Talon found himself in a swarm of [white creatures]. "What are you, ganging up on me?!" he shouted, swiping at them with his sword. OOC: are they nobodies? o.0
Talon stepped backwards, watching her take off. He continued to watch as she dropped, looking away only when she was seconds from the ground. She had performed stunts like this so many times, he knew she could land on her feet every time. But still, he had to look away, knowing he could never live with the image of her failing to do so in his mind. He looked back down. Seeing her smile, he gave a cool half grin back. Talon was one who did not enjoy showing much emotion. He grabbed onto a poll, leading directly to the ground. He then gracefeully decended, much like an experienced firefighter. Something told him Raven wouldn't just drop whatever she was doing to follow Kimazu. I might as well take a look, he thought, you never know what a city may hold...
i know, sorry ^^' it's just, it's been ukali, choco, ukali, choco, ukali, etc for soooo long, idk what i'm supposed to be doing at this point. >.< thanks ^^' and good question.
GASP. ukali was like... half of this thread! so now... it's like a broken thread. you cant sew with a broken thread... or CAN YOU? << >> ._.
"Well, Kimazu?" he asked, looking for her opinion.
guys... what happened to our plot? and is rexyggor gone... like gone? like, left the thread? o.0
"Hmm... guess i was too busy chasing miss runaway," he smiled at Kimazu, "so, we should probably go find her before heading to headquarters."
"I guess you're just too fast for me," he laughed, catching his breath, "but it looks like you're still slower than whoever was up here. hey--Raven?" he looked behind him, but she was nowhere in sight, "Hmmm... you think she's upset?" he asked.
"Kimazu," Talon warned. But he knew it was no use. There was no stopping her. There never was. "Nugh!"he grunted in frustration, instantly darting after her towards the clock tower.
OoC: well, the realm of darkness does make sense, but it would be kinda cool if they could like... see. maybe heartless can see there... does that make sense? o.0
“No heart?†Talon asked, “Nothing?†that’s peculiar, he thought, a nobody perhaps? Destroy Twilight town? It’s not time for that. “We’re missing a member,†he explained, walking to his motorcycle, “maybe when number III returns. Let’s head back.†OoC: Where should their headquarters be? o.0
well, if you want the position it only makes sense for Kimazu to play the part of second in command since she's number II, unless you dont want the part or someone else protests... and well, I'm kinda used to starting an organization RP from the start, like we all meet each other for the first time in order. but it's a nice change ^^' let's say we've got only 4 members so far, and number three is ... off somewhere? does that make sense? -.-' “Kimazu, you just can’t help yourself, can you?” he laughed, placing his index finger on his chin, “hmm… how shall I determine the boy’s slayer?” the person Talon once was would strongly disapprove of this new Talon’s words, but he didn’t have the time or recollection to consider this.
OoC: i know, i've almost done it quite a few times ^^' no sweat. BiC: Talon silently walked along the streets of Twilight Town. He wandered about until he came across a corpse on the cold ground. He smirked, seeming rather pleased. Once again wandering the streets, he came across the two he knew as Kimazu and Raven. "Well what have we here?" OoC: okay, I’ll check it out ^^
OoC: wow, enough between nycx and kasha? o,0 BiC: Shain pulled out a random container full of popcorn and began watching the show. (nycx and kasha going at it of course XDD) "What's going on?" Xylarc demanded.
OoC: sorry i havent been on, my computer is stupid sometimes and just refuses to let me on just THIS SITE. i dont get it!!! DDDXX right now i don't even have enough time to actually reply BiC but if my computer is nice enough, i'll be on later. and one thing to tenshigrl, you're not supposed to double post >.< not that i mind, but i'm pretty sure its somewhere in the rules. no sweat, next time, just edit more in if there was a part you wanted to add. ^^'
OoC: Well, I suppose I'll make the first story post, since i said i would ^^' Bic: He watched, emotionless, as the building before him crumbled to ashes at his feet. His feet steadily stepping through the alleyway, echoing the crisp clicks of his black boots meeting the cold city concrete. He took little effort in jumping up the fence at the end of the alley, and ascending once more to the top of a nearby building. He looked to the moon. Soon, he thought, soon I will not be the only one of my kind. He glanced over to see a single ant (heartless) scurrying the city streets. He smirked. It worked. It was true; soon, he would not walk these streets alone. He turned his back to the heartless, hearing more and more scurrying feet by the second. That’s it, dance… “Dance!†he shouted, before vanishing in a shroud of shadows. whataya think? o.0 and i have one favor to ask, i prefer that character thoughts are slanted and spoken words are bold, it makes it easier for me to understand ^^
zomg! i love you for understanding! *gets teary-eyed*
well, if you'd like, i can mkae the first post tonight, but i have a friend over, so i might not be too quick on replying and stuffness...
YAY. my name feels loved... i know what you're thinking... your questioning the feelings of my name... HOW DARE YOU? wow, sorry, waaaay hyper XDD
alright, forget what i said Sora/Roxas. it's strange saying that... i feel like im talking to two people... when its really just one...OR IS IT? XDD GateKeeper, you're in ^^ i like your name btw