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  1. Clontox
    They have Yoshi now, yippie skippie. I want to see Sora in this for no reason, even though there is no chance at all of it happening.

    (B) Strike Raid (Rapid Throwing)
    Sora throws the keyblade as it spins around slashing any enamies in its path, then the keyblade teleports back to Sora.

    (Side) (B) Sonic Blade (Repetative)
    Sora dashes forward with lightning speed while lunging the keyblade forward, impailing any enamies in its path. With each hit, the move is repeated, but be careful, for it can end you up over the edge of the arena.

    (Down) (B) Ars Arcanum (Combonation)
    Sora goes into a slashing combo frenzy. With each hit, you must push the right buttons for the combonation to finish succesfully, this move cannot be redirected, so it does leave you open for attacks.

    (Up) (B) Ragnorok (Recovery)

    Sora leaps into the air as an orb of energy is charged at the tip of the keyblade. When timed succesfully, the keyblade unleashes the energy, and dozens of little orbs go flying towards your enamies on their own. You need to be presise with your timing, for if you push the button too early or too late, the move will have less of an effect.

    (Final Smash) Trinity Limit
    Donald and Goofy come to Sora's Aid, and blast the foes with a frenzy of drive orbs, then use Ultima on all enamies nearby, then each one of them moves to the closest target, and unleashes a combonation of hits. None of these moves do any damage, but after they are done, Sora, Donald, and Goofy all move together to the center of the stage, hold their weapons up together in the air, and create a orb of force that pulls all enamies into it, and for all the hits dealt from the last attacks, each enamy is hit with the exact same ammount, except this time, they also are all dealt with the same amount of damage as they would if they had taken damage from the last attacks.

    I hope Isaac gets on as a newcomer. Isaac deserves to be on smash. It's also rumored that Ridley will also be a playable character, due to the fact that he has his own stage. We know this because he has his own music, and why else would they have his theme music besides to have it on his stage, and why would they have a stage if you can't play as the character who the stage represents?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. Clontox
    Have any of you ever noticed that whenever your anti-form, (I noticed this when fighting Xaldin not to long ago) that when you get a boss into a huge combo, they get stuck in the air for a little bit moving an inch at a time, because you hit him so many times so fast, the game has to catch up with you. Could someone make a video of this
    please? and if someone does, could you give me credit for it being my idea? thanks.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  3. Clontox
    1) Aw, damnit!!!

    2) Are you guys on crack or something? last time I tried the full party in the final battle, it worked, and donald was there, so what the hell is up with all the talk about how it doesn't work?

    3) Can somebody answer my question about pooh on Sora's head? ah, oh well, Nevermind.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Clontox
    I noticed that a User named THE STICK was online here, and I just wanted to point out that THE STICK OWNS!!!!!!!!!! and I just thought that he was cool for being THE STICK.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Clontox
    The Stick Owns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Clontox
    Thats actually a good Idea, and it's possible with the right codes, but I don't know if the game would freeze or not.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Clontox
    Does the Pooh on Sora's shoulders work in Soras character slot?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Clontox
    I just found out that you can make cars go flying through the air by flinging boxes at them! ROFL!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Clontox
    1) The Final Xemnas code... I think.

    2) I KNOW I KNOW! It's just that one guy posted the max health = 0 code, so I thought that he could do the same with a characters strength. I didnt exactly mean the Kingdom Key. I just meant to have Soras strength be 3 points below max, so I could weild The Kingdom Key and Own.

    Hey guys, why doesn't this work?
    11C95618 000008D1
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Clontox
    1) Have you guys tried this code in TWTNW with Riku in the party?

    2) does the Final Xemnas code work in the Final Batle so you could have 2 Xemnas'?

    3) Awesome, thanks for the codes.

    4) why dont you try the no party members code when you go into the debug room?

    5) can someone post the code for super Goofy(teleports) and Super Donald(teleports)?

    6) Can someone post the code for the Kingdom Keys strength and Magic be 10 or more? thatnks, I just got back from mexico so Im ready to test again! WOOT!!!
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Clontox
    1) what?

    2) can you make the Kingdom Key atk value maxed out?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Clontox
    so it could be possible to use final mix on a ps3 without buying anything extra?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Clontox
    Awesome! Thanks! can you get one of Mickey talking his cloak off, and when the screen goes black, have it switch to when riku took his off, and visa versa? And can you get one of Sora stabbing himself over and over? Thanks.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Clontox
    1) Thanks

    2) Is it really that big of a deal to have FF7? everyone has it sinse it was such a popular game.

    3) I can try it if I had Final Mix. Ill look into it as soon as I get home from Mexico. I am leaving tomarrow.

    4) Whats the code for Sora to wield Battle Fields of War, Scimitar, Skill and Cross Bones, Way to the Dawn, and Sword of the Ancester? I want to see them in cutscenes, because I noticed that when you use the Final Form in final battle code, Sora will switch from Normal to Final Form in the last cutscene, so I want to see if I can see Sora wielding those weapons not only then, but in all the other scenes as well. I still wish we could wield the Stick.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Clontox
    Can you post the code to switch donald/goofy with the stick?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Clontox
    A) Pushed hard through collision data at the right spot

    B) You can make a code to have your teleport location coordinates be outside the collision data that prevents you from going outside of the world map.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Clontox
    1) sounds like you want to rape them

    2) and hyphens like this -

    3) anyone else have Gaia Online?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Clontox

    If I go crazy then will you still call me NINJA MAN!?
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Clontox
    Banned for banning for XXX
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Clontox
    ... Xaren The Twilit Angel.
    Post by: Clontox, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone