This sucked. He rubbed his arms up and down and tried not to think about how angry he was. His case was lost among the other cargo from their boat disaster and all he had was a wet wallet, cell phone and lastly his bottle of brew. He placated himself when he spotted Emalynn amongst their "Group 1" and was glad so many people survived. He disliked humans, but this situation would be awful if he were alone. He was glad everything that had happen, happened so close to him, he had lost his glass and without a way to contact his parents, he hax tried his phone and got nothing, he was stuck without them. Which was annoying, not having glasses but he wasn't totally blind without them, and the sky still provided enough light for anyone to be able to see. He felt tired, and he was grateful that they had an entire in to stay inside for the night. He didn't want to sleep in this nice couples house with like, twelve others. That thought bugged him so he switched his thoughts onto getting warm and into bed. This town was pretty small, what with a clinic right next to an in, which as also right next to some else that would equally be miles apart if this was a big city. Thinking of the big city made him miss home, or at least Fortissimo, James cleared his throat and hustled his way into the Inn, letting the owner know that he was sent in by word of Patrick. The keeper seemed to know what he was spouting and it seems that a few other survivors had already entered before him, so following there lead he found himself a room and immediately began to look for things to clean himself with. His shower was lovely and soul warming, the thought of using clean water to wash off salty water made him chuckle. He changed back into his day old underwear and hung his other clothes near a window. But not before making sure his brew bottle was safely tucked under his pillow as he settled in for a hopefully dreamless sleep.
6 ! ♥ He was hungry after being half starved in that death camp called a hospital. So as soon as he was off the bus he half listened to Garth and shoved his way to the food tables. Fixing his plate and paying was no problem. For an hour he consumed food and regained strength. Glad to have this slight quiet time. Until a tipping ferry began to upset him. Why? Because now his plate was sliding, and if it was sliding that meant it was time to leave. And possibly more of the dreaded running from earlier. He stood up and wiped his fingers clean, the slipperiness of his hands might cause him to lose his grip if he had to save himself or his Emalynn. Once that was in order, he grabbed his suitcase, and stuffed his CB bottle in the inner pocket of his vest's breast before striding to the side of the slanted deck. Oh, there was no life boats, and he could only float. Not to mention water would ruin his phone. He began to internally panic. He needed an adult. Instead he was bumped overboard.
OOC: Sorry for the sucky post. Will add more when I am home. He would have to get a new suit. Or something double breasted. He felt like wearing something sleeveless after changing out of this smoky smelling attire. He didn't find his counselor by the time he got out of taxi, but that didn't seem to matter. He also didn't see his beloved either, that did matter, unfortunately, he couldn't spend all his time looking for her otherwise, he might get a horrible seat on the buses that were lined up and waiting them. So he began to trudge back to his cabin and began the hunt for his smartphone. Once it was found, he found his case of clothing and packed it away on one of the buses, he then climbed aboard that bus and settled in. After giving the bus a cursory sweep for his icy veined, heart stealer, he sighed and gave up, facing the window and plugging ear buds into his ear and finding his cell's playlist. Once that was done, and his custom selected tracks began to play, he let the music flood over him and the bus's rumbling engine lull him into a semi-sleepy state. After a while, his own vocal talents began to play and this caused him to break out of his sleepy state, immediately he began to dig into his own singing voice as it traveled through his ear canals past his eardrums and into his cranium. This was wrong, that was too low, etc. He folded his arms over his chest and unknowingly frowned, he needed more practice. And he would not stop until he was perfect!
He tried clearing his throat for the fifteenth time in the last hour. Other then being hoarse and feeling quite scratchy, it was fine. As was the rest of his body, though it did hurt his chest area when he breathed, so he made sure to do so carefully and surely. His fist held his cheek and his elbow dug into the car door as he leaned towards the window to watch the outside world spin by. He sighed grumpily, the hospice wouldn't give him an energy bar or jello to help keep him mildly satisfied till he returned to camp. He didn't have his Joshua Grobanum playlists or any angry birds to flick at pigs that couldn't move and buildings that were clearly made to be broken. Suffice to say, he was bored throughout the cab ride. On the ride though, he wondered if the school would be shut down for good. He didn't know how much power the school had fully, but a fire that had endangered him and a fellow, dreamy sigh, student(darling Ema.), and who knows who else meant that lawsuits had to be formed against Fortissimo. He didn't care truly, but he'd been at the school since he was 12. And by now, he felt too established and liked the elite air that Fortissimo sometimes held. It made him feel Elite, despite already knowing that anyway. He smiled began to hum a random tune that enveloped his thoughts for a little bit until he realized that all of his thinking had done it's job. The cab driver quietly alerted him that this was his stop. Back at the burnt out camp, as he began the hunt for Erik, or Emalynn, he wished for two things. That no one had stole his cell phone. And that the cab driver had a Jamaican accent, accents made him laugh. Oh how he loved to laugh.
James huffed and wheezed as tree after tree seemed to spontaneous combust, of course they weren't just sporadically catching aflame, but the fire was spreading pretty damn quickly. Just when he and his love muffin had finally gotten some alone time. Nature decided to work even more so against him by ruining their private little stroll, and on top of that, make him run! He clutched his heart as she grabbed his hand, he had not time to think on if this was because she was scared and liked him, or if it was because as he huffed and chugged along, she was kind of...leaving him behind. Nah, she really wanted to save him, which meant she liked him. Or she didn't want a dead carcass on her conscious. As he rushed pass tree after flaming tree, he thought of her sweet conscious. It was so clear, so goal driven, his little ice queen was totally focused with her eye on the prize. He admired that about her. And her piano skills were top notch too. He wondered if she could give him a lesson sometime. Oh, well that was odd, he was a bit rotund, but he had a good gauge on when his body would need to take a quick snack boost. Was the air suddenly getting hotter, or was it the proximity of the girl that held his arm and frantically tried to get them to safety? For her sake, for her, he would up his process and ignore the smokey hot air that filled his lungs. But sweet Jesus, it's seemed like they were lost or something, not matter how long they traveled in which direction, they seemed to not be able to find the area in the West Forest that they were once a small group, nor the camp circle, he didn't think he was that bad with directions, but the fire was making it it hard to see, on top of that, smoke and burning branches covered the space inbetween the fire, and it's not like he was able to see through that, even with his glasses. His throat was getting dryer by the second, he wanted to say something, anything that would get them out of this situation, a loud cry for help, or maybe crouching down to the ground. But a fire could get pretty loud when there was a lot of fuel around, and getting on the dirty forest floor was unappealing and would probably do little good since grass was also fuel for the fire, especially when the tree were gone. He didn't want to be in here when the tree were gone. He tried to speed up with his beloved, but she was a fast little thing. Wow, look at those legs. Like a freaking gazelle or something, maybe she excerised or participated in track. He would have to note to ask her that in their SHARED CABIN! Fire burned all around him and he was too busy swooning to notice. Well, notice a hundred percent. He pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, it would do no good to lose them here, after all, he only had one spare, and his parents wouldn't like the thought of coming all the way out here to bring him a spare from home in the event that he lost or broke both. He couldn't take it anymore, she would have to go on without him, hopefully she would meet no one, so she'd be alone forever, since he was clearly going to burn up here. He smiled at the thought and gently pried his arm from her grip and motioned for her to keep going, and to his horror and dismay, she collapsed. And he too went out like a light. Whiteness, almost as blinding as the fires that were last scene in his mind surrounded him. He heard the gentle beeping of a heart monitor beside him, and a cool looking oxygen mask covering his face. He found he could move his limbs and silently thanked good. If they had him here, in this hospital safely, then surely his fainted bride was somewhere safe in here too. He could sleep off the fatigue he felt in peace now.
❥Full Name: James I. Westerfield ❥Appearance: ❥Age: 14 ❥Likes: Maturity, suits, sterile environments, observing, eating, cooking, predictability, facts, being alone, ironing ❥Dislikes: Being surrounded by people, cheery and bubbly things, bright colors, incompetent moments and people, being outsmarted, blushing, making mistakes ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Snakes, youth, overweight, not knowing adult-like things, running, getting dirty, blushes easily ❥Strengths/Talents: Stealth, deduction, false innocence ❥Personality: Amiable, friendly, grinning,nearly undetectable and underlying hostility, he's warm on the outside but cold on the inside. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual. ❥Favorite Color: Gold. ❥Instrument(s): Voice, Piano(beginners) ❥Crush?: Emalynn Andrews ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: My work schedule is usually from when I wake in the morning, to 2-4PM EST. Basically, anytime after 4PM EST, I'm available, though, only on my Android. ❥Other: He likes secretly likes puppies.
He listened to her intently, and stepped back to look at her appearance, he couldn't see anything. Maybe her face looked a bit lighter ...maybe. A vial was needed for Marina and an oppurtuniy to return home had arrived. It filled him with a little joy at the thought Duncan nodded affirmation and began to think of ways to let their little group know that maybe heading to Brookridge would and should be there next step. He cordially followed her to the restroom after saying he'd be waiting outside. He scanned the area outside the restroom for suspicious faces and a sports store., maybe he'd find that ball here. A phone rang out and he assumed wrong that it was his, instead it was Marina's and he wondered if it was the group letting her know that something had happened. Protectively he watched her six and his twelve at the same time. She would tell him when she was done, so he made himself relax and continued looking like an impatient male outside the restroom.
Marina picked him, he had to admit that he found it strange and briefly why, before being disarmed by her smile. He hoped no one with a gun would be dumb enough to walk into the one store with like a metal detector, or worse, they get caught. He clambered out of the car with others. The sun shine made him grimace a bit, but it felt good to stretch his legs. He would needs to start conditioning soon, otherwise he'd be another fatty in America. He drifted to Marina's side and glanced at the man called Nathan. Did she know him- Oh she did not. He placed his thumbs into his dark jeans and began to walk with her towards a one of the three entrances that was yet to be used by their group. Once inside the din of the human throng, he stopped at the labeled Mall Map and turned to face her. His clear eyes held her darling blues as he spoke politely to her, "Is the stress getting to you? I know you were in this...'game' longer then I have, so do you need to get something off your chest?"
He got a cellular alert and checked it immediately, knowing it had to be from one of the others as he turned the device off of standby and. Reading the message quickly he slipped on his black and white backpack and tucked the phone away while standing outside and peering around for Septimus. Go where?! To the alley? And. Duncan was confused and had no time to show it. Instead he did his best to blend with the crowd and not get distracted while slowly edging out of the crowd perimeter and deciding to peer around an alley on chance. Oh hey mean girl and almost arrested girl. That was enough for him to cram into the alley as well. He gave an awkward wave and hope Septimus parked somewhere safe.
He took in all that had happen and felt sorry for the one eyed girl named Madeline. It must have been horrid to lose an eye, not that he cared about her or anything. Once they returned to the hotel room, he was mulling over the most recent events and a bit of his soccer training kicked in. He turned to the little one named Bernadette and with a half smile he said, "Good job...with everything." She was a little workaholic, from bringing the cart of food in with the Sario girl, to helping out Madeline. He knew how important it was to keep up morale, so in an effort to keep some sanity in this forlorn gathering. He decided to try to start with boosting her morale, since she seemed so supportive, despite being a foreigner in a new country, then getting forced into coming to another new country. He straightened his clothing and listened to Harley inform them about their next step and began to keep himself busy by helping out and packing things into separate bags, even grabbing a black and white colored backpack for himself before setting other backpacks aside and putting supplies into them. The shower was running so he glanced towards the door and took stock of who was outside and who was in. Either the other dark haired boy was in the shower, or Madeline had closed herself off in their, and since she headed this way and was not outside, he concluded that she was the one in there. He hoped for all their sakes that she'd be okay. He kind of felt like she might snap...and kill them all. He shook his head and tried to clear them from negative thoughts like that. He tried to think of one of the many lame sayings his mother would and found that none would fit a situation as bizarre like this. Instead, Duncan merely sighed and began to preform useless chores to distract himself.
Duncan stood up gingerly and stretched. His body audibly piping as he worked out the kinks of sleep. He then went into the bathroom and splashed water on his face before examining it. Did he look a little gaunt? Pfft. Whatever,. His stomach rumbled as he dried his face off and returning to the room, he realized there seemed to be no breakfast tray either this morning, but that was alright. He rummaged through their things and discovered food. Food that he didn't want, his eyes felt tingly as he noted that he wanted breakfast and not any breakbut his mother's breakfast, not that he missed her or anything. He straightened his hair then his skully and quietly left the shared hotel room. He couldn't get Mom 's home cooking but he would just have to settle for the next best thing. Whatever they had for breakfast downstairs. Woo. He trudged down there and tried not to think abysmal thoughts, instead focusing on pancakes and how they should think about heading to Brookridge, well, at least he should.he maybe still had family there. His reverie was burst by a bit of a commotion down there. Two blonds from his little group was with an officer. This could not be good. As he neared the group, he caught the tail wind of the German girl's plea. His mind whirled and he stood up behind her, tossing his hesitancy to the wind because if they were caught then they might investigate their room and find the gathering of teens in their hotel. Duncan respectfully removed his skully and gazed into the officer's eyes. "Please, sir. She is telling the truth. We are just tourist and as you can see, our friend is very sick. Can you put her down? I mean she has an eye injury so can you give her some mercy? The incident was very recent and she's just still shaken." All partially true so that is why Jt wads so easy to say. He straightened his spine and spoke again before the security guard could speak. "We'll aren't staying for long and I am sure you don't want to look like a bad guy. Let us take our friend, and we will make sure she takes her meds and settles down. Okay, sir?"
He would love to know who died and made this green eyed girl so mean? And was the dead person inside her? Rotting her out from the core or something? He didn't bother reply, just simply arming himself mentally for anymore assaults. He was not some child to talk down too, no matter what the situation, after the groups were decided, he gave a nod of appreciation to Harley, the only one who gave him a solid reply to his naming question. Duncan hit the pavement with his little foursome and wished he had a ball to kick around, it would give him some much needed stress relief, and maybe some for the others too. He rubbed his chin and tapped the back of his pocket, his wallet still safe and secure and so was the strange money his parents had let him keep on a private bank account card. He would have to invest in one of those cool chain wallets that clipped to your waist, after all, he'd been running too much since he met these guys, and he didn't to go to the hassle of lost money and credentials. Haha, Dillan. This Harley guy was resourceful and clever, getting them past the counter security lickity split and having him introduced as a friend to the little group. He adjusted his skully, not much caring for being stared at because of their little groups appearance but, eh, he shrugged and settled into one of the empty chairs in the lobby. There wasn't much he could do but watch out for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. He resisted the urge to think of home, and instead kept his eyes on the door.
"Is it wise to send all the injured to one place? Even if it isn't that far? I think splitting up isn't such a bad idea but...Hm. I think me or the other guy should go with them. No offense." He said to both Harley and Septum, never know when a guy would feel insulted over his opinion. He turned around from the curtain and gazed at his fellow peers and spoke again, "Also, this is bugging the hell out of me. I'm Duncan, it would be easier on me if I had your names too. Oh, we should probably be heading out soon, at least one group. The dark suddenly doesn't seem safe at any point any more." He rubbed his shoulders and tried not to shiver in reply to his vivid memories of the woods they just came from.
Duncan sat on one of the empty beds and let his mind wander. So the blond guy had met Crestatia and could even describe her, he then wondered what the rest of the little group they'd gathered knew. One thing was for certain, they would need a safe place to stay in the next few days or their butt's were cooked. He turned his head to the sound of voices, when he heard mention of seeking some kind of medical help, "We can try to look for a hospital or clinic that allows us to use the Mature Minor Doctrine. We basically can get treated, if we acknowledge that we are intelligent enough to understand what the docs want to do to us." He didn't really much mind if they listened or not, after all, he was relatively fine, especially after the shower but that girl with the bad eye could get infected or something worse, so she needed to be treated, yesterday. And he was sure he remembered a few others with blood on their persons. Though, bad eye girl could get in with no trouble if they declared it was an emergency and there was no time for parental consent. He stood up because he couldn't keep still, before approaching the window and peering out of it by subtley trying to move the curtain to the side. He didn't feel safe, and didn't think he would until he was back in Brookridge.
Duncan rose up out of his blanket and neatly began to put his blanket back and mumbling a thank you to Marina before grabbing matching clothes and vanishing to take a shower. He returned refreshed and relieved, though with still the same unamused expression on his face. Okay! Time to decide on what to do. But what could they do? He supposed that returning to Brookridge would be the best choice. He and his parents may not be real., but he was tangible, in his consciousness his memories were made and to him they were real enough to persue and check up on. And keeping away from them wouldn't work, seeing as how his game ruler could drop an atom bomb on them and have only his parents die. Duncan yawned and stretched, "Can someone tell me why would we be dropped off in another country, and then supposedly followed? And...what's Crestatia like?"
He was ignored. This seemed to be some kind of idiotic theme for this group. He made sure to keep his head down until they reached their shared rooms, which only made him groan outwardly before he tugged a top blanket off the bed furthest from everyoneone and curled up on the floor to sleep. He was out likes light.
"Motel might be better. Less people. Low maintenance and much easier to get rooms. Plus we look like we're about to have a filthy orgy, and I think that girl," he pointed at Madeline, "Is about to drop or something. I don't think she can even see out of that eye..." he quieted down and tried to dissolve back onto their little crew, sticking to the side closer to the street invade a car got too close. He kept an eye out for exploding cars ever since he emerged from his safety tree and rejoined the bus kids. He couldn't believe they were dragged all the way to the north. He hoped his parents were alive, he just wanted to help these guys and see his old stupid room at home again.
Duncan breathed in and out calmly, just trying to keep cool while his mind churned about all that he'd learned today. What the hell was happening to his life? Was it all fake? Or were they all crazy? He frowned and huffed in fustration, he just wanted to go home, but the fact that all the other guys and girls seemed to believe it all, would it be a bad idea to at least be informed? He didn't know. He began to serperate and divide his split thoughts into two categories and realised that he believed most of it, if not all of it. He looked up as the bus came to a stop, the motion of being pulled forward slightly was enough to have him look up and see what caused them to stop. A blond haired traveler, was this some kind of bus hired to pick up anyone along this road? Duncan looked out the window as the bus started up again, seeing trees, trees and more trees, he couldn't tell where the hell they were. He hoped he'd be home soon, he just wanted to sleep and eat and sleep some more. Part of him still peered into the whizzing by trees in search for a head of white hair.
Duncan ravaged his brain to connect the dots and got a small puzzle put together, there were still more slots to fill but he had enough to at least coast by. Crestatia, the lord and ruler of their lives and this 'gameboard' is testing them and expects the winner to be the cream of the crop. Right now, the sharpshooter before them was making them look like baby chicks with their heads cut off, was racking up points with the...'demoness'? Well Crestatia had to be something special to rig all this together, even more powerful then the bag lady who made bombs drop from thin air. He understood bag girl, and felt that he could empathize a little bit with her, she particularly seemed shaken up by the death of this 'Chester' guy. To the point where she wouldn't let them leave alive without Kallisti, whoever that was, left behind. He didn't approve of her method of removing the competition though, no one had a right to play the Grim Reaper, not even them, or her. He didn't like working with people, but he did agree with the girl who said the Players should be working together. Maybe not to overthrow Crestatia, after all, wouldn't taking out the gameboard's creator result in some kind of major erasing? Where would they go if there wasn't a person controlling the game? Normal life? He didn't think so. So overthrowing the diety that created their entire lives, it seems, didn't seem so wise. But she couldn't just open their eyes and expect them to be happy about being pitted against their fellow humans. God he didn't know the name of even half the people here. Still, he couldn't kill anyone or set up a trap for them to thin out the herd. If this thing about deals was true, then a deal maker had to have logic and sense, and if Crestatia was a deal maker, she had both, meaning she could be reasoned with, or maybe they could have been working together to make the perfect winner, so no one was killed by weird torture chambers and through the winner, they would live on. Duncan rubbed his chin in contemplation so deep he shut out the world. He was feeling a bit conflicted, sitting on one side and then the other, seeing both their points of views and not knowing what to do about it. In the end, he knew he didn't want to die when a mental chick woke up from their nap, and staring at the elephant in the room and shooting it in the face he said clearly, "We 'gonna give up Kallisti, or what?"
Duncan stalled while part of the group reentered and left back into the place they wanted to leave. Who was on the other end? Who was Theodore? And how can you make teamwork with a bunch of strangers? It made no sense to him. He glanced about the wooded area around the building and himself, considering his options as he gazed around before concluding that they were his best, if not only ride out of here. He took a deep breath , pushed the door open and stepped inside, filling taking a spot on the edge of the group and leaving Septimus alone. Nice speech, brunette girl. Duncan stared at the hooded men with a bit of dread. And the bag head with even more, why did he suddenly have to pee? Oh right, he was scared.