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  1. FuzzyBlueLights
    Duncan got the alert and got out of the mall, hoping his partner made it with him. Minutes later he was in the van and chilling. His eyes wandered over to their driver and breifly he wondered if they could trust him. If he could trust any of the new people, who knew how they could be related to the game. Duncan closed his eyes and tried to relax, this group just couldn't catch a break.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. FuzzyBlueLights
    He liked puffing out clouds of white vapor, it made him feel like a dragon. It was an immature thought but who cares? You know be Christmas time, when people just didn't care about the weird metal faced blond kid standing outside a toy shop purposely breathing out warm air. He did shiver though, outside in the cold was when it was most apparent that he was pierced, the metal turned chilly and he could feel it, honestly it was a mild distraction. His winter vest and sweater combo was working nicely to keep him insulated though. He inhaled the cold afternoon air once more before exhaling a fine dragonic mist from his flared, pink tinged nostrils and finally his mittened hands curled around the door handle to the shop and he allowed himself to enter it's warmth.

    The fact that he was a customer was the only thing keeping the cashier behind the desk from pulling out her phone and texting people about the adorable blond who weirdly stared into her jobs window and just...breathed little clouds of steam. Zachary's hand waved at her in customary way as he headed towards the dolls, his mind too focused on his mission to even think about someone else's opinion. He gazed up and down the aisles as his visuals were attacked by porcelain girls and plastic women, briefly he wondered what toy shop sold porcelain women or was that too creepy? He shrugged the thought away as he kneeled and smiled in glorious victory! He'd found the toy he'd been looking for. The highly customizable and ever popular toy, "Creelicia Hanwa" doll. Popstar turned villian. He admitted to enjoying the show when he watched it with his kid sister, and as he approached the front counter of the small shop with the toy, he knew his baby sister would love it too. He felt a pang in his heart as he gave the cashier a fake smile and solemnly thought about the family he missed at home.

    As he trudged back home he rubbed his mittened hands together for warmth and checked the time as he waited for the bus. It arrived in fifteen minutes of phone game playing. He thanked God he downloaded the "Fill in the Lyrics" game. All he had to do was take out his phone and sing! The best part was that you could play a custom version that only used your phone's music playlists. He boarded the bus after flashing his pass and settled into a seat, sniffling as he clutched his purchase in his lap. His face got stares but his stare was at the window until the looming of Fortissimo was upon him, like clockwork he pulled the cord, signaling for the bus to halt and let him out at the terminal at or near the school.

    The bus ride was over so he checked the time once again and saw he had about ten minutes to huff it to the dorms and put his present away. In six minutes he had made it to the dorms and placed his present under his bed while tugging on his mittens so they stayed on tighter. He made a thermos of coffee and took it with him as he traversed the halls to the theater, merely holding it for warmth. It was 1:10P.M. when he started all this, and a final glance as his now toasty fingers pressed the power button on his phone as he slipped into the auditorium, his powered up phone now read, [|2:01|]P.M.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FuzzyBlueLights
    Zach had partied with some obscure weirdos throughout the day and came home bushed. He snuggled into his bed sheets after changing and coming home but couldn't seem to get to sleep. So he let his mind race and wonder. Immediately his dual interests came up, the infamous blogger Elisa and the cutie patootie Richie flooded his mind. He entertained mock conversations with both of them but ultimately realized he needed more information from them both before he could even call them good friends.

    He shifted from his back to his left side, his hand slipping under his pillow to fluff it a bit before his head settled back down on the comfy head holder. He then noted that there was quite a number of interesting cuties in the cast and crew of the play he was in. He was slowly diving in and out of conscious thought. He vowed to use the play to get to know a bit more. He was weird, but lovable, so the worse they could do was reject him and crush his spirit! Hooray for humanity. But he was an adult, in college and also a Fortissimo high school graduate, he could handle heartbreak. I think.. He smiled sleepily, the fear was thrilling! It was great to be among the living. A thought which made him think about life and death. And finally, sleep.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FuzzyBlueLights
    Zachary opened up his eyes to a brand spanking new day. He couldn't be down because it was too lovely and too new a day. Unless something pissed him off. He chuckled at the thought while he woke himself up with his own brewed coffee. While his coffee maker hummed to life he showered and reviewed what he had to do today. Nothing. He only had to check on the klutz and otherwise he was virtually free, unless one of the actors in the play needed something done about their costumes. He woke up considerably chipper after the shower and was even moreso with a breakfast of coffee, creamer, and sugar. He fired off two quick 'Hello' text to Richie and smiled in thought of the boy and his liking towards Elisa.

    He settled into his couch after getting dressed and for a few moments, simply enjoyed the solitude of a wintertime quiet. He knew there would be plenty of screaming when he came home though, so he would spend lot's of solitary time enjoying this quiet before enjoying the shrieking of an excited sibling. It filled him with a joy so big he couldn't keep still! He got up and contemplated calling the homestead while he unplugged his phone from it's charger, but he decided against it, instead opting for a few minutes of Facebook picture staring. When that was done, he was calmer and once again checking up on various blogs he was subscribed too.

    Oh! Elisa was wake, how fun! He wondered if she was free to hang out with him later! To know the girl behind the computer was an exhilarating thought. He smirked as he kept going through her blog, she and Richie were getting better in their video editing, it showed. He then went back to his reading and his heart kicked into warp speed. She mentioned him, well unless she had met one of the other two Zachary's on the school grounds over the past few days, which he doubted, then she was talking to him. He fangasmed all over his floor.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FuzzyBlueLights
    Zachary sat back down in his seat as his applause ended and a blue blur rushed past him to the front of the stage. Who ever it was, they were pretty speedy. His eyes lit up with alarm when the person settled down with comfortable familiarity by Richie's side, he calmed down, looks like there wasn't a fire so he could relax and realize that it was Elisa, perched by Richie's side. They were friends? He hadn't known before hand, this was a remarkable surprise. His small crush on Elisa grew, she looked a bit winded, but so bubbly, it filled him up just watching them by the piano. Standing up he began to make his way to the piano, which seemed to be the current hangout spot in the auditorium. He wondered if it'd make Noelle uncomfortable to be surrounded by so many people so he skirted around the piano and instead took up residence by the stage, calling out for both Richie and Elisa when they were done talking.

    "Hey you two! I didn't know you knew each other. This is perfect, Elisa can give me a make-over, and Richie can help me with my threads. I'll never have to worry about fashion again." He said jubilantly, he toned down his excitement though, after all, you couldn't be a cool kid and a overexcited dork. He cleared his throat and smiled his body more languid and chilled, as he waited for their replies. He wanted to nervously bite his lip piercing, after all, he could be interrupting something important or something, but he held firm. The worse they could do was hate him forever. Hahaha? Oh jeez, his mind was racing, he should have never tried to talk to them both at the same time, he was not some social magnet. His mind screamed for him to abort, but he was far too deep into this social interaction to back out now. He needed a distraction and quick, he slightly wished that life was a cartoon, then a random event or person would walk up and save him from this God awful mistake.

    He stayed relaxed though, as his mind spun in circles to get himself out of this social situation, he wondered if he could fake gag his way out. Maybe have one of them escort him to the nurses office. That made him groaned, he didn't like lying(because he was bad at it) and what would he say when the nurse said nothing was wrong with him? He steeled himself up and kept smiling though a bit smaller now as he settled down on the edge of the stage. Preparing for what probably wouldn't be bad at all. In the end it never came, so disappointed Zach dragged himself home, changed, said eff the world, and went to sleep..
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FuzzyBlueLights
    He was bored, and his shirt was dry while he waited on people to arrive. It wasn't soon enough. He had to stop waking so early and reading so late. He blinked and found himself closer and closer to sleep town. He began to doze off soon after he was greeted by Noëlle. Music accompanied him to slumber as he slept in one of the audience seats, his shoes propped up on the seat of the row ahead of him. He thought he heard Richie but was far too tired to bother with opening an eye and seeing.

    Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. He gasped himself awake. Holy Jesus that voice was loud, and only one Professor seemed to be constantly that loud. He was in no mood to shake himself awake so he let Noëlle occupy the man's time. But he did survey the room and found that it was Richie's voice he heard earlier. And there seemed to be much more people gathered now. It made him happy to see more people around him.

    He put his feet down and stretched languidly, it seemed like his Blogging Goddess had not arrived yet, a quick check with his phone told him that he'd only been sleeping for a few minutes, he lowered his phone when Richie was encouraged to sing for them. He loved to sing, and had a little prejudice for those who liked to sing professionally but could not. So he hoped his little cutie pie wouldn't let him down. And after a few lines from a song he'd never heard before, he had nothing to worry about. He did however, stand up and applaud the inpromtu performance and wondered if it could be turned into a fun little thing amongst the members gathered here. Nah, he didn't go through with it. Instead he clapped for the Richmeister.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FuzzyBlueLights
    Zachary arrived at rehearsals looking sheepish despite having done no wrong. His long sleeved velvet shirt was spattered with tears but it was worth it, a damp shirt in the cold in exchange for a happier girl was worth it. He walked down to ththe theaters stage and used the side stairs to slip into the backstage. His eyes began to inspect all the props, making sure tthey worked, then he found himself giving all paintings and things created for the show, a decorative once over. He smiled now, it was all coming together perfectly! He didn't like using perfect so lightly but his sector was coming together nicely. All he had to do now was wait on Julius to arrive and give him a status report.

    He roamed over to the exposed stage and gazed from behind the backstage wall. The place was practically empty. He shrugged it off and assumed that he was just early, or that people had things to do on the weekends. He moved into a theater seat and got comfy, putting his feet up on a empty seat infront of him and pulling out his phone to read up on his favorite blog. He stumbled across it a few years back and when the blog owner painted his face, he nearly let the cat out of the bag by saying her name and not explaining why. But how do you say, 'Oh yeah, hey Elisa, you're super interesting online so I read all you right on your blog. She wasn't the only blogger he kept up with, but it was great that she went to Fortissimo with him! And was even mere inches from his face. He would tell her that he was a fan of hers. As soon as he worked up the nerve.

    His baby blue's swept across the theater and found that he was being left alone, soon he began to get lost in his readings. Jumping from one obscure blog to another before finally fully catching up on Elisa's. He debated wether he should wait on one of his potential cuddle buddies, or if he should just hang somewhere else and just call Julius with the positive update, but decided against it. He felt it would be more productive on the set, for a few hours at least. Settling deeper into the seat and glad he decided to stay, because he's lazy, he began to examine Elisa's outfit of the day.

    God that outfit is adorable.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FuzzyBlueLights
    He woke up feeling great, Elisa seemed to like his horrid humor and Richie was a cutie pie he could text any time. He did groan at them time though, his brow furrowed as his gaze glared at the red lights that read nine-fifteen. Anything before ten in the morning got the teenaged groan. He slowly pulled himself awake in a snake-like, comical way. Rubbing the wool from his eyes as he made his way into his bathroom he showered, flossed, flushed before clothing himself and bounding out the door.

    He got a text in the night from one of his set members and he immediately set a course for it, already assuming the worse as his feet echoed on the fancy Fortissimo college campus floor. The art department was where he was headed so he didn't expect to bump into anyone, which was good, because he wanted no distractions. He lightly used his upper and lower canines to play with one of his hoop like lip piercings. He burst into room 107 on the first floor and was greeted with a surprise! A blurry eyed klutz waited for him at a safe distance while he entered and stood in the enter of the room, inhaling a multitude of appropriate art room scents before he began tapping his foot in quiet impatience. She dramatically pulled a sheet that covered a mysterious figure and he gasped when hid eyes registered with his brain what he was seeing.

    It was a wooden, hand cut and made, cow. With a oak finish and beautifully painted cow hide and a realistic saddle carved right atop it, grooves were etched into the side for easy sitting and a wheeled platform was constructed underneath it, allowing stage hands to invisibly pull the creature from one side of the room to the other. He was speechless, until she picked up the saddles reins and snapped them, at which the cow tilted it's head back sang, literally sang out a very low pitched ~moo~. He closed his hanging mouth and took in her tired and worn appearance. He couldn't let her take this thing to the rehearsals without knowing the obvious truth. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat, giving the girl a lovely smile as he spoke gently. "Ahem, you did this yourself?" She nodded, he hoped this wouldn't hurt. Much. "'s supposed to be a horse. Torvald's steed is supposed to be a horse. You made a heifer..for our lead to ride on."

    Cue an hours worth of consoling.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FuzzyBlueLights
    Zachary a marvelous time with Elisa and half joked half meant it when he said she should doll him up again. He really liked the finished product, and even offered to pay for it. Five bucks was missing from his wallet but it was money well spent. He said good night to her and as she headed off and he did the same. He had a stupid grin on his pierced lips as he made his way to bed. It appeared that his meeting with Elisa had turned day into night! What a conversation! He yawned tiredly as he did his nightly routine and fell into a nice, deep, sleep.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FuzzyBlueLights
    Gosh she was pretty. And pierced. He could see the glint more clearly now that she exposed it to the backstage lighting. Did she really think she was bad? He'd seen her work, and it complimented everything, including the clothing his side of the production made up. He examined her a bit more, oh, she was smiling! He rested a bit easy, before speaking up again, "I like being a little dirty, makes life more fun." He grinned a cheeky grin back at her. Glancing at his recently finished product because of her compliment and thanking her with pride, "I would normally take full credit for that compliment, but there's an entire team backing me up. Haha, wish one of them wasn't so clumsy though." He said as he gestured down to his grey bottom jeans and completely grey paint caked shoes.

    He began to search for a spare chair, he didn't want to bug the actual cosmetics area so this would do just fine. His heart thumped a little harder in his chest as he settled down into a foldable metal chair that was used to stand on while painting high places. He grinned at her and gave her a shot of his baby blues. "Paint me like one of your French girls, Elisa." He gave a chuckle at his own lame attempt at humor before turning a serious smirk onto his face. "I will worry about the clean up, you just do your thing. On my face." He was a tiny bit mortified, she may have been cool with piercings, and a scary looking blonde guy, but such bad jokes had to be a strike out into the friend zone. He almost buffer aloud at the thought, but he wouldn't stop trying, especially with them being in the same building so much.

    He readied himself and assured her one more time that her 'dummy' was absolutely sure he wanted to get what he was asking for. Today was a day for Makeovers. "We don't have any classes together. Or friends for that matter. What I'm trying to say is, hi, Elisa the makeup artist, I'm Zachary the set designer."
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FuzzyBlueLights
    Zachary was bored after going about his normal routine, so he arrived early to the backstage set, and was able to hear muffled and sometimes clear versions of the conversation going on with the cast. He shook his head, why can't we be friends? He smiled to himself as he applied finishing touchs on a castle-like structure. He was a busy little be since signing up to be the set designer. He seem to be spear heading this side of the production and that was fine with him. To be doing something, anything, was exhilarating for the the blonde haired boy. He hummed as he absentmindedly painted and began running through a mental list of the things left to do, but also creating another list of things he'd need to tell Julius, after all, they were on a budget, though the wealthy school that was Fortissimo could afford or already had everything they could need, so he wouldn't have to ask for much. He had to check up on the unfinished customes, mostly the extras, and the unnoticed background, like shrubbery and the sky and other things that people hardly notice.

    A thunk of materials hitting the floor alerted him to a presence now joining him in the backstage. He smiled at the ever pretty Elisa, he almost had a small panic attack when he saw her rest against the wall nonchalantly, but he calmed down quickly, she was not leaning against a prop or painted wall, so she was in the clear. He sighed out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He wanted to speak to her, after all, he kind of, had a thing for her, right? But there was still so much to do, so that smile from earlier would have to suffice, he was cutting know corners, he started this and he would finish it. Even though there was just a bit more to do on this structure. He applied a few more dabs of grey and some touches of blue and took a few steps back, even doing the photographer's camera square with his hand to examine the finished product of he and his teams work. Perfect! He lowered his hands and sniffed once with pride, work this good was only to expected from a Masterson's work. He couldn't help but be a little vain, after all, his team did a damn good job. Making a new set, and sewing up and patching together clothes over the past few weeks. He expected this play to very good. Damn good. His fingers moved like a spider to brush off old paint flecks from his arms and hands and realized he'd almost soaked the lower parts of his pants when clutzy Nicole, his smitten assistant, tripped over some protective sheeting and spilled the very same bucket he'd been using to tidy up his castle wall on his lower legs and shoes. She was lucky he found it more comical then something to be upset about.

    He wiped a bit of sweat from his brow and brought his cool blue gaze to Elisa, work was temporarily suspended, it was time to play. After all, she barely knew him, and he, her. "Yo Elisa, need a practice dummy?" He gaze her a geniuinely curious look, after all, he was privately running the lines of an extra in the event that one was needed, plus, he didn't know what the cosmetic's team did after they did make-up for the actors. Did they watch and just wait to do touch ups, then wait some more, all throughout a play? He watched her innocently, idly playing with his tongue piercing with his teeth before stopping himself. Past friends had told him it made him look sinister, and like he had a roving snake's tongue in his mouth or something. The thought that people would think that about him made him chuckle inwardly, but this was a first impression, and those lasted a long time, all the time.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FuzzyBlueLights
    Zach will take one of the set designer spots. And a back up Extra, if we need it.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FuzzyBlueLights
    Full Name: Zachary B. Masterson
    Age: 19
    Likes: Games, bracelets, chains, piercings, obscure cultures, ****s, interesting things, fire, lazing about, anime, books
    Dislikes: Boredom, high energy people, bright colors, ballet, people who fit a mold, difficult puzzles, being looked down upon, manga, metal detectors
    Weaknesses/Fears: Being alone, not being good enough for his career, snakes, bad with children, hungry often.
    Strengths/Talents: Funny, Independent, Determined, Poker face, Good listener, Metalsmith work.
    Personality: He wants to live another day and will do most anything to make that happen. He will put others above himself, and will always look for the route that benefits everyone, but mostly himself. He will join in on a prank or two and he loves a audience, no matter the stage.
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Favorite Color: Royal blue
    Instrument(s): Vocals
    Crush?: Noelle, Elisa, Pierce, Erik
    Cupid's Brew?: Yes
    Availability: Same as James
    Other: Wants to learn a string instrument.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FuzzyBlueLights
    Finally! Food! Checking his vests pockets, he found what he was searching for, a body heat dried ten dollar bill. He snorted quietly when he was told to share and to be considerate of what spent. Hahahaha. He was glad they went to McDonalds, his eyes scanned the menus and he ordered without mercy. Three McDoubles and a medium fry with a large drink. Leaving him with two dollars and some change. He filled up his cup with a fizzy sprite and it was done in a flash. Lucky for them, he was not in the mood for ****** fries or slow service.

    He was in the mood for the hastily devoured three burgers. He sipped his sprite to wash it down and frowned. This Sprite tasted a bit weird. It tasted coppery and it seemed to be too sweet or something because it made his insides feel funny. James doesn't play that, not with his food. So grumpily he took his fries and drink to the drink station and completely dumped and refilled his cup with more Sprite, to only find the same effect was happening, he angrily made his way to the front counter and bitched about changing the drinks like a true fast food goer. While they checked the back and he waited, he munched on some fries and frowned again, this coppery taste in their food was getting unacceptable! He even felt a little pain in his system, obviously from the anger though. He noted that one fry seemed to have ketchup on it, funny, he didn't grab any packets. Shrugging it off, he took another coppery, salty, processed potatoe-y bite. He could feel the pain growing a bit worse as he thanked the emotionless counter girl for assuring him that the drinks were fine.

    He coughed into his hand as he was about to turn around and head back to his seat. On top if the pain he felt a bit woozy. And where in the hell did this stuff come from. It was all red and sticky, and it only came from his mouth. Oh these employees would get his foot shoved so far up their asses for this!

    Screaming! Yelling! Death!? Shouts for 911 to be called filled the air and he saw them, he saw them die! His mind flickered like a bad projector playing a semi old movie, they looked faintly like the people who were in the back of the truck with him. He could feel tears start to prick at his eyes and trickle down his portly cheeks as realization hit him. Hard. This was his blood flowing down his cheeks. They had breathed in something and now people in his school's group died back to back like pigs to the slaughter. He narrowed his crying eyes at the truck. It was right there, much faster then a ambulance! And this had to have a hospital nearby, McDonald's spawned where people gathered! He just had to find it in time. His feet heard his mental command and for the first time in his life, he willing dropped food and rushed for the door. Pink haired girl appeared in his field of view and he shouldered her, thinking 'Move *****, get out the way!' Jesus, it took forever to get to the door and push it open. The keys were right in the ignition! What about the others? Plenty of the people got here in cars, they'd be okay. And he could always figure out how to drive and come back for his gem, his Em. The truck roared to life easily and he was seconds away from putting the car in reverse when Counselor Pirate came at him like a spider monkey. More pain, more weakness, and more blood flowed as he moved through the air and onto the ground.

    He tried to listen to the counselor's words, but it was hard. He tried to mouth, 'help me', but only his blood and tears spoke for him. He couldn't be dying, right? He was a kid, barely a teen, he was part of the YOLO generation. The world would be able to hear him mesmerize them with his voice someday, right? The blood from his body shifted into a slower gear as he lowered himself fully onto his back, only his tears moving now as his cheat slowed to a huanting chill. 'I just want my mommy.'
    But no one could save the now dead James.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FuzzyBlueLights
    Permission granted! Thruster's engaged. Commence shoveling! His arms thrusted into the nearest pile of candy and without further ado or regard for the others in their group. He took their hospitality to heart and their free candy to stomach! He loved every moment of it, it was like this place was his oasis. Fire on his back, water logging his once nice clothes. All those Earthly troubles were gone as he sampled one candy then another. Ooooh, cinnamon flavored this, dark chocolate that. Geegus, they had everything here, his only concern was that he might get stuck here forever and die before he could be wheeled out and saved.

    They were flame damaged, sea soaked, clotheless, moneyless, phoneless youngsters. Why would they be charged for anything while they waited on rescue? James rubbed his hungry stomach, the food devoured at Cane's place was quickly forgotten as he attempted to eat his fill while he could. Some of the others looked skeptical, he couldn't figure out why. Weirdos. His thrusters(arms) were getting tired, and so, knowing that there was still plenty candy about for him to try out he decided to find a wall to rest on and survey the sticky chocolate on his hands. He felt a little gross, dried chocolate on his hands and what not, so he got up and discovered the first floor rest rooms. His hands were cleaned and he settled back down onto the wall.

    He contemplated the hospitality of this town and chalked it up to strange and eccentric, and he did think about what his parents would say about all these things going on. But pfft, worrying about the future was for adults. He was a kid surrounded by Candy Land. There was no way he was going to let concern, weigh him down. YOLOswag, right?
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FuzzyBlueLights
    James didn't waste time standing after it was announced that they were splitting into groups, immediately he sat down on a bench. Sleepy, but not fatigued. He couldn't spot his Emalynn in the counselor based group that was leaving, so that meant he could rest till morning came and they would return with a bus or shuttle, something! And two miles? In the dark? Treble please. He was not hoofing that distance until absolutely nessesary. So he wiggled into the hard bench until his body made if comfy.

    He was going to attempt sleep in this preposterous position. But spotted something with his cool baby blues. An opportunity to be a gentleman. Cool. He stood up, not really wanting too, but he did, and he then ambled his way towards Elisa. He didn't know her, but he knew a heavily trembling girl when he saw one! His fingers began to unbutton his vest, he didn't need it, it was a bit warm out after all. His common sense told him to stand infront of her and present it so he did.

    "Hey! You're shaking like a leaf! I thought maybe you should take this." He said it gleefully, but a sad frown crossed his face as he held it out to her. "Well it doesn't have sleeves but the point is that if you hold it close enough around you, it should keep you pretty warm." His plan didn't seem full proof so he plopped down beside her. "I'm James, you can call me your eater tonight."

    She was so skinny! But with the right diet...
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FuzzyBlueLights
    James walked down the hall of the train at a steady pace. Phew! Were all trains this long and tiring just to get from cabin to cabin. He settled into a chair that wasn't in a cabin to take a five minute break. Where in the hell was Emalynn? He hugged his way up to his feet and kept moving, glee etching onto his face as he spotted her. She was sitting! Thank God, he could sit down too. His gaze took in her situation and a small smile found it's way to his lips, they had Sean and Jenna as company. He had only met them at the scavenger hunt before tthe forest went up in flames. He was about to chirp out a hello when the train slowed to a stop and they were...well, out again but this time for a valid reason. The train had done it's job, partially. James had no idea as to where they were. He was starting to get frustrated as he stuck close to his Fortissimo peers while they were informed of a Mr. David being their ride back to home. He would have danced if so many people weren't around. Instead he waited patiently for a sweet four wheeled carriage to cart them all home. Home, where he could forget about this entire awful mess.

    James's anger meter rose. The adults declined the free ride. He groaned audibly and was about to frown before pulling his face into a deflated pout. What the lumps were they going to do now? A petite girl apologized to the conductor who simply left them where they stood. He felt bad for anyone who had left their things. But he brought his primary focus to the direction the now vanished car was gone to.

    They had options still, so that was a good thing. He turned his attention to their guardians, hoping they wouldn't do something stupid like huddle to hash out their next brilliant plan. They should get the younger guys opinions as well, because he had a few now that they didn't have a ride. He glanced irritably at their surroundings. Creepy train station. Nightfallen dirty road. And who cares about the rest. His mind settled on the station. Maybe there was a payphone or flashlights or ticket guy who could give them directions. James would be quiet, for now.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FuzzyBlueLights
    Ooc: Lost post. **** this life.

    James stretched his limbs and then his jaw. Practicing vocal excerises for practices sake. He was happily full and that was one less thing to worry about. He did slightly worry about this train exploding and their bodies never being found, but he figured two times was enough times for the cosmos to f*ck them. He settled back comfortably into his cushiony chair and gazed out the window without really taking in the scenery. He could feel a daydream coming on and he welcomed the distraction.

    It was time for his favorite show! James! Staring James as James and co-staring Emalynn as Wife. In today's episode, James sat at a dinner table and at and sang and ate, and sang. Singing was the requirement that Wife demanded of him if he wanted her to feed him endlessly. So she toiled in the kitchen, preparing his goodies and treats while he belt out a verse or chorus or two. As happy as this story seemed to be, a sharp, spear like thought was flung at his happy dream bubble, it shattered into a million pieces as the thought said, "What if she can't cook?" His cheek twitch and his head snapped up. Dear God, what if she was an awful cook!?

    He leapt up to his feet, aside from her natural friendly demeanor and underlying frost, he knew next to nothing about her. He was no stalker, though he could watch her all day long. She had such amazing grace. Anyway, the point was that he needed to find her before he proposed to her in his senior year and found out late that she can only burn water.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FuzzyBlueLights
    James didn't even have to return to his room. Being kicked out and told to grab his things did remind him that he was upset for losing his case to the water, he sighed, it was too late now to cry about it, but he would later. He took two more biscuits with jam sandwiched between the bread out the door and into the trolley and ate it while they were taken to the train station. When they arrived he cleaned himself up and willed himself to not think about his clothes poor condition and just thought about changing into fresh comfortable clothes at home.

    James did frown a little when he made a brief notice on the fact that such a tiny place even had a station, after all he didn't remember seeing or hearing about the station here while he was in school. He slowly shrugged it off, it must not have been important enough to be mentioned. Still, the ferry should have been enough transportation, but he guessed that the train was a good back up if the ferry captain decided to crash their boat into another boat on a clear and bright sunny day just after the passengers escaped a fire. The more he thought about their situation, the more upset he got. Getting on the train was easy, they were admitted with no questions asked, so he settled himself in a booth and began to wait for the food cart to come his way.

    As he waited for that to happen, he found himself missing the playlists on his phone, and in turn he found himself wanting to sing and so, he shut his room's door and settled near the window to began a haunting but beautiful Italian lullaby. His mental system sighed in relief, similiar to a stressed out junkie getting their fix. It felt good to sing. Now if only that damn cart would come.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FuzzyBlueLights
    James roused himself from slumber as sunlight filtered through his window and his eyes blurrily adjusted to the change in scenery. Where the hell was he? It sure wasn't home. He rolled onto his side and was about to attempt to go back to sleep but when he tried, the flood of memories temporarily blocked by going to sleep, flooded back into his now conscious mind. "F*ck." He grumbled as he pulled himself upright and began the slow and lethargic hunt for his clothes. He prayed this dump had some kind breakfast room or something, and his stomach rumbled it's agreement. His clothes were now sufficiently dry, but he still felt a bit gross since they were old now. He sighed and wished that he hadn't lost his case, but it was all replaceable, maybe this place had a cool mall or something, anything would do at this point, so long as it was clean, washed, and preferably came with a tie.

    James stretched and reached for the ceiling before deciding that he might as well go down to the main room of the Inn again, there might be something important being said by one of the adults. So, food could wait, because right now, he wanted to know if they could get a phone to call the 'rents and let them know that they're alright, though a day behind schedule. He huffed as he settled into a seat to wait, this was no fun, at all. He reminded himself that he should look for Erik, and let him know that he and Emalynn were not burned to death, or trampled by escaping forest deer. And he had to track Emalynn down, his face flushed as he remembered, to thank her for attempting to save him. Who knows what would have happened if she'd simply left him in the ashes.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, May 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home