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  1. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OoC: Sorry about not being on for a while. I spose it made it hard for Ukali to say anything about Nycx -.-‘

    And to Rexyggor, a few years have passed I believe. Since both Sora and Riku have kids (NOT TOGETHER). And their kids, obviously, are the “heirs.â€

    What the… She laughed in her head. It took only but I a few seconds to realize who this was. Seeming somehow different from before, but she had a certain arrogance about her. Some sort of vibe that was unmistakable.

    “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,†she falsely explained to Shain and Maika.

    “Yeah,†Maika said crossly, “She hasn’t tried any moves on me, and I’m irresistible!â€

    Shain laughed as Rylie rolled her eyes. “Irresistible to guys maybe. Oh—sorry—no offense Maika.†She said in false apology.

    “Puh!†he spat in her face, “as if! See all this?†he asked, flexing his muscles, “It’s all for the ladies. And uh, you’re pretty foxy yourself,†he added, speaking directly to the disguised Nycx. “Say, uh, what’s you’re name?â€

    “We don’t even know her name yet!â€
    Rylie declared, tugging on Xylarc’s arm. “So common! Spill the beans!â€

    Xylarc glanced nervously at Nycx. She wasn’t sure what she should tell them. The worry in her eyes soon turned to disgust as she saw Maika raisng his eyebrows at Nycx. He was rather good looking, but she didn’t find his “charm†very appealing.
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Aug 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OoC:EEK *cries* thank you! Writing means a lot to me. And I really enjoy reading your posts too. ^^ you’ve got talent!

    And is it me… Or are we missing some people?

    BiC: She was pleased. Nycx now knew that befriending them was the plan. But… did the other members? Nevertheless she had to follow through.

    “So your dad,†she declared, almost interrupting Nycx as she left. She then felt extremely awkward. All three of them had become silent and turned in her direction as they walked. “Er—he…who is he?â€

    “Oh, my dad? He’s just—â€

    “Just the most awesomest dad ever!†Interrupted Maika, “He goes everywhere in the galaxy fighting evil!â€

    “Used to,†Shain corrected him.

    “But now, the heartless are returning to some places.â€

    “Shain’s dad is the keybearer.†Rylie grinned.

    “So… he kills the Heartless?â€

    “Yeah!†Maika blasted, “blow’s the suckers heads off just like that! Piece of cake! For him of course. Not many can hold the power of the keyblade. But we know who can!†he added, turing to Shain.

    “Killing?†she wasn’t exactly sure how to go about turning Shain on his father, “that’s horrible.â€

    Before Shain could speak, Maikia spat, “Horrible? The heartless are evil! Shain’s dad is a hero! How dare you?â€
    “Heartless aren’t evil. They’re just… misunderstood. How would you like to become a heartless?â€

    “People don’t become Heartless.â€

    “Oh yeah?†she said. At this point, she wasn’t just fake bickering anymore. She was getting annoyed with this Maika kid. He seemed pretty heartless to her... She followed Ienzo’s request to calm down. “I always thought they did,†she said calmly.

    “Makes sense to me,â€
    Shain grinned. She could tell Shain didn’t really want them fighting. He was kind of laid back. She appreciated it. Now… what else had Nycx said? Keep him in your grasp…Use your girl stuff… oh no. She thought, yeah this black hoodie, real attractive. But she couldn’t show her identity, the organization would kill her. She sighed. “What’s the matter?†Shain asked, cocking his head to the side.

    Xylarc could almost swear she was drooling a little. Mann, he was cute. But he was the enemy. She was secretly wondering exactly what she should say. “Oh nothing, it’s just…â€

    “What?†Maika spat, “out with it!â€

    “Just missing a friend,†she smiled. But she realized that was pointless. They couldn’t see her face. She knew in order for her “girl stuff†to work, she’d have to reveal herself. She shook her head. Randomly, she pointed at something in the other direction. They all looked that way, and she froze time. She began to walk away to find Kry to ask if she could show herself when she heard the voice of Ienzo.

    You’re forgetting your other power.

    “What other power?†she asked, dumbfounded.

    My power. The power of Illusion.

    “What does your power have to do with mine?â€

    I’ve passed it onto you of course. You being my replacement in the organization, it’s only fitting. Right?

    “I suppose,†she said, unsure, “how do I use it?â€

    Just like you use your time control, except you use your left hand.

    Xylarc hesitated before curling her left hand into a fist.

    Now imagine yourself any way you want.

    “Any way?â€

    Any way. You can change your eyes, your body, your clothes. The only thing you can’t really change is your face.

    Xylarc imagined herself a little differently, making sure to seem particularly appealing to the guys. Her shape was always decent, so there wasn’t much to change. She couldn’t change her clothes because the three of them would be suspicious. So instead, she imagined clothes under her sweatshirt. She left her jeans the same of course. She loved them. They looked all torn up, but it was the way she liked them. She had always loved her crystal blue eyes, and felt no desire to change them. She did however imagine makeup perfection on her face. She didn’t have many blemishes to begin with, but now, her skin was near perfect. She imagined herself with super-cute shoes. The only thing left to change was her hair. She could make it the golden locks she had always had because she still had her own face. And for the same reason, she couldn’t keep it black. She imagined it shorter. A cute modern cut she knew was cute. Then she imagined it beach blond with savory brown lowlights. She couldn’t help herself. She added several accessories and jewelry before unfreezing time.

    When time unfroze, she had looked the same as before. But it was only a matter of time before she took of the hoodie and the real fun began.
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Aug 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    Xylarc smiled back and watched as Kasha disappeared behind Nycx. But as she took her first step to follow, something was tugging at where her heart should be. She grimaced, as it quickly turned into a throbbing pain.

    She glanced to her left to see the three kids. Don’t notice me, she pleaded in her head, NO. Rylie had caught her eye. She happily began skipping over to her. No. Go away. Stop it.

    “Hey,” she smiled, “congratulations.”

    Xylarc silently sighed and nodded her head. She glanced back to see that the portal had disappeared. Great. She wondered if Nycx or Kasha had noticed she wasn’t wearing her cloak.

    “What’s the matter?” Rylie seemed sincere.

    “Nothing,” she said defensively.

    “Come on, you can tell me.” She said as the others came to join them. She could already tell their friend was outgoing and a little cocky as he shoved his way in front of Shain and Rylie.

    “What’s you’re real name anyways?” he asked, rather obnoxiously.

    When she refused to answer Rylie took over again, “Hey, we don’t bite.”

    “Not hard, anyways,” Shain added, grinning. Xylarc felt herself turn red inside the hood. At least they couldn’t see it. “Good job out there! You’re insane!”

    She blushed a little more. “Nothing,” she said, crossing her arms. What would number one say about this? Where was number one?

    “Hey, you look like you could use some fun,” Rylie cheered. “Come on guys, let’s get some ice cream!”

    “I guess my dad can wait,” Shain sighed.

    “He’ll be around all day. Come on lighten up.” Said the other boy.

    “Hey,” Rylie protested, “He hasn’t seen his dad in over a month!”

    “That’s because we’ve been hanging out here. What would your dad say if he heard you’re practically living away from home? I say it’s best to steer clear of him.”

    “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Shain said, cheering up. “Let’s go get that ice cream. It’s on me.”

    Xylarc watched as they headed towards town. For a second, she actually thought they’d walk away, not noticing her staying behind. But of course, Rylie turned around and smiled, “You coming?”

    She hesitated. “Er—no.”

    “Nonsense!” she cheered as she skipped back to get her. She grasped her by the arm and practically dragged her up to the boys. “This is Shain, Maika, and I’m Rylie.”

    Perhaps this wasn’t so bad. It was the perfect opportunity for the plan she had always heard the organization talking about. She would pretend to befriend them until she had them right where she wanted them. She just hoped Nycx knew that this was part of the plan. She would be murdered if the organization thought she had betrayed them.

    OoC: Sorry about all the color scattered everywhere. Would it be easier for you to read if i colored a whole paragraph one color? the thing is, the whole thing is from Xylarc's point of view, so technically i'm not sure if it should be colored at all...

    and i know you're tired of me apologizing for the length of my posts. hopefully they'll get a little shorter... -.-'
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    The stadium seemed to suddenly get colder. She watched intently as the one they called Shain walked up on the arena platform before joining him. Shain too reminded her of someone… but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Maybe… she thought, maybe it’s just all in my head.

    She grabbed the same club as the other rounds. Shain didn’t seem to think too much before grabbing his. But she could no longer deny it. He looked like someone! But who? She thought for a while, remembering Rylie. She had soft beach blond hair with silent streaks of silver swaying within. Her big greenish eyes glowed like the ocean. And her face… who was she?!

    Her thoughts then drifted back to Shain. His face was so familiar. His hair was an uncommon color. It switched between auburn and a beautiful shade of brown depending on the angle of the sun and where she was standing. And his deep blue eyes… she suddenly cocked her head to the side, appreciating the way the sun sparkled in the crystal-like depths of his eyes.

    Before she knew it, her head smacked against the cold hard ground of the arena. Suddenly, she came back to her senses. She lifted herself off the ground with her arms and swung her legs so they knocked the boy over. Getting to her feet, she grasped all the orbs around that she could. She grimaced as Shain got to his feet. He darted fast and obviously angered toward her.

    Deck him!

    Without thinking, she prepared her self to punch him, her right hand in a fist at her side. She closed her eyes. Something strange happened. She heard absolutely no sound at all.

    “Omigosh! I’m dead! Omigosh!â€

    Haha, calm down! You’re not dead. Open your eyes.

    She did as she was told. She opened her eyes to see Shain less than a foot away. She grimaced. And then, she realized time was once again frozen. She looked the to clock and then to the score. 005 to 006 in her favor. She grinned. But suddenly, every ounce of satisfaction left her body as she looked back to Shain. Less than an inch away from her, was not Shain’s club… instead, in his hands lay a cold, complex piece of metal she had come to know as the keyblade.

    She heavy heartedly extended her hand out to the right and watched as the clock reached zero. She moved out of the way of the keyblade and unfroze time. She watched as Shain then swung at nothing.

    “Whoa! Did you see that agility?!â€

    “I Sure did chuck! What a show! And the buzzer sounds! Where did all the time go?â€

    “I don’t know randy, I guess Death’s kiss must just have a way to intrigue us. You know what they say, "time flies when you’re having fun!â€â€

    “It sure does. Now folks, give it up for the champion, Death’s Kiss!â€

    Xylarc walked slowly over to the man holding her award with absolutely no bounce in her step. She received 3000 munny and a trophy.

    She looked to see Shain getting his second place award and then meeting up with his friends Rylie, and another boy who had won his first round, but then lost to Shain on his second. Just then a gummi ship flew overhead.

    “My dad!†she heard Shain, “Come on guys, let’s go!â€

    “Omigosh! Ienzo! What do I do?!†she whispered.

    Go after them. Find the new organization.

    She ran as fast as she could, trying her best to avoid running into the three in any of the alleys. She got to her cloacked ship and carfully but quickly set her trophy inside and put the munny in her pocket. She then started up the ship and brought it to a nearby rooftop so no one would hopefully run into it.

    Just then, she saw the back of what looked like a familiar Nycx. She jumped off the roof and ran towards her. Suddenly, she tripped over something. Getting back her balance she panted “Puppy! I’m so sorr—Kasha?!â€

    OoC: I wasn't exactly sure what ammount of munny she should earn. is 3000 too much? too little?

    And tell the truth, is the name Shain okay for the heir?
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OoC: Okay, NOW I have some time to post BiC and yeah I’ll be a little busy for a while too. But that’s only natural with school starting. Eventually everything will feel like normal boring stressful school life again… -.-'

    BiC: Ten minutes. She had ten minutes to regain herself. She walked out into the alley carefully, so no one would see her. “what did you get me into?!”

    Oh, come on! You’re already guaranteed second place prize. No one here even knows who you are. And even if they did, no one would be able to even tell it’s you.

    She couldn’t deny the truth. She swallowed hard as she once again heard the echoing voices of Chuck and Randy.

    “Prepare yourselves folks!”

    “Indeed they should, chuck. Are you all ready to watch the final round of the Struggle competition?” he paused to hear the crowd go wild. “Up next, our finalists, Shain VS Death’s Kiss!”

    "An excellent match! I sure do wonder how this is going to turn out!"

    "Me too," she gulped.

    OoC: okay i'm just goign to stop here and wait a while since a lot of my posts have been REALLY long lately. and I really dont wan't to bore you all to death (I doubt RPing is much fun all alone ^^')
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt
    OoC: G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. HELP!!! STUCK IN MY HEAD!!! FERGIE!!! AHHH. although i admit its better than "London Bridge" ... SMOOF! now they're both stuck in my head!!!


    me neither... vv' especiall when both guys are attractive... because suddenly... they're less attractive... *shutters*

    I dont have enough time right now to actually RP so i'll just post OoC for now. but i was actually thinking of starting another RPG. does anyone have ideas?

    I'm just kind of really bored right now but my family is bugging me to get ready... we're going shopping and i still havent showered... i just woke up, really. so be happy to know that the first thing i did this morning was check up on you guys. ^^ I'll prolly come back on and post BiC later. yes, this post was random. -peace-
    Post by: DestinedToMemoriesCorrupt, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home