i know but spaze reminds me of spaz is what im saying XD
me too, im super bored
yeah when i think of the name spaze it makes me excited and laugh thinking of a person spazeing out
eeehhh i have hard times spelling too,and grammer....
lol i thought spaze was a realy beyond wounderful name ha
haha im baby sitting my baby brother and hes playging video games too
thank you =) nice name
your not the only newbi lol =P i use to know a few,anyways how are you?
hola remember me
thats a yay lol i like newbis their fun :3
Xathabat was unable to sleep and got back up."ill look for someone to talk to..." she said to herself going to alex's room.
lol haha i gtg sorry im going to bed so see you later
Xathabat just smiled."its fun messing with him, im headed to bed." she said and went to bed. OOC: gtg to bed sorry bye
i gtg byez
O,O spelled it wrong....opps sorry T~T im a FaIlTuRe, a DiSaPoInTmEnT *cries*
yay eBay =D im more of an Amozon fan
"messing with Xemnes...sounds fun!" Xathabat smiled she faced Pheonx with a blank face."and why not?" Demyx yawned and laid back on his bed bored.
show off, i live in the dessert state