I've always thought of him as a bit too fem-ish. Who IS sexy, then? :/D=:
Axel is kinda... sexy.
Great. She thought, bitterly, Using her breath to remove A strand of hair from her face. I sure did pick a fantastic day To show up at this place… She cocked an eyebrow And glanced sideways in disinterest. She then stood, arms crossed, In front of her sister, placid, Scanning her dark eyes, Awaiting her full presence.
She examined the faces in the room, And no one else seemed to make a move. She guessed this was a job for her. The black slits inside of her violet- Crimson orbs remained fixated on the fallen For quite some time before she began to Take those few more steps. She scanned the now harmless being over once, Eyebrow raised, before coming to the conclusion That this was indeed the one she thought it to be. Crouched down to the ground, she acted cautiously, Linking arms with the unconscious. Slowly, she began to rise, Elevating Sinder as well. It took no time nor effort to regain her feet. And once she was standing, A quick shift of bodyweight positioned The unconscious body so that Her sister’s head could rest upon her shoulder. She looked down at the one still on the ground. At first, she attempted sympathy, however, Her face soon gave her away; she was entertained. Though this would have been missed By the blinking eye. With one fluid motion, Her arm was extended, Leaving her helping hand waiting.
She watched with curious eyes As the dragon threatened the lives Of all held within the walls it destroyed. Her power was much greater now. She smiled at the thought Of a playful baby dragon. …She wondered… ...Click...click...click...click… She found herself in the room Remembered as that of rank IX. Even with a large, destructive dragon in their midst, She could feel the burning of eyes upon her. Eyes of the angry. Eyes of the confused. Eyes of the ecstatic. And most of all, Eyes of the frightened. Whether they were afraid of her, Or the monstrous creature before them, Didn’t make any difference. In fact, she didn’t have time To gauge their reactions. She shook her head and slid her Cat-like eyes towards the dragon. “Sinder,†a smooth, Enticing voice coaxed.
Is that a... .... ... skirt? :why?:
Click… click… click… Anybody home? She thought, Swinging her gaze to the side, as she often did when humoring herself. …click… click … … mmmhm…click… hmmmh… click… hmhmmhm. Record scratch: hold up. Was she… humming? She examined her own hands, Contemplating whether or not she truly was herself any longer. Could it be that perhaps this place had transformed her? She didn’t doubt it. However, it wasn’t long before she realized… This… music. She shook her head as if trying to purge it of the melody. But it seemed to cling to its residence inside of her thoughts. I’m crazy. She knew this song. …click…click… The song of the strings gained greater presence As she grew closer to the source. An abrupt silence fell upon both her heels and the music, As if they were one in the same. Demyx? Her eyes widened, and then narrowed in concentration. Definitely Demyx. The thread of his voice stitched her a grin, As her eyes used their own minds to follow her top lash line. Then—the slightest trace of sound--the feather-muted Folding of fragile wings--could be heard, just barely. But this whispered notion screamed, Causing her shoulders to drop. The rest of the conversation wasn’t hers to hear. Then again—neither was all that had managed to reach her ears. These pensive moments were full of heart-wrenching thought. …She’s… still here… Demyx’s exit was the next happening her brain allowed to register. Heart skipping beats, as she anticipated the second exit. But…it didn’t come. Wait. Wait. Wait. Nothing. …Click…click…click… Dark eyes peered around the corner in the hopes of secrecy, Only to be captured by the black cloud of smoke residing here. Quickly, she pulled back. Her brow furrowed. Pridelands?
It was emptier... than she had remembered. This was quite a surprising element Considering she never thought it possible. Of course, she had barely managed to press one foot Through the door before making this conclusion. However, she didn’t dare call for company. No. These moments were for thought. Tranquil, immortal thought. She loosened her shoulders with the next few steps. Her eyes danced, allowing each piece of memory to return. Every spec of dust was full of pains she struggled to control, And pleasures that held a twin affect. Dust could hold her forever, it seemed. However, she found herself under the impression That the choice was not hers, Having found herself deeper into this ocean of blank. The irony left it’s bitter sting in her mouth, As she became increasingly aware that something so baron Could be so… elaborate. She had always known, though perhaps denied at one point, The beauties this structure contained. But it wasn’t the architecture that took her breath today.
Riku swung aimlessly at the oceanic air. It seemed that was all he ever did. A sigh escaped him as he, free of enthusiasm, let the sword fall into the sand at his side. Dull island... After a venturous journey... After you had been what he had been through... After you've experienced every corner of every world, in multiple perspectives... Island life might seem... Lame. A smile graced his face as the wind brought sounds of playful banter to his ears. He took in the salty breeze, and then let it escape him again. There was nowhere else he'd rather be.
Cat-like eyes scanned the perimeters of Castle Oblivion. After having found no potential threats, A steady click-clack began to ring throughout the abyss. She had no intent of sneaking up on anyone, Therefore, she let the heels of her boots sing as they please. However, the song of the black leather beauties ended abruptly, As she found herself in front of the door to this great castle. Great as in large. Great as in powerful. Great as in notorious. As far as how wonderful it really was, she never could decide. Of course, she did, once upon a time, decide to leave these grounds. But forever was a word she seldom used. And as much as those within the castle might be taken by surprise at her arrival, She could not at all say that she never expected this herself. It was here, in front of the large, immaculate door that she reflected in silence Upon her past within the castle. She couldn’t help but wonder what reaction She might provoke. And what had become of old affairs? Had she been missed? Or… remembered at all? Perhaps she was not as significant as she had thought. Her presence here had always been shrouded by mystery. Those who believed trusted her with their life. Those who were skeptic… well… Hmph. She smiled at the thought of heated arguments from the past. Whether she was welcomed with kisses, Or cast out with bricks, She wouldn’t know until she entered. Within the time it took for her to blink, the doors had opened, and closed. She was now within castle walls. OOC: Took me a while to get here! But here I am =)
which so obnoxiously
and so obviously
and to their misfortune
I explode, silly. (I NEED TACOS)
Long lost sister :3
Right, like, what's with the Gullwings being FAIRIES? Yuna has GUNS. Paine has a SWORD. And Rikku STEALS STUFF. Guns + swords + theft = FAIRIES?! Who did this math? :/D=: I want to see the Gullwings in all of their BA awesomeness. Also, Lulu. Definitely Lulu.
That happens to me sometimes.
You are correct. 10 points for TsuFortississississimogamusH.
Your name is like, As long as mine.
The forest is on fire! Labitharagggihaaath. :xp: