I'm Near. :B|:
"Uh... What are you doing?" Danael asked, trailing behind the other boy. Yukio was acting really bizarre. Boy, did I get stuck with a strange kid for a partner. Better than not having a partner at all, I guess. I wouldn't have lasted much longer like that. Something about him seems familiar, though.
Danael decided not to bother asking a ton of questions... Instead he just waited and thought to himself. He'd been doing a lot of that lately... hopefully the week would be over soon enough.
"Where exactly are we going?" Danael asked, probably around fifteen minutes later.
"Oh, um, sure." Not like he left me much choice... or that I have anywhere else to go right about now...Danael thought, following Yukio. OOC:// What does Yukio look like?
Danael glanced down at his hand. The other boy was right, there wasn't a timer anymore... "So... what now?"
"...How did you do that?" he asked, after the Noise dissipated. Danael hadn't even laid a finger on the Noise. At least, he didn't think he had.
"Okay," Danael replied. He had his pins ready, but waited for Yukio's lead. "Hurry!"
Danael followed Yukio, looking closely at the statue. Something was definitely off about it... though Danael couldn't put his finger on what it was. But then... "Hey, Yukio, look at this," he spoke. There was a mark on one of the statue's front legs that looked as though some kid had scribbled on it in blue. Danael reached out to dust it off and get a closer look at it... And the statue leaped out at him. "Watch out!" he spoke to Yukio.
"We should check Hachiko out for now." Danael suggested.
"I'm Danael." the raven-haired boy spoke, shaking the other boy's hand. "So... about the mission..."
"...Wha?" A pact? With... who? He glanced around again, looking for the source of the laugh. "Who are you?" he spoke, when he finally spotted him.
"Agh!" Danael yelled as the noise attacked him, giving him almost zero time to react. All he could do was shake them off of him, and take the spit second in which they were launching back to their feet to run. He looked back for a second, glad to see that the Noise weren't after him anymore. But didn't that mean they would be attacking people in the RealGround? Just like yesterday... so how long would he be able to keep running before his luck ran out? He looked around to see that he was at the Hachiko statue. Again. He glanced around warily, wondering why he had even survived this long.
OOC://Toxyn, Seth, Illian, and Elevir are going to this inn-type place to stay because the police are looking for Toxyn and he needs a place to hide. Rea is crying somewhere and Drake is with her.
ino, rite? :lolface:
OOC:// Cool, can't wait. ::L:
OOC:// Okay, so.... Is there a partner for my character? xD Someone else was going to join with me, but he hasn't been on lol.
Elevir closely followed Toxyn, and Illian kept pace with her. "You have blood on the back of your shirt, Diary..." Illian spoke. "Diary?" Elevir wondered out loud in response, "And I know I do." "Oh, okay. And... 'Diary' just seemed like the name I should call you." "My dad used to call me that." "Oh, um, sorry." "No, it's okay... I just haven't gone by that name since..." Illian nodded, understanding what she was going to say. Elevir walked the rest of the way in silence, trying to avoid thinking about the day she was kidnapped two years ago. It helped that Illian was humming a melody softly, so that there was something else to concentrate on aside from her own thoughts and memories.
"Nothing's wrong." she responded. "It... It's probably just from the fight earlier." She knew that she didn't have this wound before, though. Suddenly she could hear a vaguely familiar voice in her mind. "Illian," Elevir called aloud, and the smaller girl peeked in the alley. "Oh, hi," Illian spoke, her deep blue hair draping over her shoulder in many tiny braids. "You... know this town well. There's somewhere we can stay, right?" "Of course there is," Illian said. And before Elevir could ask her to specify, she'd already stepped away, pointing down the road. "It's over there; the same house you stayed in earlier." Now that she actually thought about it, it kind of seemed obvious to Elevir. Of course there would be a place for all the lost, orphaned children. Duh. She had left in a hurry, her instincts telling her not to stay in one place for longer than a few hours. She'd had too many close calls in her first months after the Orphanage collapsed. "Oh... okay." the Reader spoke, turning back towards Seth and Toxyn. "There we have it..."