Oh okay and its actually really fun doing amvs...So how are u?
Oh okay thanks I will try that.....once I go save on ff9 that is
Ya me 2 and yea kh and ff are really cool I mainly do ff amvs and some kh and some animes what about u do u do amvs?
lol yep .........
lol I know what u mean I missed a couple of episodes but with the new Yugioh 5ds series I have only missed a couple
Ya its 1 of my fav video games series I also liked Grandia 3 and some others though
cool and thanks its Jaden Yuki and I m kind of a big fan of yugioh/ff what about u?
oh thats cool I like ff do u?
not* ............
no exactly
Thanks for the add^^ and nice Yuna pic^^
Thanks for the add^^
Thanks for the add and I like your Zero icon and your Yukki and Zero profile pic
Thanks for the add and nice Zero pic
Thanks for the add and I like your Tifa profile pic
okay thanks and I think its where I just did something with Lock, Shock and Barrel and I m at the part where u climb up the tree to go get to the boss
Ya it is hard I m stuck on halloween town/in side that whale
Oh cool I haven't beaten kh but I beat kh2
lol okay... Thanks Axel and Happy New Year to u 2^^
good u? .........