyone. He struggles with the task of being first in charge, but refuses to let it show, or ask for any assistance. I know it’s kinda a lot of information but I like having reference to a characters looks and personality. Rank: VI Name: Rylie Gender: Female Race: Heartless Age: 17 Height: average for her age Weight: small (but mighty xDD) IMAGE: Weapon: Shuriken Element: music Strengths: noise Weaknesses: silence Personality Description: Bouncy, bubbly, sweet, loving, caring, all around fun person to be around. Very consoling. Although I have two characters, I request each person only has one in the organization corrupt section. if you wish, YOU MAY DOUBLE, taking ONE Organization Corrupt character and ONE Organization XIII character or keybearer. Please be patient with me if I make grammatical or typing errors ^^’
er--kry-- actually, it was Shain talking to kry, not Xylarc... lol
Shain ran up to Kry, whom he understood to be first in command of this organization. "How do I help?" he asked eagerly. (is that spelt right? -.-') sorry i've been gone for so long, but it doesnt seem like the RP has made much progress anyways ^^' my computer frequently refuses to let me onto the site for some reason i desperately long to understand... oh well. if there's anyone who really cares, then they'll know that's why im not posting as often as before. ^^'
"Dad," Shain mumbled, "I... I'm not joking. I'm gonna help them." Then he turned towards Rylie, "I have to help save Carly." Rylie stared blankly at Shain. "How do you know... how do you know it's really her?" "I just... do." Xylarc wandered into the street. It began to rain. She watched as the other members vanished in the distance. She wasn't sure how she felt... but then again, she wasn't allowed to feel. "What's the point?" she whispered. Sometimes... reasons aren't required... OoC: I'm sorta lost... so if what im talking about makes no sense please explain that to me ^^' and sorry i havent been on at all... my computer seriously wont let me on!!! *cries* every time i get on it's like by random chance... i dont know what to do about it -.-'
OoC: am i the only one having trouble getting on to the site? it never lets me on!!!! *cries* and to ukali, maika is just a friend of shain and rylie. and could you please explain to me what happened to rylie and shain since they are my characters and im not even sure whats going on here ^^'
OoC: I do not understand this… the whole reason she pretended to befriend Shain was so he would help us regain kingdom hearts and he just said he would help and now… we don’t want his help? Because the only reason he’s helping is because he’s insisting it’s Carly… which it is… only not… because she’s a nobody… wait… what? BiC: “You’ve obviously mistaken me for someone else,” she said, crossing her arms and winking ever so slightly. “No, dad. I’m helping them. It’s not right that people should live without hearts.” He was confused about why he was helping them exactly, but for some strange reason… he just didn’t need a reason. Maika blinked several times without saying a word. After a few moments he blankly said, “No.” Xylarc grinned. Good ol’ Nycx. OoC: AAAHHH! I REMEMBER VARNOR!!!! HELLO! =3
“Dad?!†Rylie jumped as the last berserker was defeated. “Shain, come on!†But Shain stood motionless, looking at who the organization members had called Xylarc. She looks so familiar… he thought, I know her. But how? He thought long and hard. Xylarc… the organization members mix up their names and add and X… at least that’s what dad told me. He appeared almost in his own little word trying to unscramble the name. “Traitor?†Xylarc repeated, “It all depends on how you look at it. Surely I want vengeance. Ienzo was… everything to me. But somehow… death to the keybearers doesn’t give me much pleasure.†She turned to Kry, “I am loyal, and I am true. …I… I just want my heart back…†Shain wasn’t paying attention to what anyone was saying. He kept thinking about what her actual name must be. Xylarc. Y-L-A-R-C he thought… C…A…Y…R…L…no, he don’t know anyone by that name…C…A…R…L… carl? That’s a strange name for a girl… I forgot the Y… Carl-y…carly… â€CARLY!†he shouted, without thinking. Xylarc turned to look at whoever had randomly shouted her name. Shain. Shain? SHAIN! Damn, she thought, he’s seen me. He knows it’s me. “Carly?†Rylie asked, “Shain, what are you talking about? Oh! Dad, my new friend, we were trying to find her, but we found you instead. Can she go with?†she asked, excited. Maika looked down at the ground and mumbled what sounded like Cyn. “No, Rylie…†Shain stared at Xylarc, almost crying, “How could you?†“Who’s Carly?†Xylarc asked, in a no-good attempt to fake ignorance. “I know it’s you,†he said, without blinking. “Watch this,†she whispered to Kry. She made a face at Shain. One that seemed to say “help me out of here.†“I’m not running away!†Shain declared to his father, “I'd do anything to get Carly's heart back... even if it means working for them. OoC: I just made mac and cheese without milk… it’s… strange… hmm…
Shain didn’t choose to be born the heir of the keyblade master. Nor did Rylie, the daughter of Riku. Xylarc saw the fear grow in her eyes as she watched her father slowly become something he wasn’t. Xylarc knew she hadn’t said the right thing to Kry, but she wondered how to make her see the truth in Kasha’s words. “Superior,†she paused, “do you think… do you think this is what your father wants? Blood? Violence?†she paused again. She knew the probable answer to this question. “yes,†she declared, crossing her arms, “but I think… I know what he wants more… I think… he wants you to get your heart back… so please… have a heart!†She realized she sounded ridiculously like someone from a soap opera, but she could care less. Rylie was her best friend… and Shain… could be so much more…
OoC: I should just randomly shout CHICKEN now. XD and er—it’s no secret my name is like the longest on the whole berserking site, so if you wish, you can refer to me as Destined. ^.^ BiC: Being pulled by the collar, her hood fell off her head, revealing her face for the first time to the organization (besides when she had used Ienzo’s power of illusion). She could kick herself for speaking the way she did. For some reason, while she was disguised as that person, she felt the emotions that that person should feel. Now , the violent rage of getting vengeance for the death of Ienzo was once again rushing through her blood. “Superior,†she said, in her old, calm voice “forgive me, I—†“Father!†Shain shouted, making a mad dash at Kry. “Move!†Xylarc said without thinking, pushing Kry in another direction so she could miss the blow. Shain then ran to his father, as Rylie ran to Riku. That’s it, she thought, Riku is her father. That’s why she seemed familiar. It was a stupid little family reunion, and rather annoying at that. She turned to Kry, “Where the devilis everyone else?!â€
hey! im totally making a fanfic loosely based on this! (don't laugh, but... is that how you spell loosely? -.-') let me know if you start one, cuz i'll read it for sure ^^ maybe its just my twisted sense of humor, be the obviousness of this statement caused my sides to explode with laughter ROFLAMO! i thought Sora just randomly shouted CHICKEN! The sunset. “So pretty,” she whispered to herself. “Sure is,” Shain said, his twinkling eyes not leaving the image of Carly. Sixteen years. Sixteen years, and this… this was the best day of her life. Spending this time with people that couldn’t really be her friends. Why? Why was she chosen for this organization? What was her purpose? Bait? Eye candy? No! she clenched her right fist in anger. Time stopped. For a second, she thought an emotion might have been surging through her blood. She denied it. Carly, she heard Ienzo, it’s up to you now. Here it was. The perfect moment. The best she had ever experienced. And she had the power to make it last forever. But what was the cost? “Never seeing the outcome,” she said aloud, her fist fading. Rylie let out a scream of agony, holding her stomach as if something had pierced it. Xylarc simply observed for a moment before asking, “What is it?” But Rylie was obviously in too much pain to answer. Although, she could have sworn she said something that sounded much like father. The other two, unsure of what to do, continued worrying and consoling when Maika appeared. He seemed distracted. He walked right past the three and began skipping rocks into the ocean. Suddenly, it felt as if the dream had reoccurred and Carly’s heart had been ripped out all over again. She looked to the blood-red sky. “Nycx!” she screamed, tears now flooding from her eyes. Just as fast as Xylarc’s pain came on, Rylie’s seemed to leave. “Carly?” she asked, “what’s wrong?” she said sincerely, grabbing her hand. “Tell me,” this time, it was a command. “Rylie,” she choked, “Shain, all my life, I’ve been living… for tomorrow… you taught me to live for today… thank you,” she said, in pain, “no matter what happens, I want you to know… you’re…my best friends.” And with that, she ran off the beach, only looking back to shout “don’t follow!” A command which they didn’t follow. Nonetheless, she was faster than they. She grabbed her organization cloak from her ship on the way. She finally reached the alley. “He’s alive,” she declared to no one in particular. Riku was, in fact, very much alive. Seeming to have pummeled to the ground just moments before. She looked to Kry, and before a single thought ran through her head, it was buried on Kry’s shoulder. Tears still flooding from her eyes, she wailed, “She’s gone! Nycx is gone!” There was no way around it, Nycx was indeed gone. She was an awful, violent, spiteful person full of rage. But she couldn’t help but feel as if she was somewhat like an older sister. She couldn’t explain what she felt inside, because… she felt nothing at all. Burying her head even deeper into Kry’s shoulder, she continued, “Why? WHY?!” She forced herself away from the superior, falling to her knees. “You’re father… was not known for his mercy… and I mean no offense, superior, but… he’s dead! The cycle will only continue!” She then clenched her left fist, returning her to her to the Xylarc the organization had grown to know, with long black hair. Suddenly, the tears stopped, as if she was more of a nobody now. She hastily got to her feet. Xylarc crossed her arms, looking up to face whatever reply would come from Kry. OoC: Ukali, sorry about taking over Maika, but you had only mentioned playing riku nycx and siax... and i didn't want maika to suddenly fall off the face of the earth. he still is yours to play if you wish. (oh my, that sounds strange...) sorry. long post. -.-'
OoC: Ukali would probably be the one to explain it best, but i'll try. Nycx has Sora and Riku tied up. Now it's the job of Xylarc, Nycx, and Kry to try to get the heir (Shain) and his friends (Maika and Rylie) to trust them. Once they gain their trust, the plan is to show Shain how we have his father captive, and if Shain refuses to help us gain hearts, we will take the life of his father. (i think that's right... but like i said, ask Ukali)
“That looked kind of like the Organization robes.†Rylie blinked. “No it didn’t,†Xylarc spat, a little too fast. “You’re right, I must be imagining things.†“I know!†Xylarc beamed, “You could use some fresh air! Come on!†and Rylie followed her out to where the others were. “Shain,†she said in a classic girly voice, “coming?†He blinked. “Where?†“Does it really matter where?†She giggled. “I suppose not,†he grinned. “Oh—†she said as the three of them started off, “keep going, I’ll catch up.†“Oh, okay,†Rylie cheered. Xylarc walked over to Kry. “I understand if you don’t want to be in his presence,†she explained, “He is your father’s murderer’s son,†she paused to laugh at a comment Nycx had made about saying that ten times fast. “I’ll take him out of your hair,†she continued before pausing once more to hear Nycx say something that sounded a lot like, “and into yours.†Xylarc playfully jabbed her with her elbow. “Catchya ‘round!†Even though the organization members weren’t exactly friends, she couldn’t help but love thinking they were. She missed friends. She had been locked up in that castle for way too long. She caught up with Rylie and Shain. “So, where to?†she asked. “The beach!†Rylie jumped up and down as she walked along beside her. And with that, they headed towards the ocean shores (that we are pretending exist ^^’).
OoC: DUH! *smacks head* i knew that -.-' She rolled her eyes playfully when she heard the laughter of Nycx and Maika. Even though it wasn’t exactly real, it felt so right. She had forgotten what it was like to be with actual friends. And this wouldn’t last long. She frowned. “What’s wrong?†Rylie asked. “Huh? Oh—nothing,†she replied, smiling once more. “Carly,†she said sincerely. She simply shook her head. There was nothing to tell Rylie. She had to be more careful from now on. She had to be happy-go-lucky. It would be difficult, sure. But this was business. Rylie placed her hand on Xylarc’s shoulder. “You sure?†“Positive,†she beamed. “Okay. Hey look! It’s the ice cream shop! Come on guys!†Rylie shouted before getting a head start. The man had obviously asked how many they wanted, as Rylie was counting how many there were of them. “Five!†she cheered. They each took their treat and followed Shain to a place he called “the hang out.†There, they heard stories about Shain’s dad. “Do you think your dad’s still here?†asked Rylie. “Uh…not real sure… maybe we should go check.†He replied, “But I’m guessing he left for Radiant Garden. He had told my mom on the phone that he was going to check up on old Squall.†“Hey! We should go!†declared Rylie, jumping up and down, “That would be so much un! What do you guys think?†Xylarc remained silent, looking to Nycx for an answer.
“Well,†she explained, taking off her hoodie, “it was cold in the arena.†“Hey!†beemed Rylie, “She won first place prize in the Struggle competition, did you know?†she asked the newfound Cin. “And what’s with ‘Death’s Kiss’ anyways?†added Maika, obviously in his own trail of thought. When the sweatshirt was completely off, revealing the hooded tank top she had picked out (much like Kairi’s or Yuna’s), she removed the big “Hollywood†pair of sunglasses from the top of her head and flipped her radiant mane. She then replaced the sunglasses to the top of her head and said “I prefer Carly.†“I don’t know,†began Makia remembering the statement about the cold arena and looking to Cin, “I’m pretty toasty. So, where are you girls from?†Avoiding the question, Xylarc made her way up next to where Rylie now was. “Maybe we should get that ice cream, huh?†she asked. “Yeah!†cheered Rylie. She looked back at Shain. He seemed almost in a trans-like state, half a smile on his face, his great twinkling eyes staring at her. When she caught his eye she shook the expression off his face. “Sounds good to me.†And the group was off. OoC: Ukali, if you really want to and if it's ok with Rexyggor, feel free to play Maika. I don't know if that would make it easier for you or just more work. -.-' you can, but you dont have to, im fine either way ^^