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  1. Spaze


    In your face.
    Thread by: Spaze, Aug 15, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Spaze
    But who's stalking her? D:
    Thread by: Spaze, Aug 14, 2009, 256 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Spaze

    So guys

    What do you think an 18 year old guy would like on his birthday?
    Thread by: Spaze, Aug 14, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spaze
    How long has it been between User Portal and Cutscene Archive? I think I'm just now noticing it.
    Thread by: Spaze, Aug 13, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Spaze

    Sean Kingston

    Who likes him? I don't. :/
    Thread by: Spaze, Aug 10, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Music
  6. Spaze
    throw out the clock?

    Because it was full of ticks! BWAHAHAHAH
    Thread by: Spaze, Aug 7, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Spaze
    favorite thing to do on the playground?

    Thread by: Spaze, Aug 3, 2009, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Spaze
    Does anyone notice how there aren't many African Americans seen in anime or manga? And when you do see them, they end up being stereotyped. For example...Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball Z. Or maybe even Brock from pokemon. Hmm...
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 30, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Spaze
    Is a goat. :B(: or ram....whatever.
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 29, 2009, 41 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Spaze

    A hellish future,
    Three classes soon to become two,
    One rebellion in the planning,
    A blood-lust greater than anyone can imagine,
    Times when compassion sinks lower than the sun at dawn,
    Innocence is long-gone,
    And perfection is nothing...

    The year is 3028, and times have changed. Greatly. One group of demonish monsters have rose above and taken down the government. Thousands of thousands of lives were taken to fulfill the crazy desire of blood of the strange creatures. The human race eventually became endangered, very little left in the world. Of course, there are two races, who rose from ashes. Not exactly human. Not exactly the monstrous beings that now rule the world. The leaders of those two groups want to work together to bring down those who are evil...its too bad they were once they're just mortal...and imperfect.

    Through this never-ending battle, there are few, who believes in the old ways. Few who believe that love will someday return into the cold and cruel universe. They call it the Spellbinder Theory. A theory that every person has one chosen soulmate. The Spellbinder Theory...said that two predestined souls were to intertwain with one another. Each person has one and only one. Many follow the native traditions of the ancient days while others frown upon it. Of course, there's no way it exists for that right?


    Dark Angels

    Dark Angels must feed off blood. Their intelligence is between slightly below average to slightly above & they can take on two forms; their true form & their human form. They cannot control their lust for blood and over time, if they cannot receive the blood they need in order to survive, they will change into their true form. Dark Angels are loyal followers of Lucifer, the big dog & current almighty ruler, & range from werewolves to undead spirits to other strange beasts in the night. They use all sorts of weapons, both machinery & traditional.

    The Painted Skin Society

    The Painted Skin Society consists of all male of above average intelligence. Its members are well equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry, but some prefer to fight with traditional weapons. Each Society member is hand-picked and are branded with a tattoo of the animal they can transform into; each are also endowed with the special gift to shape-shift into an animal. The Painted Skin Society will have to work with the Organization's members to bring down Lucifer and the Dark Angels.

    The Blue Moon Organization

    The Blue Moon Organization consists of all female. Its members are well above average intelligence, each join the Organization at the age of at least thirteen, when puberty kicks in. The Blue Moon Organization members has the ability to control one certain element. Growing up, each member has learned to hate the Painted Skin Society, but now will have to join forces with the Society to end Lucifer's reign. Each member also has a tattoo of some sort of intricate design.


    Please read all the rules.

    1. No godmoding or power playing. The only character you’re allowed to play is your own.

    2. No spamming or flaming in the thread. It’s rude.

    3. Please post at least 3 sentences. It’s not that difficult to come up with 3 sentences. I can understand the occasional writers block but please no 1liners.

    4. TRYTRYTRYTRYTRY to use proper grammar and punctuation. 'd@T m3@n u d0n'+ +aLk L!k Di5'. You don't have to write an entire friggin' book and an occasional writer's block is okay. That also means you use '' " for dialogue, OOCs to say things outside of the Rp, you at least have to be semi-literate, and you speak in 3rd person.

    5. Do NOT just go around saying you're all powerful and killing people like your 'da bomb', because you're not. I mean, don't make your character invincible.

    6. As far as swearing is concerned, by all means…feel free to do so as long as you don’t curse every-other-word. Show some class!

    7. Romance and violence are encouraged. Just...keep it PG16-ish.

    8. I reserve the right to deny access into this roleplay.

    9. I reserve the right to add or remove rules as I deem necessary.

    10. 3 character limit.

    11. Your first post must have the word 'muffin' somewhere inside it.

    12. Have fun! 8D

    Full name:
    Bio: ( At least four sentences, please try to be creative....I really hate Mary Sue's...)
    Tattoo and where is it:
    Crush/soulmate: (could be answered later)
    Miscellaneous: (other stuff like Dark Angels and Painted Skins place a link to their other form while Blue Moons put what element they control; please try to vary the elements. example: wind, thunder, lightning, light, water, etc.]
    Appearance: (a picture would be nice!)

    OOC: And...someone could be Lucifer if they want!


    Keybladerwarrioroflegend as Lucifer.

    Full name: Naoya Aram Shinjiro
    Username: Roxas81224
    Age: 20
    Class: Dark Angels
    Bio: He was trained in almost every gun and sword combat style. He has anger issues at times, and he can’t help but to punch someone or something. He will be very mean and cruel to others, but most of the time he is rather shy around others and won’t speak a lot, but when the time comes he will talk a lot, and it will begin to get annoying. He also has a weakness and that is a muffin.
    Personality: Mean and Cruel to everyone, can be nice at times.
    Tattoo and where is it:
    Weapon: A gun for far away combat, and a sword for up close combat
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Crush: N/A
    Human form: [​IMG]
    True form: [​IMG]

    Full name: Fiachra Raven
    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Age: 17
    Class: Dark Angel
    Bio: Her true form was horrid and nasty - she loved to kill humans. Then Lucifer sealed away that from and brought an opposite form that wasn't like her true form at all. Underneath alot of stress, the human form turns back into her true form. Her tatoo is the link between the two personalites.
    Personality: TF - Nasty and horrid to everyone. She hates humans and wants to kill them all. HF - Kind and Caring. She would never hurt anything unless it wanted to hurt her.
    Tattoo and where is it: A blood red cross on her left shoulder
    Weapon(s): TF - A sife like the grim reapers. HF - A sword with a ruby blade.
    Sexuality: Straight? Or Female I'm not sure.
    Crush/soulmate: Answered later
    Miscellaneous: The human form's cat ears are real since she has no proper ears.
    True form: [​IMG]
    Human form: [​IMG]

    Full name: Echo Umeta
    Username: DemonicRhythm
    Age: 17
    Class: Dark Angel
    Bio: Echo is extremely loyal to Lucifer, friends, and other people that rank above her. She was raised fairly well, unaware that she would have to work for Lucifer when she got older. She was taught to not show any fear or sadness when with others, friends or enemies. She used to be more outgoing and social until her training began.
    Personality: She is usually quiet and will not start a conversation, unless its needed. She RARELY gets angry, but if she were to get angry enough she’d most likely transform into her true form. She tends to try to stay out of drama that isn’t needed and can be sarcastic and lazy.
    Tattoo and where is it:
    Sexuality: Straight
    Crush/soulmate: Unknown
    Miscellaneous: (?)
    Human form:[​IMG]
    Demon form: [​IMG]

    Full name: Mizu Rymaria
    Username: Cstar7777
    Age: 15
    Class: Dark Angels
    Bio: Mizu was always listened to lucifer and still does. But sometimes when she doesn't drink blood she didn't pay attention to what anyone says and gets enraged. She started doing this when she was younger after she killed a friend of hers that was Human for blood. She still gets along with people very fine but when she goes into her true form she tends to stay angry at herself.
    Personality: Happy, adventurous, wild-card
    Tattoo and where is it: symbol of blood and death on the back of her neck.
    Weapon(s): duel katana blades
    Sexuality: straight
    Crush/soulmate: (could be answered later)
    Human Form:
    True form: [​IMG]

    Full name: Lance Grapleo
    Username: Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Age: 19
    Class: Dark Angel
    Bio: All his life, he hated himself. He never wanted to be a Dark Angel. Though he couldn't help it. He was immediately determined tobe a part of them from the moment he was born. He despises himself because he has to feed on BM-Organization, PS Society, or plain-old citizens. If there was only a way to change himself.
    Personality: Depressing. Pessimistic a little.
    Tattoo and where is it: a symbol for the great black griffin. On the back of his left shoulderblade. (the tattoo is black and has some ice blue highlights)
    Weapon(s): Usually uses daggers. They have white handles.
    Sexuality: Still trying to figure it out
    Crush/soulmate: N/A
    Miscellaneous: I will get a picture of his true form I promise! I have one, but I think I should ask permission before using them. So i do. But the true form is a black griffin with icy-blue claws and icy-blue tips of some feathers.There is also a dark blue strip that runs from where the beak meets feathers and runs in between his eyes and goes to the middle of the "top" of his head.
    Appearance: Same thing. I found something. I'll tell you the appearance. Picture comes when I can get it.
    Brown, short hair. Athletic body. Defined muscles, and fairly tall. He always


    Full name: Envy E.
    Username: Spaze
    Class:The Painted Skin Society/Dark Angel? (will explain later)
    Bio: Envy grew up in a rough life, joining The Painted Skin Society when he was 14. One of them saved his life, and he had no where to live after his parents he joined them. His parents didn't give him any affection, they didn't want him to be soft, and nice. He had a younger brother whom died several years ago. They said that it was love that took him. "Love Kills" Thats what he was taught.
    Personality: Envy is always guarded and can be very brave. He tends to speak out his mind, even if it sounds stupid which he doesn't care what people say. Other than that he's usually quiet and distant.
    Tattoo and where is it: He has the tattoo of a black panther in the middle of his back.
    Weapon(s): Guns and Daggers
    Sexuality: Straight
    Crush/soulmate: None atm
    Appearance: Just picture his other form as the tattoo on his back. ._.


    Full name: Penoa wonderstring
    Username: Dexnail
    Age: 17
    Class: The Painted Skin Society (was an dark angel)
    Bio: When he spent his time with the other dark angels he never liked them. The friendships he made with them was fake. Penoa's ability is an rare one that is why he prizes it more then anything. He can make strings that are filled with his energy to controll puppets he made also the strings can attach to humens or weapons.One day he met an man named Envy for somereason he felt better being with the man instead of with the others. The man let him join he never got the power to change but his skill at puppetry makes up for it. Panoa is refered by other Dark Angels as The Puppeter of Deception.
    Personality: curios, loves to test peoples emotions, lazy, mean to most people but not to people that means something to him (not that many people).
    Tattoo and where is it:
    Weapon(s): an big shuriken he carries on his back and a steel puppet he controls both with his energy strings
    puppet: it can shoot out needles and can blow out poison fog
    Sexuality: straight
    Crush/soulmate: (could be answered later)
    Miscellaneous: can turn his energy into strings
    Regular form: [​IMG]
    True form: http://
    Puppet form:

    Full name: Zack Jackson
    Username: Apoligetix
    Age: 17
    Class: T.P.S.S. (the painted skin society)
    Bio: Zack has always had a love of adventure and always love to try new or dangerous things. He is a field tester for new weapons for T.P.S.S.
    Personality: Zack has a instinct for Dangerous and adventure dares, Zack is also a good friend to have, hardly ever gets mad but if you get him mad, get out of his way
    Tattoo and where is it: Hawk and his back in the top right corner by his shoulder
    Weapon(s): A Katana is his main weapon with a hidden away Lambert Carbine just in case
    Sexuality: Straight
    Crush/soulmate: N/A atm
    Miscellaneous: Zack loves to Freerun/Parkour

    Full name: Gendran, Subject number K794 Class close range combat, biological subgroup
    Age: 30
    Class: Painted Skin Society

    Bio: Subject has been grown and matured from the K rotation of fetal test samples from thirty years ago. Preliminary reflex and biological accuracy tests have exceeded expectations. Cerebral activity was corrupted as expected from the K rotation. However, Subject K794 has exibited much higher than average intellect from any of the combat class of any combat class or otherwise. He has been transferred to the the R.E.D.E.M.T.I.O.N. team to assist in the cure for the Fallen syndrome.

    Personality: Subject K794 is considered unstable and very violent. When given orders, he will stop at almost nothing to fulfill them. Behavior that occurs outside of an order varys dramatically. The subject becomes slightly less aggressive and in almost incapable of staying focused on anything for an extended period of time. Unexpectedly, K794 seems to enjoy puns and poking fun at the actions or words of other individuals. Requires more study.
    Tattoo and where is it: the subject's tatoo is supposed to be a spider on the center of his chest, but it had been modified to assist with K794's experimental properties.

    Weapon(s): A pair of claw gloves and a red corrosive substance that can be ejected from any area of his body that is also. That includes his tattoos and his tongue.
    Sexuality: Not sure if he even has one
    Crush/soulmate: none
    Apperance: [​IMG]

    Full name: Mixt Adrymnaed
    Username: mixt
    Age: 26
    Class: The Painted Skin Society
    Bio: He grew up normally, though he often got in fights due to his condescending nature. His parents wanted him to join the family trade of blacksmithing, but he saw this as brainless and barbaric compared to his studies in alchemy. He has recently chosen to run from his home and join The Painted skin Society. Despite being the newbie, he has trouble showing respect since he’s always viewed himself as better than everyone else. He has gotten the beginnings of alchemy but even when he tries to transmute something as basic and harmless as a muffin it tends to explode.
    Personality: He sees himself as better than everyone else because he pretty much was growing up. He rarely listens to anyone else and if someone forces an idea he gets angry easily. But outside of these intelegent discussions, he’s very quiet and calm.
    Tattoo and where is it: Beetle on his left shoulder blade
    Weapon(s): A sword charged with electricity to shock whoever is struck with it and has a smoke bomb stashed in a compartment of the hilt
    Sexuality: straight - but mostly a loner
    Crush/soulmate: none yet

    Human form: [​IMG]

    Beast form: [​IMG]


    Full name: Ishah Megan Isuju (IDK)
    Username: Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Age: 19
    Class: The Blue Moon Organization
    Bio: Loving life at every turn while she was younger, she never seemed to have a problem with anyone. Except when it came to the Dark Angels. She always seemed to completely change personalities when it came to them. She despises the Dark Angels and would do anything to get rid of them.
    Personality: Fun and Loving around anyone except the Dark Angels.
    Tattoo and where is it: On the inside of her fore-arm of some intricute design(post it tomorrow).
    Weapon(s): A Shoka: A Handle.. (more description after Element)
    Sexuality: Bi
    Crush/soulmate: N?A atm
    Miscellaneous: Her element is Energy. HEr weapon has a shaft in the middle which allows her to use her power and add-on to the handle to make any projectile-like weapon to her liking. She can add an energy strand to form a bow and use her other hand to make an arrow, then shoot. Or she can make her Shoka into a slingshot, or even a hand gun.

    Full name: Hoshi Resova
    Username: Cstar7777
    Age: 17
    Class: Blue Moon Organization
    Bio: When Hoshi was younger she liked to stay to herself, then as she got older she started to open up more and became very friendly with people. As time went on she started to get a little too friendly with people. She soon lost most of her friends and started going back to her old personality. She now feels as though she can't trust anyone except the people in her class.
    Personality: Shy, Comedic, Self-centered, and doubtful.
    Tattoo and where is it: the symbol of water which is tattooed over her left eye
    Weapon: Crescent moon armblades.
    Sexuality: straight
    Crush/soulmate: none yet.. he might like muffins though..
    Miscellaneous: She controls water.

    Full name: Ame Ukiyo Nagasu
    Username: Shadow_Rocks
    Age: 17
    Class: The Blue Moon Organization
    Bio: Ame never knew anything about who her parents were and always kept to herself. Her friend had died trying to save her from someone who had some grudge against Ame. She likes to sketch and sing and she loves animals. Ame has a pet cat named Yuki. Whenever she remembers the moment her friend died her head starts hurting and she faints. Ame sketches her memories.
    Personality: Nice, Shy,easily gets sad, depressed
    Tattoo and where is it: symbol of water and the moon on her arm
    Weapon(s): Twin Blades
    Sexuality: Straight
    Crush/soulmate: none (for the time being)
    Miscellaneous: Water

    Full name: Dianna Annabelle Reeves
    Username: Renna Delight
    Class: Blue Moon Organization
    Bio: Dianna had always been a bit of an outsider, even with the most welcoming of groups, she didn't exactly tried to be noticed either. Dianna liked being by herself and living a quiet life (Or as quiet as it could be in these troubled times) and only interracted with her class when absolutely nessacary. She didn't have any 'sob stories' to explain why she liked her company aboved anyone elses, as some may have thought, but she knew it wasn't exactly a trait she forced upon herself. As to what exactly made her the way she was, she wasn't sure.
    Personality: Dianna is the quiet type, most of the time she keeps to herself and would rather be by herself. (This has lead to many accusations of being 'rude') She is patient, and willing to wait as long as she is told to. However, this sometimes does not carry over with interractions with other people especially when they act like idiots . . . By her standard that is. And when it comes to battle she can be very aggressive.
    Tattoo and where is it: A circle within a circle, with deft curves and thorns linking the two together. In the center is a braid-like design that fills the entire inner circle. It's located on her right shoulder blade.
    Sexuality: Undecided.
    Crush/soulmate: Nnng
    Miscellaneous: A fire manipulator.
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 28, 2009, 826 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Spaze


    My cousin finally knows who the Jonas Brothers are....
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 26, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Spaze

    Evil soda can


    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 24, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Spaze

    Say hello

    To my dog.

    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 23, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Spaze


    I drew this picture, submitted it on an album I had here, and two days later someone tells me that the person I drew has six fingers. D:


    Edit: XD All of my eraser marks...
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 22, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spaze
    What to think of this.
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 21, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Spaze
    It doesn't look very chibi-ish, and I didn't have a I tried... I also didn't have a reference since I did this during study hall at school.


    8D My brother held it up for me.
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 18, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Spaze


    This site gets alot of new people. O_o
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 18, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spaze
    Keep your money here's a ticket
    Hold up keep your kids out here
    They too young to play in there
    Step right up now strap 'em in
    Lock it tight under his chin
    Clamp his arms up to his side
    It's gonna be a helly ride...
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 16, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Spaze
    I'm not sure if anyone even cares about this or if it's supposed to be in the spamzone, but I saw this on a thread Panda face made, so yeah :P

    I clicked this an made two things from it with a computer mouse. and

    Did anyone try doing it? If you did, then could you show a link?
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 6, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Spaze
    lol Awesome group 8D
    Thread by: Spaze, Jul 2, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)