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  1. Clontox
    FIND THE STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Clontox
    Whered you get the extractor?

    can you post the even more disturbing ones?

    howcome you cant get kh2 models? and what do you mean the stick is in a different model? remember that Roxas wields the stick, slashes with it, then throws it and it hits Riku?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  3. Clontox
    Its for the game Im making. Its got Homer simpson, pikachu (gets killed all the time), Cloud, Sephiroth, Captain Roger(Self Made), FoxMcloud, Mario, and Ten Vegetas. Yes... there is ten of them. 9 of them get killed by sephiroth.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Clontox
    Dude... I MADE ONE OF THOSE FOR MY GAME! AND SINSE I PRETTY MUCH HAD NO IDEA ABOUT DEBUG ROOMS, I TECHNIQUILY INVENTED IT! Just a little late. Same thing happened with my friend Jorden. He invented the mop.

    So finding the Debug Room is like trying to find Kingdom Hearts in the games storyline as far as difficulty and how much its worth it?

    My Debug Room is cooler though, because... well... youd have to see for yourself, and I can tell that you REALLY like Final Fantasy 8.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Clontox
    I meant to say that I didnt mean to be rude. I just get moments where I juist act like a total *** hole. I just didnt word it veryu politely, and Im sorry for that. But I everything besides that I meant. I really CAN play as well as I said I can, and I really will do all the requests that Xaldin gets that he doesnt want to do or cant do for any reason. So what do you think?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  6. Clontox
    I have to talk my best friend into downloading it. He only downloads songs that are eithar cool, hard, and especially botch, which will guarentee that he will download it.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Clontox
    I pwnat pretty much any and every online game, but Halo 2 the most. You know why? Well you know how you can play music on Halo 2 when you play it on the 360? Guess who discovered that.......... Pretty self explanitory, aint it?

    dont ask what site he got that from, because I know from an accedent. Happens all the time with google search.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  8. Clontox
    Lets make it easier and only use ones in english.

    I would have to say its eithar Dragon Quest Eight: The Journy Of The Cursed King, or The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past.

    Theyre both pretty long if you ask me, but I like Zelda better than Dragon Quest, so ZELDA WINS!!!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  9. Clontox
    umm... great. But whats the difference between the Debug MENU thats in MOST games, and the Debug ROOM thats in THIS game!?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Clontox
    Uhh... Xaldin, not to be rude or anything, but you really suck at this game. If you really want to know how to own kingdom hearts 2, just PM me, Ill fill you in. By the way, how do you record this? Do you use a Dvd player to record it or something? Please tell me how, and I will do everything people have requested of you, seriously, and trust me, Ill own when I do the videos. Not that you dont do a good job, I just can guarentee an awesome video that provides ultimate ownage, and the same quality of fights as the climatic battles in 5 star action/adventure movies.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  11. Clontox
    Can you make one of Roxas Bashing on the Computer, slashing with the stick, and and bashing on sora before he nocks the keyblade out of Soras hands? Thanks, and I would like them all to be repeated as well.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Clontox
    But if you dont know how to get to it, then how do you know it even exists? And what is the difference between a Debug Room and Debug Menu? Something tells me that the debug room is WAY more awesome than the debug menu.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Clontox
    Actually its only illegal if you SELL it to someone after fiddling with it (WINK!!!!!)

    Can you get some more of the stick? Like some of Roxas wielding the stick?

    I noticed that Dark RIku, Cloud, and Sephiroth all have rendors that look like they are dancing.

    How do you get these?

    Can you get me a render of one of Axels Chackrams at the right angle for my spidey avatar? thanks.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  14. Clontox
    wait... Debug room? You mean we found it!?!?!?!? fill me in!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Clontox
    Howd you get that avatar without the background!?!?!?!?!?!? if you have anymore or any bigger ones, could I have them!?!?!?!? I need to make a cool new avatar!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Clontox
    uhh... yes we do have one. I dont know what ever gave you the idea that we didnt, but we do, andyou can fight him anywhere. Actually now that I think about it, I tried that code to replaace donald with skyscraper xemnas and it didnt work. I forget weither it said it was invalid or if it was for the wrong game, but sithar way it didnt work. can you help me out, jlhack?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Clontox
    Guess whos back!

    Actually Im not back. Im still in Mexico, lol. But I cant download anything, which means no converting for me, sorry.

    Anyways, how are we doing with the codes? anything HUGE I should know about?

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Clontox
    Is there a Valor Form one? What about a Final Form one? And an Anti-Form one would be HECKA TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Clontox
    Can someone post the code for Saix replacing Goofy?

    Can someone post the code for Xigbar replacing Donald? Thanks, and I'm going to be in Mexico for the next two weeks, so could you PM me the codes? thanks.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Clontox
    No music in Boss battles, Normal World Music, and Gummi Menu

    Final Station (Combo) Awakening/Destati

    Epic Showdown (Combo) Showdown at Hollow Bastion/Chaotic Battle

    Boss Battle (Combo) Large Boss Battle/Special Boss Battle

    Pure Evil (Combo) Try in Xemnas Final Battle and don't skip cutscenes

    Organization XIII Strikes Back (Combo) Evilman will like this one

    Note that if any of these turn out not to be the ones I said, it's because the person who wrote the names of the music didn't type them in correctly, so don't blame me.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault