how awsummmmm thats cool n yea me2
oh rly heh yea that happen 2 me 2 n ur welcome i was lyk i want 2 ur friend
thats true n terra was hard becuz hes slow but good attack power n me in a weekcoudnt stop playing either
i beat him wid three moves wid ven only but aqua n terra not so good n in critacal mode i beat the gamen him in 1 week
yea u did tell me n yestardy it was our 9 mounth
yea i know rite i was lyk the best in it but i cant win the mysitrous figure cuz hes dam hard
rly mines is birth by sleep cuz i always wantd 2 know how it all startd
yyyy hello there
hey there wats up its been awhile
well thatstrue but in sum part riku gets crapy cards but u need 2 know how 2 use them thats yyy
yea i know rite n 4 me it was ansume lyk 4 riku cuz i made plans 4 all three of them but 2 me its larxene n riku
yeaup n hes laugh is so anoying lyk i would kill himm again or axel again
hey there y dont u have friends
i know rite i thot he was going 2 kill her but nooo sora had 2 do it
heyyyyyyy wat up dude
come dude u can trust me
i know rite lyk she ugh she is da most i hate da most
um that would be xemmness n wat about u
vladimir lyk that one book
come just tell me wat happend