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  1. FuzzyBlueLights
    Clark the **** was still in there. What the in the hell could he be doing for such a long period of time? Duncan put his elbow on his knee and his palm under his chin as he frowned in thought. Sneaking in her quietly was no problem. But sharing a restroom and sitting a stall away from Clark was getting boring and boring things got unbearable fast. He bit his cheek quietly as he resisted the urge to huff. He couldn't reveal that someone was in here with him. Especially if this was the opportunity that he was waiting on. In a few minutes he would check again to see if his subject was truly taking a dump. He kept hearing rustling sounds. So he couldn't be rustling he turd for such a long time. Duncan checked his watch, it was nearing an hour when he peered over their shared wall and locked onto his target.

    White powder. A slightly white mustache on Clark's pale, crusty upper lip. An this was a clear addiction, judging from the way he was going at that paper. Why did it take him an hour to do such a thing. Was he charging up for one big energy crack shot? He snorted, this unfortunately was not enough to get his revenge and even up their score. His Gothic clique didn't care about drug habits, and Clark's parents were nobodies in this town. This time Duncan did huff as he left, making as much noise as possible before setting up his next perch to quietly spy on his dumb ex best friend.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. FuzzyBlueLights
    I will make the LJ tomorrow. And also

    NPC Clark- Duncan's Ex-Best Friend.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FuzzyBlueLights
    Duncan's coal colored backpack was sloppily slung over his right shoulder as he trudged down the halls. He considered how much time he had before deciding that he did indeed have enough time for breakfast before the first class bell rang. He snorted at the thought of his first class, his math skills were horrid but at least he'd get the tough class out of the way before he headed to the class where he actually enjoyed being a student in this cookie sweet country. He smirked as he payed for his breakfast and settled down with his fellow black clad friends. Soon Gothic gossip began to float about their airwaves as discussion after discussion took place.

    Glancing around the idiots he kept company with he had to resist snorting as he devoured his lightly sugared oatmeal and berries. They had no idea that he loathed them all. Well maybe all of them didn't, but and at the thought of this person in his little clique, Duncan's icy blue eyes narrowed. Maybe Clark knew how Duncan truly felt, but thus far, his ex best friend had made know hint of spilling any beans all over Duncan's dark entrenched reputation. He wondered if it was a mercy that Clark was trying to lord over him, Duncan's shoulders hunched as he got quiet in and his thoughts began to grab his brain's attention. Wretched *******, well two can play at that game. Hell, Clark trying lording this over him would explain the smug smirks. The fact that Duncan would only back down against Clark's ****** and flimsily built points when the group had discussions and arguments. Not that Duncan cared about these chumps meager opinions, but they were all he had in this small mountain town. And if they found out he could barely stand them and considered himself far above them. They would not hesitate give him a I am more gothic then thou branding. Or even dub him a dreaded mopey Goth. Thank God that some nerdy loser built networks and computers. Otherwise he'd have never signed up on his forum. And his intellectual mind would be forced to stay in this white mired town called Brookridge.

    What was he talking about... Ah yes, the ass that is Clark the Smugtonian. Duncan would have to do some digging, but eventually he'd find something, something that wouldn't even put him on equal ground. Is would end tonight Clark!
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post Comment

    dat thing mustve ben hevy

    dat thing mustve ben hevy
    Profile Post Comment by FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 22, 2013
  5. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post Comment

    I'm fine. And you?

    I'm fine. And you?
    Profile Post Comment by FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 22, 2013
  6. FuzzyBlueLights
    All black cell phone, check. All black shirt, sweater, jacket, jeans, boots and socks. He then straightened his treasured black on the outside and grey on the inside, skully before concluding he had everything he would need for the day. Duncan then made his way over to the windows and pulled back the dark, thick, curtains. His icy blue eyes narrowed as his pupils shrank and burned a little. So. Damn. Blindingly white. He rubbed his stomach and gazed out at the miniature tundra, forcing his eyes to acclimate to the bleary white world infront of him. He cracked his window open slightly, to let in that winter chill while he left the window to prowl about his room.

    In thought now, he contemplated what to do. There was no way he'd be heading to school this day. And even if his desktop was on, he'd still have no where to go. Duncan huffed irritably. Life sucks. Sometimes. What to do? His phone was powered up as he sat down on his couch. He typed out a few messages and sent them while plopping his bottom cheeks on the bed in his room. At least he had his music. Siouxisie and the Banshees were still great, even to this day. He hoped to meet an authentic British Goth some day. Silently he laughed as he scrolled through his music list as the sound of music premeated his room. Not that it was going to be sunshine and rainbows, after all, a British Goth could be a dick, thinking that they were the original Goths, and that American Goths were just babybats and posers. Hmm..this would be a good topic to post on the forum he frequented. He turned his phone horizontally and tapped away at the screen after logging onto his favorite forum.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 20, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post

    so shaim on mi nao

    so shaim on mi nao
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 20, 2013
  8. FuzzyBlueLights
    this is y, this is y im hawt
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 19, 2013
  9. FuzzyBlueLights
    Full Name: Duncan I. Knight
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Age: 17
    Likes: His hair. The Goth Society. The Goth Society Forum. Stalking. Darkness. Metal. All forms of guitar in a song. His iPod. Vampires. Cold.
    Dislikes: Posers. Bright anything. Lycans. Rap.
    Weaknesses/Fears: Bright lights. Lycans. Photophobia.
    Strengths/Talents: Brookridge's Academy of Excellency's Soccer Captain.
    Personality: Vain. Boring. Darkness.
    Sexuality: Bisexual.
    Contact Information: (An unmade LJ)
    Favorite Color: Black of the blackest ink.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FuzzyBlueLights
    Not nessessarily down hill. But more like, the same damn plateu. For years. So redundant. Same villians. Same motives. Same elemental starters. Only in the 5th Gen was I surprised because they gave us
    two rivals
    !! I agree with Gultigargar.

    And me and my friends talk about Pokemon to this day. And we started playing in the 90s. I played Yellow Version first. And don't get me started on the show. Is Ash still 12? I just think that Pokemon should have stopped about two games ago. However, I am looking forward to the Gen 6 game. Which I feel has potential. So I'm looking forward to it, but still. Some things need to end. I shouldn't be looking at the Gen 9 pokemon in a gaming magazine some day in the future.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. FuzzyBlueLights
    it's all about mi. always has ben.

    Thank you! It's exceeded my expectations. The perfect mix of creepy but still capturing what I think is the kawaii moment of that picture. Thank you. <3
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Art Shop
  12. FuzzyBlueLights
    Hey my <3. Happy Valentine's Day. I have a few things I want from you. As you can tell, my sig is not the best. I want you to work your voodoo on it. My grand total for all work done should be: 14L, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just using that as the total I'll be liking away.
    O R D E R ! !
    What Would You Like?: A traditional signature.
    Any Upgrades or Downgrades?: Yandere + Free Reign
    Anything Else?: The only thing I ask is that you not keep it the same size. I think it's too big. And would like you to make it smaller while you have free reign. And here's the image link.


    S P E C I A L x O R D E R ! !

    Chocolate or Vanilla cake?: Vanilla cake.
    Frosting flavor?: Strawberry.
    Cream flavor, if any?: Cotton Candy
    Any toppings?: Strawberry + Mint (The strawberry infront of the mint).
    Would you like a Card with that? If so, please pick a size and a seal and tell me who the lucky ( GAL/GUY/? ) is! You can either PM me the message or post it here!: Yes I would like a card. Size small + Free seal. I would like to pick the skull and crossbones seal. With the text "I love me." And I am the lucky guy. Gotta love yourself first, you know.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Art Shop
  13. FuzzyBlueLights
    jayn's a man on a bufalo
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 14, 2013
  14. FuzzyBlueLights
  15. FuzzyBlueLights
  16. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post

    *saxophone solo*

    *saxophone solo*
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 14, 2013
  17. FuzzyBlueLights
    da way i dancd wit uuuuuu
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 14, 2013
  18. FuzzyBlueLights
    an im nvr gonna dance agin
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 14, 2013
  19. FuzzyBlueLights
  20. FuzzyBlueLights