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  1. Near
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    Oh hai thar

    Oh hai thar
    Profile Post by Near for Legion, Dec 11, 2009
  3. Near
  4. Near
    "Toxyn, no!" Elevir shouted, running after the elemental before realizing just what she was running back into. Through the insanities the manic had caused, she tried to keep running to help Toxyn.
    When she reached the adequate distance, she brought the knife down on the shoulder of the arm that the Manic was using to claw at the other boy. She was too close to realize her wings weren't there behind her back anymore.
    Post by: Near, Dec 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near
    Elevir realized what was going to happen just before the attack swept across the alley. The force of it sent her stumbling backward, clutching her head in her hands. She regained some part of her composure when there were a few yards between her and the Manic boy.
    The panic and fear being forced through her thoughts made it hard to focus at all, though; she didn't want to throw her knife, what with the risk of losing it, yet trying to rush in and attack wouldn't end well, either. A feeling of being trapped found its way into her mind, and she took another step back.

    The Manics were supposed to be dead. How could so many survive an explosion like the one that destroyed the Orphanage?
    Post by: Near, Dec 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near
    Elevir's eyes shot down in the boy's direction once again as he spoke.
    "...What is it?" she answered. It wasn't a guarantee that she could, or would do whatever it was he needed of her. She couldn't read his intentions, and there wasn't any sign of who he was running from, at least not yet.
    Post by: Near, Dec 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near
    The only thoughts racing through the boy's mind were those of panic, presumably from being chased for so long.
    "What's chasing you?" Elevir asked, reaching for the all-too-familiar knife in her pocket. She pulled her arm away from the boy, preparing in case whatever the boy was running from caught up to them.
    Post by: Near, Dec 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near
    She drew her hand back towards her a little bit. She couldn't decide what question to ask first, though there were so many running through her head. After looking down to the ground beneath her for an insignificant period of time, her silver eyes directed back toward the boy in front of her.
    "Wha... what happened?" she asked, wincing at the sight and hoping she'd asked the right question.
    Post by: Near, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near
    'Captured...?' Elevir wondered in response to Toxyn, seconds before the sound of someone stumbling through the alleyway reached her ears. She spun around on instinct, her wings spreading out in front of Toxyn. She looked in the direction of the body on the ground, trying to read for any signs of life. However, this failed, and she could only step slowly closer, after moments reaching out to the boy's wrist to feel for a pulse.
    Post by: Near, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near
    Elevir got to her feet just after Toxyn had, and seemed to muse over the other's words for a few more seconds.
    "I only got here earlier this morning... but from what I've collected, this is a town where escapee Gifts gather. We're supposed to feel safe here," she answered.
    'And we're not freaks.' she couldn't help but add. Even if it wasn't meant for his ears, at least not at first, she was almost positive that he'd heard it.
    "A... Anyway, we should find somewhere safer to stay. If you can walk."
    Post by: Near, Dec 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near
    After Elevir had finished fixing up the gashes across Toxyn's back, she spoke quietly.
    "Sorry I don't have anything to help with the pain. At least your wounds won't get infected, now."

    She looked towards the ground, seemingly examining the once-pure-white cloths scattered about, now covered in dry blood and antiseptic. In reality she was lost in her thoughts, and the thoughts of others, and it was sudden when a moment later she looked up towards the boy in front of her and asked softly,
    "You don't have anywhere else to stay, do you?"
    Post by: Near, Dec 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near
  13. Near

    All posts must be a minimum of three lines long, guys. I understand in conversations it's harder to follow that rule, but not in battle scenes.
    Post by: Near, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near
  15. Near
    OOC:// Hey guys, watch out for the two-liners :B|:. The vast majority of posts must be three lines or longer.
    Post by: Near, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near
    OOC:// :/8D: It's impossible for your character to be twenty-three if the orphanage killed peeps on their twentieth birthday and this takes place two years from then.
    Post by: Near, Nov 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Near
    OOC:// TwilightBlader, we aren't in need of another antagonist. It may kill the storyline.

    Legion, I thought we'd agreed that the Orphanage was in Germany and Siletste was in Spain? Oh well, it doesn't matter.

    EDIT: Four members viewing. :/8D: This is almost as popular as Rivals.

    IC:// Elevir nodded, then took to the air. She came back moments later with a bag, stepping over to where Toxyn was hiding.

    Images and thoughts flashed through her mind from the building the two were hiding behind.

    ... We have to get out of here... Elevir thought, although remembering the condition Toxyn was in less than seconds after. If he couldn't walk, then she'd only to hope Larenzo wouldn't notice them.

    She kneeled down next to where Toxyn hid, hugging his knees again.
    "I can help you now," she said.
    Post by: Near, Nov 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Near
  19. Near
  20. Near
    Toxyn wasn't in any of a shape at all to do anything to her, but Elevir wouldn't mention that. He didn't trust her as it was, and rubbing salt in the wound wouldn't help much at all. Especially when he really did need her help, whether he wanted to accept it or not.

    "... We need to take care of those gashes on your back," Elevir spoke, "But I don't have the supplies. I could go get them, but you'd have to wait here for a bit."
    Post by: Near, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home