Do you play kh bbs? If you do where are you in?
Thanks I really appreciate you!! I love you so much sis:)
And your the perfect sister to me too!!
You're very nice:)
Do you have a kairi picture that i dont have? -if you dont know which pics i have check my photobucket and photos in fanpop Thanx for being the...
I love ur avatar.It's cool!!
No your the coolest!!
You're the coolest:D
Yeah im savin the best for last:)
Nothin.I just finished my first story which was terra in KH BBS.And now im playing as aqua.
How are you doing!
Im feeling great!
How you doin?
Cool Sora Picture! I love it:)
Thank you so much!! It's a great picture:D
Yeah like yours:)
I like your avatar a lot:D
Cute Icon It's been approved by sora and me!!
Yes find me a picture for me PLEASE and thank you:)
Kairi and Sora are GREAT together! Both of them are awesome and cool and cute!!:)