They were prepared to go, and he was too hungry and tired to object, besides why would he? He moved and didn't stop moving until he was outside with the others.
They hadn't really gone in a complex maze like manner so it was only a few minutes until they arrived back in the hall that housed their little group. Duncan merely stood off to the side with a small nod of recognition to Marina, figuring that Harley would have something to say,, if this group knew about the dead bodies in the torture device riddled room.
Duncan almost flinched and covered his nose. Dead people? Gross. The mentality to devise and design such ways to krill? Fascinating! Duncan gazed at the bull shaped contraption but listened to the boy who seemed to be reacting as if he knew the victims. Who would want to kill the people that this boy knew? Was Duncan meant to be killed just like that these guys, but in another setting? This place was too close to the other building to be a coincidence. He He left with Harley and followed along side him, stopping when they finally arrived in the hall. He wanted to ask if the boy had a name or if he was a ghost. But Duncan didn't want to get socked or shot, so he kept his lips sealed.
Duncan shivered as the pair entered the building and vanished into it's depths, prompting him to wait a few moments before stalking after them and finally entering the building and getting out of the cold and northern wind. He rubbed his shoulders and sighed in relief at finally being able to warm himself up, pondering what to do, keep following this road, because all roads lead to civilization or see why there appeared to be more then two femine voices emanating from the halls of this place he'd entered. Another chance to see some kind of occult encounter? Sounds fun, maybe he'd even learn who these people were. And it was that Duncan followed after the two girls while they met up with more people. Who then met up with more people, why was he so nervous, he couldn't even bring himself to approach them. Oh. Right, they had a gun. And as the moments progressed, they had two guns. Finally, despite that dark, Duncan's eyes finally alighted on a familiar face, self acclaimed psychic, Marina Sario. It actually brought a grin to his face, not that he'd met her before, but because she was a BAE, not even a classmate but close enough, and everyone in Brookridge was politically trying to follow after the Sario's, they were kind of the like the Joneses. Oppurtunity had brought this little group together, and they all appeared very close to his age. Could this be more then some freaky grandscale kidnapping? Hell yes. Like a doll, a girl was left in the hall, she was pretty cute. Wonder if she'd be a ghost soon, she was looking a little worse for wear. Suddenly a blue eyed boy directed the group to a room with the number one, this was his chance! To not be alone at least, and maybe they had a car! Sure, he didn't see a car outside, but who knows, maybe a ATV or something. And with even more fortune, the group split up, and one of the more intimidating boys left the group, they were getting smaller. He approached the gathering with the knocked out girl and cleared his throat, having enough sense to hold his hands up clearly showing he had nothing in hand to be a threat. "Hello!" That was not supposed to come out so high pitched, he coughed and cleared his throat again. "Hello, I'm not a ghost or anything dangerous, I went to Brookridge's Academy of Excellence and I was kidnapped and brought to the Hospital a little ways from here. Can I join you guys, at least until you get back to town? The Sario girl is here with you, I know that she might be able to vouch for me. Oh! And I have my school ID.." Seconds lapsed into minutes, they must have been into some live comatose silence because not a one gave him an answer. He didn't know what to do at that, being ignored more then strange to him. He put his hand down and decided to trudge onwards. "Why are you picking that lock? Do you think that's a good idea, dude?" A boy, older if not his age, was picking a lock with a decent seeming amount of skill. Was he not afraid of traps, after all, if the door in abandoned building was locked, wouldn't that mean they were meant to stay out?
Duncan marched on, and on, and on. He knew it had to be from fatigue but this road seemed to go on forever. His mind kept wandering over the kids who deserted him and missing his home, he didn't even know why some crazy lady had him kidnapped anyway. It made him want to heave just thinking about it, had he harmed her in some way? Could it be that she was a victim of something his father had done? Duncan scratched the top of his dark cap and kept moving, the thoughts were a nice distraction from the slight ache in his feet. Minutes went by, how many, Duncan didn't know but that was alright, because gloriously, finally, he alighted open another building. This one looked deserted too, but at least it would provide some kind of shelter from this Vashinton weather. He could take a break, maybe see if it had some kind of water supply. He rounded a corner copse of trees and was able to see the front of the building, a pair of dark haired girls were pulling the door open, but he was so far he didn't know if his voice could carry. And they were out in the woods like he was, were they stranded and lost? Or were they a group of psychos, just waiting on some tender Duncan flesh to carve into. With his own safety in mind, he shifted his course into the trees surrounding the shifty building. He peered behind the bark of the towering tree and watched the two girls, no way, nu uh, they weren't getting any of this tender Duncan flesh. So he'd rest, he'd hide, and he'd wait. For now.
Duncan sat on the steps of the hospital. He rolled a roll of roll of Scotch tape between his hands and ceased his quiet sniffling. Standing up he pocketed the tape before heading back on the road. Anger in his step and a frown in his face. He was left behind.
There was no time to chat with Bernadette, they were suddenly ambushed by MNen with guns!? How were they even found out here! Were they being watched the whole time or something? Either way he gently leaned over Madeline and partially over Bernie while the bullets flew. Suddenly the car lurched and began to squeal as the men kidnapped them away from their friends. Thomas had to do something and he never wished for anything more then a fix to his arm. But that wasn't going to happen, he gingerly straightened himself and let his anger be a confidence booster when he acted, reaching over the passenger's seat to latch his hand onto the intruders gun and tugging it towards the figures face, trying to bash his face in with the man's own gun.
"She is losing a lot of blood, but given that the others are in a hospital, I'm sure we can patch her up and she will be okay until we get to a real doctor and hospital. " he nodded as if to reassure himself before gazing at Bernie, trying to are how badly she was hurt as well. "How are you? You need to be need a bandage too?"
Duncan had his head swivel in time to the car that drove down the road and past him. They didn't even stop or slow down, not that he would in the same circumstances. But he still groaned at his luck. His gaze sought to find something ahead of him and after several moments of looking, he found nothing. Immediately he turned on his heel and went in the direction of the mysterious car. After all, they might have been heading towards somewhere, and anywhere was better then here. Huffing, he walked back and eventually found himself right in the woods again. He groaned aloud again, turning towards the hospital and thinking that maybe, just maybe, luck was with him and there was a working phone inside. After all, who did the hospital workers call for help out here in this service less forest. Was that the same car that seemed to have ignored him earlier? 'Why yes,' he thought, 'it is!' With somewhat righteous indignation, he banged on the nearest window of the car. "OPEN UP! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW! I just want to go home.." His fist eventually slowed and he brought it down to his side gazing blearily into the car and seeing that those in it, looked way worse then he did. One of them looked like a bloody dead girl. He wondered if they were ghost hunters looking to sacrifice this girl to the white haired boy. That thought let him remember that there was a white haired ghost maniac still roaming around. "HEEEEEEEEELP!" Was his more desperate plea. Madeline needed help, more so then the rest of them it seemed. Where was the kid with the glasses when you needed him? He kept checking her over and over with his eyes, it was all he could do, touching her may make it worse, and there was no ice machine to give her ice, or pillows for comfort or a cup for the ice to even be held in. He did jump however, when his gaze was away from the window and suddenly. THUMP THUMP THUMP. Hit his exposed ear drum, some maniac with a black skully was pounding on the door, screaming something about wanting help and wanting to go home. Had he seen this boy dressed in all dark before? Maybe, but still, he'd come out of the blue, and there was no way they were just going to let someone waltz into the only transportation they had. He gritted his teeth, a headache brewing as this kid kept pounding and screaming at them, mixing in with the unbelievable pain in his left arm. "We can't let you in man, we just can't risk it. If you want us to trust you, we'd have to bind you up or something before trusting you in the car." He said it as a joke, a silly, random, and useless thing that held no merit, but the boy nodded an affirmation and turned on his heel, walking back into the very hospital he escaped from. Thomas couldn't roll down the window, and so he stepped out of the car, yelling for the boy to come back and stop whatever he was doing. But he was paid no heed and Thomas dare not leave Madeline in such a critical condition, as the boy stepped into the hospital's doors, Thomas sat back down and closed the door, praying for the safety of all in the hospital. A hospital had to had some kind of ropey, binding material, right? A straight jacket, maybe. Hmm. The only way to know was to go back inside and he even had enough courage to pull the door open and peer inside into the now somehow lit interior. These strange factors were making him more and more hesitant to enter the place. He took a deep breath and shook it off, in here was the rope, out there was his ride. Get the rope. Leave the building. Escape in car. Simple. Duncan entered the hospital, contemplating which area held a janitor's closet. A janitor might have duct tape, or some other form of tape. Tape could bind him, and then he could finally go home. Happy end and normalcy, right? He went deeper into the first floor, and only opened windowless, and small seeming doors that were in the hallway. So far, only pill rooms. Duncan paused in the middle of the first floor hall.
He climbed up and into the attic as well, the music had to tangible and he would find it. So he set to work, feeling his way around for some sort of music player.
John got off the floor and removed himself from the bed,, music from nowhere? Nothing but the Devil's work in a place like this, the ex cannibal was checking the plush animals and after a moment John's hands were grabbing the ones the other boy couldn't get too, shaking each plush to detect and determine if anything was inside before developing a explored and unexplored pile until all were shaken. He then turned his eyes upward. A faceless poster was always suspicious. John leapt onto the canopy bed and didn't think it was important enough to ask, "hey should I rip a few of these down?" His fingers reached up and he found he could push through the silky curtain material and touch the pictures above the bed. Without ripping a single one, he began to Peel back the posters on the ceiling above the bed.
Goddess's, singing boy was a pervert looking for panties in this situation, John's lips clenched slightly as he quietly laughed and did his best to hold it in. Mission accomplished, he figured that the canopy felt very unusual in a situation like this so without much ardour he began to rummage his hands through the blankets and pillows before getting onto his knees and using his eyes to search under the bed, eventually going under it to check deeper into it. He was on the floor on his belly. Gross.
Duncan sighed in relief when his heart rate finally slowed down. He simply wanted a talk with the ghost, not to be dismembered or something. Watching it pass him in the closet was truly an...electrifying experience, and he wanted to feel it again. But right now, he had somethings to do, like getting out of this forest and into a nice bed. He wondered if his parents were still looking for him, though he couldn't figure out why they would stop. Unless they were dead, he didn't care either way, despite not caring he still shut his right eye and brushed the corner of it, finding a bit of his finger to be wet as he trudged up the river and out of the woods. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the woods turning into road, so he stayed between the two, road on one side and beyond that trees, with the cool river on the other side. He didn't think the woods were haunted, though it would be cool if it were, he did wonder why the hell army men would allow this to happen to a group of high schoolers, but he shrugged, guessing they didn't care as long as the baglady stopped bombing them. He wished for a flare gun, or a candy bar, a Knickers would be nice, some nice chocolate Knickers bar. He sighed and hungrily moved forward, keeping a more open ear out for anything that wasn't the sound of rushing water. A breeze kicked up, cold due to the weather and the river. Duncan shivered.
Thomas finally caught his breath but sitting up was a slight struggle. His clothes weighed him down and to top it off he felt so drained. Still he made his way up to his feet. Shouting out for Madeline, Bernadette and Harley. He couldn't see the other two but did spot his favorite blond and he clutched his left shoulder as he walked to her. Dropping to his knees he winced, shoulder throbbing with a heavy pain. His right glass lens had two cracks down the middle, but he could work with that. Thomas tools deep breath and said, "Can you tell me where you're hurt? I need to know if it's bad." He wanted to hold her so bad., it was not the time or place though so instead he began to gingerly take off his shirt and slowly wring the water out of it. He then began to gently wipe her face clean with his right hand before carefully dabbing at the red on her water and blood matted hair.
Duncan ran until he ran ourt of breath. Using the tree as cover he rested qith his hands on his knees as he panted and tried to quiet himself. Briefly he wondered if those girls were okay before he shrugged. They had major head starts. They were fine and long gone. Probably.
He shook his head hard though he much wanted to meet the ghost. He sounded so nice and vicious. But he kept quiet and tried to not even breathe. He was not going to get gutted here. So imagine his surprise when he heard shattering glass! He peered through the slits in the door and saw that a window was open. He burst from the door and dived through it. He fella and tried to roll and run a beeline to the Riverbank. He justest his mommy.
OMG didyoufung hear that!?? It sent a shiver of excitement up the young boy's spine. Unfortunately his mind was tell him to hide because this thing sounded more...I will rip your head off then let's chat about how I died. And without a single thought for the others in the room, Duncan hid inside what appeared to be a small space that held lab coats or some kind of clothing material. He shut the door and felt like the yelling spirit was blue and bald and silent. Why would he think that?
"I really hate this game." He grunted and groan while slowly sitting up and opening up his heterochromic eyes slowly. His view was one of a room of someone with no taste and then it hit him. Memories. They were captured, raided. So why were they in such an odd room? They? He stared at the fellow bodies in the room. Someone was leaning over Heckles! A cannibel? John pulls himself to his feet and shifted back to what he hoped was a safe and far wall that let him keep all the people in the room in his view. He felt his belt and ankle. Empty, looks like the boys did their home work and frisked him. He felt dirty. He contemplated talking and the red beads around his right hand gave him the patience to do so. "..." he had nothing to say to a possible cannibal.
He fell through the ground and before he could connect the what to the ****, he was tossed into even more water. This piece of river seemed to have it out for them. When he landed in it, he rolled and crashed into a side wall there he could see a shore directly across from him. Immediately he swam towards it, struggling to cross the waters as something crashed into him , luck let mhik dodge the object mostly but his shoulder was still clipped as he grounded himself by leaping under water to the shore and using claw and nail to not be pulled away too far to even be saved. When he pulled his upper body out, he rested his butt on the safe shore and simply gasped and wheezed lungfuls of fresh air.
Thomas glanced up at the ceiling, while pushing against the walls and plunging into the waters depths until he couldn't anymore. While he caught his breath, a familiar voice that he pin pointed as Mr. Jackson's told them all that he needed help. Well he seemed to find what they all had been looking for. Thomas as so relieved, enough to finally give Maddy a reassuring smile before began to help with the lever below them.