Sora/Roxas, yes, you can be sora, and just an idea, if you want you can be roxas o.0 XD CarbuncleGem, yesh, you can be Riku and Kairi ^^ and you have fun with that XDDDDDD And of course, nymph you're in XD nice image btw ^^"
well i spose. I could start with talon. . . but we should maybe wait for someone else to play xemnas. . .
kk ^^ thanks for the input =]
lol NO. i LOVE this site. i mostly RP but lately ive been asking for input on ideas because im indecisive. ^^'
see, ever since my sims game stopped working, i just really wanna do something where you make your own person. is there anything else like that? o.0
should i join?
meh, did you really want one of us to describe our character? o.0
which version do you recomend?
oh yeah? so ive experienced ^^
hmmm... what do you recomend instead?
Should i join? o.0
OXNARD FOREVER!!!! tee hee i feel like such a random freak XDDD
im glad im not in her position. . .
Gasp. A Conspiracy!
you make a mockery of the waffles? you shall pay, feminine named man, you shall pay!
it's FREE? show me, show me, show me! *jumps up and down* ^^
forgive me, when i saw fayths name on the online user list, i totally thought it was a girl >.< i think waffles is a good name XDD and i noticed several of you on this thread have an imeem account. does that cost money? o.0
OoC: I’m lost -.-‘ “Hey!” Shain shouted, “Aren’t you guys supposed to be a team?!” Shain, she thought, stop. Don’t hurt yourself. OoC: this is random, but if any of you are interested, come join the Organization Corrupt =3 Play an Organization Corrupt member, an Organization XIII member, a keybearer, or one of each! ^^ edit: i believe this post would make more sense if it was back a little farther -.-' and--er--where is everybody? o.0
you'll have to wait for rexyggor. i think theres about four people in line for number x now. but i think he's allowing more than xiii members. try PMing Rexyggor_thenewmember
lol i know, vivi, he's pretty cool actually. but the name just makes me laugh for some reason. i have nothing against him or you ^^' edit: i guess we can start as soon as we have enough people. how many people do you suppose that is? o.0