"i wish i were dead, why...why do they hate me, what did i do wrong! why did they abondened me!" she cried."please forgive me! sister dont leave!" she cried even harder and began to shiver wraping her arms around her legs and hideing her face."I HATE THE WINTER!" she yelled.
"i need to be alone..." she said and warped away to destiny island sitting on a rock she stared at the ocean as a tear rolled down her eye.
"i just hate the winter time...i love chritmas but i cant stand it! i hate the memories! I JUST HATE THEM!" she started to yelled and turned her back on alex trying to calm down.
"nothing." she growled but took a deep breath."sorry i growled at you, im just not in a happy mood right now...lets just say this seson is not my favorit..."she sighed hanging her head.
"i promise." she smiled more brightly then her eyes wided"i almost forgot, i found roxas hes waiting at the clock tower." she said.
Xathabat lowered her wepon and sigh."aw i wanted to hurt him." she said sadly and warped to her hang out which was a swing that was on a gaint black rock that floated around the darkness.
Xathabat smiled."i know someone who might be worthy." she said egar and warped to Xemnes."hello failure, hows kingdom hearts comeing?" she asked with a smirk.
Xathabat just shrugged."well actully your not worthy of fighting..." she said coldly putting away her syth and crossing her arms. Demyx just glared at her."escuse me!" he yelled insulted.
Xathabat leaped out of the bushs's holding her syth."then lets fight." she said with a smirk. Demyx jumped up surprised and scared from her sudden apprance.He quickly got back up and nodded summoning his owen wepon.
Xathabat sighed."its not my fault if he makes a big deal about me not loveing him, i mean he has no reson to even say love if he treats it like a joke...that fool." she said darkly to herself in a whisper as she warped to destiny island. she noticed Demyx and hid behind some bushs."why is he here?" she asked herself. Demyx sighed boredly." i wish the keyblader or the ani-orginization would attack im so bored." he yawned.
Xathabat crossed her arms."then im sorry because i dont love you.Tell me when i actully have a mission to do" she said and opened the door seeing Relix and Lia. She just ignored the two and walked down the hall.
"i helped you because no one deserves pain, i would have helped anyone.Even anoyying Axel! and im kind because i have to be, i mean who will!" she sighed frowning turning her back on him." im truly not kind person, ask yourself how long have you known me, and tell me do people change?" she asked waiting for his answer.
Xathabat rolled her eyes and warped after him." Phenox tell me why you love me?" she asked.
making a hambuger and it poped and the greese hit my hand T~T it hurts
Xathabat pushed him away stepping back."im sorry...but it you dont know me and i dont know you, plus your my boss...im sorry." she said."lets go finsh the mission." she said crossing her arms.' sorry but i wont allow no one to know me either or get close to me...' she thought with a sigh.
Xathabat was surprised by they hug."uuhhh." she said softly with a blush.'no one has ever hugged me...i never got close to a person...' she thought.
clumsy XP i burned myself badly on my good hand
Xathabat smiled." hey look he can laugh! i discovered something rare!" she joked.
no reson ^^ so how are u
" ok commander Phenox." Xathabat grinned." so we get the maps and go right,supervisor Phenox?" she said.