Since DA has sort of gone AWOL and Spitty seems to be sick of answering his questions, someone else needs to be chosen. ;P whoisit
I hear it is your birthday. Man, you're getting on a bit.. 20? Next year you'll be getting knitted cardigans as presents. ;P n_______n jkjkjk lololol. Haaaaappy Biiiiiirthday. Try not to get too smashed.
I have the last paragraph of the new KHVR! I can't believe it, it's so tragic and amazing. ;_;! "Roxas and Cin sat in the twilit grove, holding hands. "Cin..." Roxas whispered. "Before we die... well, the thing is, I think we should do it. So we can at least do it once before we die." Within seconds, Cin's lips were placed on Roxas'. Roxas felt his cheeks turn red. Cin slipped his hand down Roxas pants. "cin..." Roxas breathed, "This is ama-" The gunshot echoed throughout the grove. Roxas looked down at his hands to see them coated with blood. He looked up at Cin's face to it stricken with tears. "I-I'm so sorry..." cried Cin, and Roxas's last life slipped away. 1 MEMBER REMAINING - GAME OVER
While I wear the hat that she sent me. She also sent me a monkey and some chocuhlit ****. :3 ILU KITTY. XD My mam attacked me with the camera, but I hid my face in shame.
You hobag. Though I did savour the moment as it was pretty funny. :3******cy5.jpg
It's nearly christmas, so here is my list. :3 New phone iPod speakers Skins DVD Lithium Chocuhlit Disney DVDs :D Faster internet A life Sex Drugs Rock n' roll n______n Please decide amongst yourselves who will be getting me each present. And feel free to post your own christmas lists. ;3
Making all those threads about yourselves, tsk tsk. Why point out your own flaws when I can do it for you?? :D
I'm sick of seeing guys with super bushy eyebrows. What's so feminine about plucking them? Men should do it too. |< /endrandom
And it just so happens to be one of the best British sitcoms everrrrrr. T_T Article. In case you didn't know, Spaced is a hilarious show, starring the actors of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz (Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Jessica Stevenson). I agree with this comment: ): I would recommend the original series to anyone.
So pleeease go read them if you haven't already, since a few things have been changed or reworded to make them clearer. The old ones, we thought, were a bit out of date. Clicky. Comments, questions and concerns can also go in this thread~
I see how it is. >: This is what Kitty reminds me of, whenever I see her name. KITTYKITTYKITTYKITTYKITTYKITTY 3: SMTV<33333 "IT'S A KITTEN, MAN! LISTEN TO IZ! TURN UP YOUR TELLY!" "....soft.. spot.. kitten.." xDD DUMB KIDS. Cookies to the first person who actually gets the answer. WITHOUT reading the comments left by youtubers. x3
I know this thread is dumb, but since sleeping is my favourite past-time, it had to be made. >D (lol, I thought of it while I was lying in bed this afternoon) What position do you lie in? What kind of bed do you have, single or double? How many pillows? Do you like to lie-in late? Do you snore? Do you dream? Do you wear pyjamas? Do you sleep with teddy bears (you lame-asz)? SO MANY THINGS TO BE DISCUSSED :D I don't usually curl up unless I'm cold, and if I am cold, I usually warm up straight away because my bed is so snuggly and hottt. My position is usually spread out (well, as spread out as you can get on a single bed), legs everywhere and arms either tucked under my pillows or touching my face for some reason. Speaking of pillows, I have three of them and one is triangular - it's meant to help your neck or something, I don't care, alls I know is that it's supar comfy. :3 I do like to lie in late, as anyone who knows me will know well. I'm a total night owl and the only time I see sunrise is when I've done an all-nighter stayed up long enough to see the morning sun. I DO NOT snore. But that doesn't mean that it'd be a breeze to sleep in the same bed as me. I toss and turn like no other, my stomach makes weird noises regardless if I'm hungry or not and I hump the mattress in my sleep, or so I'm told. I always, always wear pyjamas, sleeping naked just doesn't feel right. xD; And if I'm too hot, I'll at least wear underwear and a vest top. The only stuffed animal thing that I sleep with is a purple monkey... and it's not furry or anything like that, it acts more as a pillow. /end ramble
OMG u rul!!11
was pretty unorganised before, and not many people were completely clear on it. So here's a thread to officially set things straight. Some people thought you had to have the right amount of both posts and reputation points, and some thought only one of those was needed. I also heard some different numbers for the amount of rep needed. 50, 50-75 (lol?), 75 or 100. So... in order to get it into a more organised state, we've decided that both 100 rep and 1000 posts will be needed to become a premium member (I personally thought this was the case anyway, but then I noticed that a lot of prems didn't meet these specifications). You also have to have been a member for at least 60 days. Speaking of the prems who don't currently fit the criteria... they will have to be removed (once an admin can get their butt in gear, that is), since it would unfair to keep them there, sorry guys. All in all, 23 prems will be removed. Soooo, if you're pink and you have less than 1000 posts and/or 100 rep, your days are numbered!
I just knew you had it in you, love! And I'm sure you'll do just great. ^________^ What an asset to our team!
Due to some complaints, retries will only be permitted under certain circumstances. You must PM a mod/admin if you wish to start over for it can be a waste of server space and clutters up the forum, annoying other members. After you've requested a retry - while also explaining your reasons as to why you think you should be allowed one - the mod/admin will decide whether your thread is worthy of a retry or not. They will then close the previous thread. A retry may be granted if: 1. The previous thread got out of hand. 2. Too many participants became unavailable. A retry may not be granted if: 1. People simply lost interest in the thread. 2. The previous thread gained no attention. If the retry still fails to achieve it's purpose, it may also be closed. ~x-posted in forum families~
Please say I'm not the only one who loves this British 'dramedy' series. x3 It's aimed at teens, but it's x-rated. xD; I love all the characters, especially Maxxie (the caring gay one) and Chris (the crazy party animal). It's way better than American shows such as the OC or One Tree Hill or anything like that. Everyone of my irl friends knows and loves it, but I can't seem to find anyone online who likes it. x3
I noticed that some of you have marquees in your sigs and well, it gave me an idea. TRY PRESSING THOSE BUTTONS NOW AHAHAHHAHA
So here's something to bring the joy. :'D