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  1. Spaze

    Well, later.

    I used to love going on this site when I first joined. I liked laughing at silly threads, having long conversations on vms, and I made a few good friends on here. Now I'm barely on and I''ll occasionally make a random thread here and there, but I've decided to leave.

    I'm not too good with these kind of threads, so I guess I'll end it here. c: Goodbye~
    Thread by: Spaze, May 3, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Spaze
    Is my drug.
    Thread by: Spaze, Apr 24, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Spaze

    Psh, jerks.

    I'm a MOD at this site and no one wants to listen to me because I'm the second youngest member. :c
    Thread by: Spaze, Apr 19, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spaze


    First time using my Wii to reach internet. :v
    Thread by: Spaze, Apr 18, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Spaze


    I was cleaning out my mom's car earlier and I found a Canadian nickle. Elizabeth II on one side, and...a beaver on the other. o.o

    Anyone mind telling me why the beaver's on there?
    Thread by: Spaze, Apr 13, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Spaze
    This is worse than the mudkipz and snowman. D:

    EDIT: Woohoo! Llama badges!
    Thread by: Spaze, Apr 1, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Spaze

    Thread by: Spaze, Mar 14, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Spaze

    In the beginning, The land of Fiore was separated by natural boundaries. There were many small island nations, all over the place, but there were no rulers of these islands. There were only the struggling men trying to live. And one day, an amazing evolution of man took place. Their spirit reached out… communed with the land, and an unprecedented event occurred. Chosen men and women were now capable of manipulating the power they had awakened. No one knows what started the event or how it came about, but the results were magical. Literally.

    All over the world surfaced those with abilities that seemed ethereal. There were now people better suited to protect their families, their people, and their world. Their new abilities created a sense of respect and power. Feudalistic towns popped all over the place, often with mages ruling. But not all mages were as kindhearted as the rulers of these various towns, as many of them had evil in their spirit and craved power.

    Eventually, people grew tired of the mages. They revolted. New leaders came often forcing many hardships on the people. Many mages fled into the shadows, some joining the others that had first spawned hate for mage-kind. Their hidden brethren, often with thoughts of malice in mind, plotted revenge.

    Various battles were created over the years, and the lands were scarred by war. In the end, an alliance of mages formed to stop this neverending battle, they became known as the Magic Council. The council, made up of 10 of the most powerful and wise mages, stopped the wars and peace was restored… for now.

    Over time, things got better, as the world progressed with steam technology and magic. There was now a habit of grouping mages under one leader who would take responsibility for the actions of his/her “family”. You may know this as a guild. Nevertheless, these spread across the land, and out to sea. All was well. Apparently.

    Little did they know...guilds(a large group of people that use a large building as a HQ in FT) across the lands were planning a revolt against the Magic Council. Many of these guilds were known as Dark Guilds. Dark Guilds were, at one point, like any other guild; however, Dark Guilds are no longer recognized by the Council. Each of them were, at one point, punished by the Council for committing various crimes, such as assassination missions and even harming innocents with their own powers. The Council took away their rights as a guild and revoked their Magic license, often telling the guild to disband. Although, many Dark Guilds continued to run, nonetheless.

    Though many mages of these Dark Guilds hated the Council for the obvious reasons, they were also tired of the Council's glory and power. Due to this, the strongest of all the Dark Guilds, Raven Tail, planned to overthrow the Council and kill each and every member. Months of practice and the day finally arrived. Armed with the strongest of the Dark Guild, at least 20 Dark mages stormed the Council Headquarters, brutally murdering every Mage of the Magic Council. At least that was what they thought.....

    When word got out of this horrible tragedy, members of other guilds couldn't believe it. Guilds headed to the Council Headquarters, praying that it wasn't true, but it was. Among the rubble that once was the great Council Headquarters layed the charred up corpses of the Council members. All the Council members were dead but one.

    Chaos brewed across the lands, Mages argued about the deaths and many came forward in an attempt to create a new Magic Council. Raven Tail and other dark guilds saw that, without the Council, the other guilds couldn't function properly. They took this as a new oppurtunity. They waged a war against the guilds. Now, the Light guilds are coming together to try to defeat these Dark Guilds, before it's too late...

    ....What's going to happen next?

    This RP's based on the manga/anime, Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima

    Also, on a side note, you really don’t have to know anything about the
    manga to join this roleplay.

    .:Mage Types:.
    Dragon Slayers- Type of magic which you have to be raised from a dragon to learn. The user can emit an element from any part of their body, and they use element-related magic, they can eat anything from that element other than his/her own for nourishment. (Example: A Fire Dragon Slayer can emit flames form any part of their body, and could eat any flames or fire.)

    Celestial Spirit- Type of skill that allows the user to summon spirits from another world using Gatekeys. (Before they are allowed to use the key she must sign a contract with the spirit to decide upon when they are allowed to summon them. There are two types of keys: silver, which are common and of a large variety, and gold, twelve extremely rare keys that open the "Twelve Gates of the Zodiac.")

    Re-Quip- Type of magic the user can instantly equip themselves with a piece of armor or weapon in their vast arsenal. (Basically changing armor and weapons during battle, armor/weapons have magic properties.)

    Take Over- Type of magic which allows for the user to transform into any monster that they have defeated. (Very few mages can handle "Full Take Over" . So, they use Take Over on their arms, legs, etc.)

    Card Based- Type of magic which allows the user to gather information from cards, fortune telling, traps people inside them (only can be used if you're highly skilled.) and put a "charge" in them so that when thrown they could cause damage (kinda like Gambit from the X-men)

    Novice Amplification- Type of magic the powers up others on your team

    Healing - Type of magic that heals

    Ice Make- Type of magic that the user "Molds" ice into shapes. (Like shield, sword, spear, lion, dragon, etc.)

    Water- Type of magic that the user controls water

    Lightning- Type of magic that the user controls lightning

    Wind- Type of magic that the user controls wind and can fly

    Fire- Type of magic that the user controls fire

    Earth- Type of magic that the user controls dirt and rocks

    Plants- Type of magic that the user controls plants

    I can accept other abilites that aren't listed, but I'll need you to pm/vm me about it first.

    .:Guild Ranks:.
    Novice Member - Novice Members are considered the lowest of the guild, and often are set to handle the dirty work around the guilds. They sweep and clean the guild when they're not off doing work. In order to be demoted by the Guild Master to such a rank, you must've done something bad. However, it's usually just a starting point for weak mages. In order to go up a rank, your magic must be at a certain strength.

    D to A Classed Member - When you get to a 'Member' Status, you gain your guild's tattoo on your body somewhere. The type of Class your are effects the type of jobs you're allowed to take.

    S-Classed Member - S-Classed Members are well-traveled and well-learned of magic, and can take on very difficult jobs and assignments. They're the strongest of the strong, and if the Guild Master decides to leave the guild or retire, then an S-Classed Member would be the first in line to take the position.

    Guild Master - Guild Masters own Guilds and direct their activities and work. They're, traditionally, the strongest of all the Guild.


    Light Guilds

    Fairy Tail- Fairy Tail is a guild of all different types of mages that accept people's request, missions, and get awarded with jewels and/or magic items. Mages in Fairy Tail typically regard each other as family, though they are very violent towards one another at times. It is regarded as one of the strongest guilds, but due to the constant collateral damage during their missions, they do not have a very good reputation. Makarov is the name of the Guild's Master.

    Blue Pegasus- A guild that formed an alliance with Fairy Tail. They're just about as strong as Fairy Tail and tend to have mostly female members. It could be because of the name, who knows. This guild has a pretty decent reputation.

    Dark Guilds

    Raven Tail- The strongest and worst of all the Dark Guilds. Ivan Dreyar, the Guild Master for Raven Tail, was once a member of the Fairy Tail Guild before being banished for being an extremely dangerous person. He seemed obsessed with Fairy Tail enough to name his own guild a similar name.

    Shadow Gear- The second strongest Dark Guild. It is stationed in a hollowed out mountain. While wanting to overthrow all the Light Guilds, they also secretly want to beat Raven Tail, just so they can be at the top. Their mages are fairly powerful.

    • Obey the original site rules.
    • No god modding or power playing.
    • You play yooour character.... And I'll play myyy character... Please.
    • When joining you must type "Blaaaaack Staaaaar" somewhere in your first post.
    • Can't we all just get alooong? In this roleplay, fight as much as you want, that's what Fairy Tail is all about, but think before you type outside the roleplay. We wouldn't want to offend anyone.
    • You type in third person, use words instead of text slang, and try to use proper grammar. Also, no one liners. I want you to at least type three sentences. That isn't hard.
    • Don't spam this thread with nonsense.
    • I'll allow cussing, but don't overdo it.
    • Let's keep it PG-13 here.
    • If I come up with more rules, I'll add them. You'll know if I do.

    Character Name:
    Guild Rank:
    Looks:(You can either show by picture or description. If you post a picture, please just make it a link.)
    History: (At least a paragraph or more0

    Username: AmericanSephiroth
    Character Name: Demetrio Zannetti (members of his guild call him Lord Demetrio)
    Age: 26
    Magic: Dragon Slayer (darkness)
    Guild Rank: GuildMaster
    Guild: Shadow Gear
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    History: he is very young for a guild master because the last guild master ("Blaaaaack Staaaaar") retired (forcibly by him). So he now rules the guild he isnt very evil to those he cares for. infact one of his friends who is an S-ranked member now was saved by him. but dont let that fool you he is evil to the core if he has either no strong feelings for you or he hates you. in his short times as a guild master he has executed almost twice the number of people the last guildmaster ever did.
    Personality: cold hearted, coniving, back stabbing, but will always do his best to protect his allies, he also is one of the smartest strategists in the known world
    Likes: shadowy places, exotic food, relaxed music, his impressive collection of literature, and his personal harem.
    Dislikes: stupid people, the light guilds, people with little talent or power, poor people, and thiefs

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Character Name: Leon Black
    Age: 17
    Magic: Re-Quip (But not the revealing kind of armour that Erza has xD)
    Guild Rank: A
    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Gender: male
    Sexuality: straight
    Looks: too lazy to describe.
    History: At a very young age Leon discovered his magical abilities. As he grew up his father, a master knight, sent him away to learn magic properly. Looking up to his father, Leon choose to use Re-Quip type magic as a way of becoming a knight-like figure although magical. As he grew up learning magic from a local and trusted former guild master Leon developed his powers. By the age of 15 he left to seek a guild having learned everything he could from his teacher. Eventually, he found his way to Fairy Tail and joined them receiving the mark on his right shoulder plate. He has been with Fairy Tail for a few years.
    Personality: He is a very avoidant person, prefer to keep to himself and study new magic. He is also fond of swords, having a collection that he uses for his magic.
    Likes: Rare types of swords. Cake. Unusual or decorated armour. Literature.
    Dislikes: Mages that can't use physical strength of their own. People without manners.

    Username: Midnight Star
    Character Name: Leah Shiner
    Magic: Healing
    Guild Rank: B
    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Female
    History: She discovered her magic when she was very young and enjoyed using it to help people and make them happy but detested fighting. However when she was 14, her parents were attacked and she wasn't strong enough to save them. After their deaths, Leah vowed to get stronger in her abilities and to use them to do some good. She learnt what she could from a local guild master before leaving and she managing to join Fairy Tail.
    Personality: Strong willed, determined, hard working, wants to help everyone, does not like people to see her cry, appears childish at times, does not mention her past
    Likes: Making people happy, chocolate, reading, puzzles
    Dislikes: Fighting, bullies, people who take advantage of others or hurt for fun, strawberries
    Thread by: Spaze, Mar 6, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Spaze


    I was kinda picked on by Seniors today.
    Thread by: Spaze, Feb 24, 2010, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Spaze

    Alright so

    Three days ago, I got an email supposedly from the directors of Msn. It mostly said that they were closing accounts and if I wanted to save mine then I'd have to email at least 18 other people on my Msn contact list the same message I got. The email also kept repeating that it wasn't a joke and that I would have to pay $10.00 a month to use it.

    The problem is that I'm not sure if this is real or not. I've got plenty of other messages similar to this from other sites but nothing happened. :/ Did anyone else get this?
    Thread by: Spaze, Feb 20, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Spaze
    There was this candy my grandmother gave me when I was little. It had different flavors and colors, sorta like frooties, but I remember each wrapper had a tiny picture of a little boy's head (he had short white hair) and the wrappers were in the shape of a small rectangle. You could buy about 30 pieces of these for a little amount of money...

    D: No one seems to know what I'm talking about.
    Thread by: Spaze, Feb 11, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Spaze


    I spent a huge amount of time making a snowman today. It was a pretty good one, too. My dog was outside watching me most of the time I was making it. Once I was finished, I decided to take a picture of it with my camera but I needed to go inside my house and get it first. So that was exactly what I did. When I just opened the door to go back outside, I saw my dog jumping around on his back legs right next to my snowman and he fell against it. Mr. Snowman went bye-bye. I tried making a snowman a few days earlier but something similar to this happened.

    It just isn't meant for me to make one.
    Thread by: Spaze, Feb 9, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Spaze
    what my job is going to be for the anti-bully fair my school is having. I get to be....a complimenter! Which means that for half a school day I have to walk to random people and give them compliments.
    Thread by: Spaze, Feb 7, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Spaze
    That Shia LaBeouf's last name in french means 'the beef'.
    Thread by: Spaze, Jan 7, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spaze


    I'm off. At least for a week, maybe two. Friends won't be able to talk with me on msn :/ I'll be temporarily living with my grandmother. Later.
    Thread by: Spaze, Dec 18, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  16. Spaze
    Until this past week.
    Thread by: Spaze, Dec 6, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Spaze
    And I decided to check out the expiration date on the box after I finished eating.

    8/9/08 :x
    Thread by: Spaze, Dec 2, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spaze
    But I'm the type of person that will make a sandwich and take time to avoid the first and last slice of bread just to get the "good slices".
    Thread by: Spaze, Nov 28, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Spaze
    But I actually want to go and see this.

    Thread by: Spaze, Nov 26, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Spaze


    Eggnog is back, baby!
    Thread by: Spaze, Nov 21, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone