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  1. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OOC: YAY =D so are we waiting for a certain ammount of people or something? o.0
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    uhm... okie dokie then... ^^'

    Name: Unknown

    Age: 17

    Game character name: Trinity

    Char appearance: [​IMG]

    weapon: Elemental whip (changes elements)

    Gender: F

    Evil or good: Who really knows?

    Personality: Independant, mysterious, sassy, sexii (tee hee ^^)
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Hey hey hey! ^.^ Is this the place to request? o.0 It's basically my first time, so let's hope so...

    Render/picture: (sorry I couldnt find a render of this particular picture) if you want to delete the background on the pic and completely make your own funky design that's fine with me ^^ Whatever you think looks best!

    Text: OH SNAP

    Subtext: UR CHYB

    Color: When i think of rikku i think of fun colors. Bright Blue, green etc. Whatever you can think up! ^^

    Matching avy: Why not?

    Size: I'd like the Sig to be more rectangular than sqare and the avy to be perfectly square if at all possible ^^ as for size... well idk. not huge... not tiny... meduim? o.0

    Please tell me if i've done something wrong -.-' like i said, this is basically my first time ordering...
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  4. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Is it too late to join? o.0
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OOC: I'm sorry to hear that. =[ But just a note, when you post out of character, make sure to put OOC it just makes the thread look better. and also make sure all of your posts are at least six words long. I think that's the rule. Just trying to look out for you all. I don't know why but it seems like quite a few people have been banned lately. I wouldn't wanna lose any of you D=
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OOC: Trace000222 is in ^^ yayness! Well, it would fit a little better in the story if you were number IV since we're supposedly waiting for number IV to return from wherever he is, but if you prefer XIII, thats okay too. It wouldn't really make sense since we'd have I II III and XIII but i guess thats alright XDD
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Talon braced himself. In order to get all of these things away from the base, this needed to be a great blow.

    OOC: wow. we need more members... -.-'
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Uhm, I will start off by saying I have never asked for a signature before. The thing is, I would make one myself… but I am not allowed to install my software for doing fancy artwork on the computer… (thanks a lot for letting me spend all my money on it *cough*mother*cough*) Anyways… my description for this signature will maybe be a little more then what I’ve seen other people ask for. I saw some of your sigs and really liked them ^^ I hope you can complete one for me. If not, I understand…

    Username: Destined

    Text: I Wish That We Could

    Font: Something fancy. Elegant-looking.

    Subtext: Stop time tonight…

    Render: behind it all, upper, flip vertically, placed in the bottom right corner, placed in the top left corner, lower center, weak (low opacity) lower center, stronger (greater opacity), sort of within the previous picture

    Style: Like I said, I’m new at this… I’m not sure what this means…

    Anything extra: I don’t know how it will work with all the water and sparkles and such. Maybe it would be easier to delete most of the background to the pics… I’m sorry I couldn’t find renders to this scene… I’d really love to make it myself, but as I said, I can’t. I think “make it look good†is kind of an obvious one. ^^’ it may take a fair amount of blending. I’m not sure how it will look with the font… If at all possible, could I see in before you put it on? I’m a very indecisive person -.-‘

    I realize this particular project is quite a bit of work and could take a while… I’m patient =D PM me if you need me to change something. It would also help if you PMed me when/if you are done. ^^
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  9. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Aaron squirmed his way through the giant mob of students trying to view the sheet posted on the bulletin board. He didn’t know what was on it, but he knew he wanted to find out. It took time, patience, and a lot of strength but he finally made his way to the front. There it was. The sheet. The bulletin board was covered in students’ names and room numbers and such. He was still being pushed and shoved. He had to look quickly.

    Aaron J. Trevelyan………………………………………………… Room 321

    That’s convenient, he thought, not very hard to remember. He scrambled his way out of the crowd. He looked up at several enormous buildings that, together, made up the school. “Are you serious?†He asked to no one in particular.

    “I know,†replied a random passerby.

    Now, he thought, to find room 321…

    OOC: I'll make the text of my characters two different colors so it's easy for you guys to think of which one im talking about. But maybe for now my post will only involve one character at a time...
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OOC: o,0 dont you want to start? its your thread after all... but if you don't, i guess that's cool too. tee hee. ^^
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    YAY! *is overjoyed* it probably unhealthy to be this happy about the number of characters i can have in an RP... maybe i should get out more... vv'


    name: Aaron James “A.J†Treveylan

    age: 16

    bio: Once lived with his mother in Arizona. Recently moved in with his grandparents who decided it was best to send him and his sister to boarding school. His life has been rough and he won't stop searching for a reson for his existance. For support, he turns to his music. He has nothing else.

    family: His mother is still living in Arizona while his father currently resides in Colorado. His Grandparents took him and his sister in before deciding it was best they were sent to a boarding school where someone could properly look after them. After 14 years of being apart, he has recently reunited with his sister, whom he doesn’t know very well.

    apperence: [​IMG]


    name: Jaymie Samantha “Sam†Treveylan

    age: 16

    bio: Recently moved from her home with her father in Colorado to her grandparents countryside home. She is forced to go to boarding school along side her brother, whom she knows nothing about. Living a tough life, she uses music as therapy. As a very emotional girl with a rough past, she is desperately searching for anyone who can make her feel loved.

    family: Father in Colorado, Mother in Arizona, Grandparents living in their country side home, and a brother she knew nothing about until less than a three weeks ago.



    PS: Where is everyone getting these pictures for their characters? Do people actually draw them or do they use other people off of dA or something? I've always wondered...
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    I'd LOVE to join!!!

    PS: I'd really like two characters ^^' i understand if thats not allowed. totally fine. =D

    PSS: kind of creepy... your character kaylee looks a lot like one of my characters named kylee...

    PSSS: You spelt cursing "cusing" unless you were going for cussing. then you forgot an s. wow i can be picky. im sorry about that ^^'
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    “Sounds like a plan,†he nodded, waiting for her signal.

    OOC: wow, I’m rreeeeeeeeeeally sorry for not being on in sooo long. I was off in another state with no computer…. DX
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Nov 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Oct 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt

    Quotes =d

    Tee Hee!!! Post Your Favorite Quotes Here! Be Them Funny Or Depressing! Anything That Means Anything To You!! (im Not A Spaz! I'm Just Capitolizing The First Letter Of Each Word And Using A Lot Of Exclaimation Points!!!! Yay Exclaimation Points!!! XDDD)
    Thread by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Oct 31, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    "Self Conclusion" by The Spill Canvas

    "Fade in, start the scene
    Enter beautiful girl
    But things are not what they seem
    As we stand at the edge of the world."

    Excuse me sir,
    But I had plans to die tonight
    Oh, and you are directly in my way
    And I bet you're gonna say it's not right
    My reply:
    Excuse me miss,
    But do you have the slightest clue
    Of exactly what you just said to me
    And exactly who you're talking to?

    She said, "I don't care, you don't even know me."
    I said, "I know but I'd like to change that soon, hopefully."
    Yeah, we all flirt with the tiniest notion
    Of self conclusion in one simplified motion
    You see the trick is that you're never supposed to act on it
    No matter how unbearable this misery gets

    You make it sound so easy to be alive
    But tell me how am I supposed to seize this day
    When everything inside of me has died
    My reply:
    Trust me girl
    I know your legs are pleading to leap
    But I offer you this easy choice
    Instead of dying, living with me

    She said, "Are you crazy? You don't even know me."
    I said, "I know but I'd like to change that soon, hopefully."
    Yeah, we all flirt with the tiniest notion
    Of self conclusion in one simplified motion
    You see the trick is that you're never supposed act on it
    No matter how unbearable this misery gets

    I would be lying if I said that things would never get rough
    And all this cliche motivation, it could never be enough
    I could stand here all night trying to convince you
    But what good would that do? My offer stands and you must choose

    "All right, you win, but I only give you one night
    To prove yourself to be better than my attempt at flight
    I swear to God if you hurt me I will leap
    I will toss myself from these very cliffs
    And you'll never see it coming."
    "Settle precious, I know what you're going through
    Cause ten minutes before you got here I was gonna jump too."

    Yeah we all flirt with the tiniest notion
    Of self conclusion in one simplified motion
    You see the trick is that you're never supposed act on it
    No matter how unbearable this misery gets

    And i dont know if these have been posted yet or not... but i had to post them, for they saved a dear friend's life...
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OOC: well, nycx and kasha were fighting... and fighting... and then they were fighting... and then they fought some more... lol. anyways, i think nycx and kasha were fighting because kasha befriended the keybearers, when nycx wanted to kill them. so basically, kasha betrayed the organization. They were in the middle of their battle when ukali_rules left the forum... so we're all trying to figure out what we're supposed to do, since ukali was pretty much the person who posted most.

    my character is roaming the streets (of twilight town--i think o.0) other than that, i dont know much about the current state. i've actually been gone for quite a while... -.-'
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OOC: The three Organization Corrupt members spot a member of Organization XIII atop a nearby building. Kimazu dashes off to greet him, hoping she'll have the pleasure of eternally putting him to sleep. The superior follows, but it turns out he's gone before they get there. Kimazu then headed into town to find Raven. When she find her, the two girls head back to find Talon struggling with a bunch of random nobodies. Currently, Kimazu and Talon are fighting off the nobodies, while Raven is back in headquarters, obviously feeling some sort of pain.

    this is my first ever re-cap, tee hee! so it might not be the best.

    oh, and Servant of Light, i LOVE your avvie XDD

    BIC: "how many can there be?" he asked himself, "where are they all coming from?" he turned to Kimazu, "we'll never get through all of them this way."

    OOC: maybe some sort of wicked cooperative attack they preform together o.0... whatever you can think of, i'll leave it up to Nymph^^'
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Talon ran forward, slashing every nobody that got in his way. He stopped in front of the portal, holding back the crowd, "You two, go." he shouted, "I"ll hold them off until you're through." He couldn't help but feel the need to protect them first, himself last, yet certainly not least. "Hurry!" he panted, as the crowd shoved him forward, "Take that you fiend!"
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Oct 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OOC: ...yeah... maybe... whoever doesnt want to play anymore is dead... and we get new members... and then we decide we need a different tactic? i just dont want to see this die. it was my first RP.... *sniffle*
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Oct 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home