fauxhawk equals hott. :Awesome:
Too fat a foot. :=D:
Fabulous sounds like an excellent word to describe you :] :silence: It's been a very long time since be began this conversation, So do know...
A stack of three virtually spotless plates stood next to the sink. One who didn’t know better would say they were impossibly clean. Oh, but she knew better. It was possible. And she wouldn’t rest until Every last plate looked exactly like those three; perfect. Trained fingers picked at the residue of heaven knew what. She decided a long time ago that she had no desire to know. It was here, in her fiery desire for perfection in the form of dishes, That she allowed herself to enter “the zone.†Nothing mattered. Nothing but dishes. Dishes that were to be absolutely, excessively, And inhumanely clean by the hour of eight.
Ohh noes! I are back. Your work was so wonderful I decided to stop by a second time 8D Avatar this time =o The waiting list only had one name on it so I thought: YES. IMAGE: http://www.teenidols4you.com/picture.html?g=Actors&pe=dougie_poynter&foto=554&act=655&mv=4&pic=215200 Could I maybe get some of the tealish greens of muh sig? =o And maybe some of that pink in dere too. Thanks again for the sig! It is love. If you're wondering why it's not up, it was for another site =]
Name: Riiko Age: Sixteen, but it’s almost her birthday =o Gender: Female Appearance:http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20waitress/MihaelJeevas/Anime%20Pictures/Waitress1.jpg?o=73 Hold the cat ears, please. Contrary to the picture, her hair is usually up when she works. Personality: Warm. She’s passionate about cheering people up, and giving good service. However, she finds it’s a struggle to cheer herself up. When with a group of people, she can be very fun-loving. Contrary to this, when alone, she is very pensive. Biography: At age sixteen, Riiko has little money. She never speaks of her parents, and no one really knows where she’s from. She makes a living (somewhat) by working at the local diner. The crowd finds she provides excellent service, and a select few often intentionally sit at her tables.
resistance *twitch*
ROAR j ) OC time!! Name: Jazmyne Gender: Female Species: Not Specified Age: 19 Powers: Extremely Agile Description: Doesn’t belong to any particular party, Shows up wherever she pleases. Personality: Flirtatious, and somewhat unpredictable. Sometimes sassy, sometimes sweet. She’s not afraid to bite, and if you’re lucky, She’ll lick your wounds j ) Image: (Pending) Now for preset character, yes? I choose Riku, please. =)
Very Nice =D Normally, I would make my own signatures, But my computer graphics software is down :[ I appreciate your time! Very Good work =)
Hey, high five for that one!
Shruuuuub... how did you put "Riku's #1 Fangirl" there? I can't find how to do that D:
Oh, love the signature by the way ;)
INDEED! na na na na...na na na na hey hey hey... goodbye...
Yeah, the one I started before my life started getting hectic... and when i came back, I couldn't find it. I'm really sorry about that =[
hmmm... well i remember that you were pretty cool =] but i don't think i'm who you were looking for =S
You said three at a time right? o.O Aaaaaiiiii don't want to be a bother! >< Signature Size: 400 x 125 seems to be the trend but honestly, whatever you're comfortable with =] Stock/Render:http://media.photobucket.com/image/rikku ffx/blinkky_photos/ffx/f9c0scd.jpg?o=62 Theme: Ohh, well... Surprise me =] Text/Font: Maybe "Destined" if it fits in, or possibly "Rikku" but if it appears to be too much, forget it... Effects: I'd like it to blend well... Really, I've enjoyed all the works I've seen from you! So this can be your choice as well. ;] Other: Just whack me over the head if this request does not suffice. ><
Ohh, nooo! My memory is dying!!!! You used to be in my RP, right? Wrong? Oh dear, please remind me!
Hmmm... I know we were in the New Organization together... forever ago... What ever happened to that? Didn't you start that? I loved it =D
good good :) and yourself?
<< >> I haven't been on here in FOREVER *twitch* ... You're on my friend's list. :O My memory seems to be at a loss... Ve did shome RPing...