hey bby What makes you think,"Hmm, this role play needs murdering Goddesses, timers, game boards, and all the other craziness that came with 100Days?" You broke a mold, when you made that role play, and then you broke several more with your graphics and videos alone. What made you think, "I don't want a banner of some anime girl in a beautifully designed picture as my role play banner. I want a moving ****ing television to be her banner. With her on the inside to represent how paranoid she is!" What magical sort of inspiration strikes a person to strive for it, and then make it happen on top of it all. One day you came along and said, "Why not make a KHV Chorus?" And it was a successful hit for months. Did you know KHVC and Duet Roulette would be so successful? And lastly, how does it feel to be so accomplished and loved by multiple communities(this forum, twitter, youtube).
show us pics pls, we want 2 c <3 ur fanz
Ulysses trudged back to his room, weaving through the sparse human population that remained on campus. Thirsty, he drank the last bit of his coffee, trapped in the depths of his thermos, which had lost it's warmth in the sudden chill of the outside world. He felt a little reluctant to return to his room and get back to game playing, but fatigue was knocking on the top of his skull and in fact he stopped to take a deep breath as a yawn escaped him. He continued his almost solemn walk to his door and opened it. His thermos was tossed into the kitchen sink and his body plopped wearily onto the couch facing his T.V., briefly he wondered if he'd made an indent in the couch cushions yet and figured that it'd be a bit more time before that came to be. He always sat in the same spot when he played his games or watched a bit of television, smack dab in the center seat. The view was perfect, not a drop of glare or anything else to interfere with his video game consumption. Hours of having his bottom pressed into this cushion would have to leave a mark sooner or later. Sometimes though, an annoying little thought would wiggle it's way into his head. What if he died today? And a ass pressed into a cushion was all he had left into the world? Most times he could shake that thought off with a bit of game play, but sometimes it would stick and stay, and he would have to remind himself that he was a straight A student, in college. One of the most prestigious music schools in the country if not the world. And his musical skills were top notch, he'd have to be remembered for something. He hoped. His brow furrowed, for once the thought was not brought up by his subconscious, it was instead brought up by him. And that was upsetting. What did it say about him? That he wanted something more then his video games and comfortable couch? Pfft, there was no way he was going to give those things up, as long as he fine tuned his musical skills and kept listening to the best music video games had to offer, he'd be just fine. And with that, his mind was settled, and he could finally sleep.
Ulysses didn't sleep, and he didn't need too. Who would need to when Tymar the backstabber of his character's village had sold them out and was now on the run from him, a simple warrior from the same village. And guess who wasn't sleeping with Ulysses, his character's betrothed, that's who. How could the poor girl sleep when she was being spirited away from all she knew and love to go to the vile forest killers of the Damen people. With their superior weaponry and sly tricks they slew honest people to support their lavish and wealthy life styles. But Ulysses and his character didn't care. They just wanted to save his beloved and rebuild what they could of their once peaceful lives. Eat. Drink. Bathroom. Train. Boss fight. Train. Boss fight. Eat again. Drink again. Bathroom again. From the late afternoon the time of birds chirping and the sun rising told him that he should stop his battling cycle and get ready for a new day. He didn't like the people of this school, but he did want to get a good job in the gaming industry's musical side, and Fortissimo was top notch when it came to music prodigies and would look more then good on his applications. Plus, he liked marking and remembering his practice progression. By the time he finished school, he'd be set for life, or so he planned to be. But for now, it was practice, practice, practice. He switched on the coffee maker and let it start while he splashed water on his face and dressed himself in his normal attire. He was a bit to indifferent to care about what he was wearing. He just knew it was cold, so he should dress warmly. The colors matched and that's what mattered. He could hear a dim beep, that alerted him that his coffee was ready. His French vanilla creamer was poured into his cup until it was the right color for him, and his sugar was poured perfectly from his hands. He stirred it for five full seconds before taking the first experimental sip. Perfect, practice perfect. He grinned as he rubbed his tired eyes and finished his first cup. His game was paused and he shut it off, relying on the game's auto save feature to put him near wear he'd last left off. He didn't like being late to things, so he poured the rest of his coffee into a thermos and headed out the door. It was early and his ungloved hands were warming nicely on the thermos he'd brought along as he headed to his first routinely done thing, singing in the school's recording studio.(If there is none, I will edit it out.) He'd been doing it since he was a freshman in the school, and had kept the monotony of it alive by remembering that if he slacked, he'd stagnate and not get any better when classes resumed. Plus he liked to hear his mistakes and perfections or near perfections and near mistakes on the recordings of himself that he deleted after practice was done. If he particularly liked something, he'd send it to himself and upload it to a thumb drive made specifically to be shown to future employers. He set the coffee down near the table with a little plant that stood near the door, he'd been taking good care of it. He didn't really trust the janitors to do it. He removed his gloves and shoved them into his jacket pockets as he fiddled with the studio's booth controls. When he had the settings as he liked, he hit record and stepped into the booth, warming up his vocals with exercises before starting up a startling beautiful acapella in a gentle tenor.
Edited Ulysses to be less Zachary.
❥Full Name: Ulysses V. Irving ❥Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/1109555 ❥Age: 20 ❥Likes: Video games, the internet, technology, being alone, winning, practicing, goal completing, being apathetic, reading ❥Dislikes: Being looked down on, harsh criticism, losing, interruptions, dancing, social events, those who dislike video games ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Bad dancer, bad chef, conversation, being laughed at, slight paranoia ❥Strengths/Talents: Being frugal, inner strength, good with technology ❥Personality: Sometimes he can be a little blunt without meaning it. He's mostly indifferent unless it's affecting him directly, so most of the time he will seem like he just doesn't care...because he doesn't. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Black ❥Instrument(s): Bass guitar, Voice ❥Crush?: Elisa, Noelle ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as James and Zachary ❥Other: Has forgotten he has the breeeew.
lern 2 spl, losr
Breakfast was lovely, it reminded him of a fancy restaurant his parents had taken him to before his kid sister was born. He was excitedly checking his phone as the others ate and chattered among them. His father was soon to arrive back home and his mother claimed that she was already on her way to come get him and take him home. So he was very happy to have spent this time with the others before seeing his father safe and sound. He felt a little childish, thinking of his day in such a way, he snapped out of his reverie however when one if the boys at the table started acting weird, and within minutes he was slumped over his table. He ignored the tightness in his chest to think of all the things he knew to do in a situation like this. He was one of the eldest there, so he had to do something, right? Jeez, the kid was all the way across the room, he stood up and began to make his way to Alex. It was so much harder to breathe now, why was that? He wasn't some fatty and he was walking for Petes sake. That irritating constriction in his chest was getting worse. He thumped it lightly and paused in his movements. He had to be light headed because he ate to fast, of course. He took a break halfway to Alex and it seemed like the constriction was joined by some pain. Not bad but mild enough to be noticeable. Was he having some kind of heart attack? How!? He was only nineteen! He had so much a head of him. His legs gave out and he collapsed onto his stomach. He felt bad, on the outside and the inside, he wished to see his dad and little sister, and his mother's smile. The sense of doom he felt told him he wouldn't see those things come to pass. The pain continued steady as his heart carried on getting damaged. Soon it was all over. Zachary was dead.
He really didn't know many of the people gathered at the table so with a bit of uncommon shyness, he settled into a seat beside Richie. It was a bit strange, he knew of most of them but had only talked to less then a few and that was because of the play. He knew a little about Ryder, because they were designing the set together, but he didn't seem to be here. Sitting with Richie was awkward but fiddling with his phone as the food arrived help give a slight distraction. His throat was a little scratchy as he shoveled down two forkfuls of eggs and three cut bite sized chunks of pancakes. His stomach was thanking him with silence and energy as he felt as if his cells were waking up finally. His body still felt nervous as he gave Richie little secret peaks while appearing casual on the outside. What was his fellow blonde thinking? He was careful to concentrate on not getting egg on a piercing. He was relieved when drinks finally arrived even though it only took a few minutes for her Butler dude to bring them out. As his fingers stretched out for a sip and it turned into a chug as he tilted his head back to take in more of the drink. It felt like heaven on his throat. He still didn't know why, but his throat was always so thirsty when he woke up. He shrugged his thoughts away as he alternated between chewing food and swallowing drink. Carefully making sure not to pig out like he normally would at home. This was a perfect time to ask Richie to meet up with him later in the week. "Hey Richie," he started but paused, because without he'd spoken with his mouth half full, he was able to keep it all in there though. After swallowing, he spoke up again, making sure Richie could only hear him, "I want to talk about last night, privately. Do you mind meeting up with me somewhere later in the week? A cafe or ice cream place." Though it was cold, you never stop wanting ice cream. He thought as he downed the last of his drink.
Zachary woke up and half opened one eye before shutting it and contemplating getting back to sleep. These sheets felt great on his body and as his mind revved itself to an awakened state, it was blissfully blank until his head registered that his body was naked. Satisfied but naked. And he felt dirty and the bed he lay in was not his own. Where in the hell was he? His eyes snapped open and he remembered! Sophie held a party and he came, got hammered and had some pretty wild sex. He couldn't remember boobs...but he did remember blonde hair and a nice butt. Was it Richie? Had he really gone that far? Oh dear God. Drunk sex with Richie could be very beneficial or very messy and unwanted. To Yolo or be an adult. He decided that being an adult would be the best thing in this situation. He nodded to himself as he slowly got dressed, he had come to a decision. But it was the day after Christmas! He had to get home before his father arrived. He ran his fingers through his hair and found a spare bathroom to wash his face and mouth. He didn't feel much like talking though, he could barely think with his current headache. His feet found their way to the kitchen where his rumbling stomach told him that he was indeed hungry. The small gathering there made him slightly nervous as he thought about what he and Richie did. Hell looking at the boy made his cheeks turn rosy. He hid it as he settled into a chair by pulling out his phone and texting his mother, saying that he might need a ride home. His eyes were a little red but he seemed okay, just a bit tired. He would have to nap when the time came to head home. He began to strategize with himself, going deep into thought. In the end it seemed like he would just have Richie meet up with him somewhere and they would just talk it out and see whetr it went from there.
OOC: ZACH X RICHIE YAOI TIME. Placed inside spoilers so the sensitive among us don't even have to skim it. Spoiler His bites were vicious. Some drew pinpricks of blood. Animalistic feelings going no holds bar between two male bodies. From one blond head to another lips connected. His piercings could hurt people, it made him grin. Let's see if little Richie could handle it, given that he'd ask for it after all. Hands were pulled backwards in positions possibly painful but who cares because it held the object of his desire in place. Protection was not placed nor wanted. Well timed movement lead to well placed pleasure and well placed pleasure lead to the first climax. But young boys have ample energy so even if one blonde was spent, the other still had much more to give. Be it bites caresses or rocking hips. At some sweat filled point, the rough bed shaking ceased and a more subtle, gentle dance began. Teasing touches, musically talented fingers playing the instruments named Zach and Richie till toes curled and suns exploded in starry blue eyes. A comfortable tanglement of limbs and gentle but heavy breathing was the only sounds to accompany the glow that comes with sexual satisfaction. A pierced lip kissed a cute cheek as sleep threatened to over take him. Jeez, who knew someone so innocent...was so bad. His body languidly untangled itself from Richie's slimmer form so that he could lay on his back and think about where this might take the two. He did think that the hanky panky could bind two people, especially two people in love but there were plenty engaged in sex who were also friends. And at this point in his young life Zach was sure that he valued Richie's friendship more then his ring finger. He would have to talk to Richie about it when he woke up. He didn't want that awkward shit that could come from something like this. God life could be so unessesarily complicated- and then he was snoring lightly.
Oh sweet Lord above thank you. His hands reached for the doorknob after getting the invite. It was opened, his mind dully wondered if it was opened or not earlier, but that thought was shrugged aside as he nudged Richie off the toilet and let nature take it's course. He frowned because something was off. He looked back to the person who invited him in and noticed it was Richie! Little Richie! Cute Richie. "Hey Richie! This place must not have a lot of bathrooms. Are you okay, man? You're on the floor." He mumbled a bit of that and then his voice increased when he noted that Richie had some kind of 'look' in his eye. Zachary mechanically cleaned his hands before helping Richie stand, a faint animalistic stirring inside him causing a light grin to grace his lips as he gazed down at Richie's smaller form. "Let's get you in bed. A bed. My bed. The bed that is mine. You following me?" He laughed softly and shorted, flushing slightly in embaressment. Was it always this hard to talk? He couldn't tell. And he didn't care.
He awoke slowly, blearily rising into a sitting position from the couch and yawning into a more awakened state. Where in the hell was he? He closed his eyes tight before popping them open again in realization. He was still at Sophie's place! He didn't feel as loosy goosy as he did before but he did feel like the world was shifting and his bladder had to explode. He leapt up and nearly fell over and barfed while he waited for the world to stop spinning. He learned his lesson and slowly but as fast as he could, he wobbly made his way to one door. Not the place with a toilet. It was a closet. The next door? Nope, a bedroom. He leaned against the next one and prayed for his bladder that it was what he sought. Thank the Lord that it was. He didn't know what time it was but he didn't care. He had to go and he had to go now. His fist pounded on the door twice and he waited. The glowing light creeping from under the door told him someone was inside it so he pounded twice again. "Coooooome oooooon! Left his slightly inbreiated lips as he heard voices of other party goers still despite it feeling very late in the morning. A quick phone check said so. He wondered how Richie and Elisa were, maybe they had gone. Maybe he should too, Sophie seemed equipped to handle them all sleeping over. But it felt a little odd to spend the night. He shrugged and yolo'd in his head. Chuckling as he yolo'd again in his mind, that was such a funny word. His bladder alerted him that it was still not empty, so he pounded on the door again.
Drunkenly bouncing from Richie to Elisa had been tons of fun. He wondered if they got drunk often, but dismissed it, if memory was right, which it probably wasn't due to it being hampered by alcohol. He thought that they were minors. He yawned in a tired way first one then the other left his side. He hoped one would come back, maybe to a bed with him but instead he took a moment to find a couch. Hah, there was no way he was going home now. He was feeling so damn tired...had he really drunk that much? He couldn't remember at that point. He hadn't had much when he flirted with Richie earlier. But the drinks started to flow when the duo became a trio. Looks like Elisa had klutzed into Erik and Bryan and now Richie was to follow. He wanted to get up and join what might be some sort of strange conga line formation. He tried to get up but instead it turned into him shifting onto his side and settling deeper into the cushion of the couch. This place was weird but comfy as hell. He couldn't wait to try to remember this day, hangovers could be fun in a live with the pain sort of way. And tomorrow meant it was time for his father's return! He tried to hooray but grunted instead, life wasn't so bad when you were drunk. His drowsy thoughts were slowing down, as was his heart rate and breathing. Zach was out like a light.
As much as he wanted to spend time with his sister, he knew that his family only lived an hour and thirty minutes away, so it'd be no problem to make there the next day. The presents were given and the little one was sleeping halfway through the play. He put her in the car himself and watched as their mother drove away. That was enough to satisfy him until tomorrow. The play was a major success, despite being on Christmas day, they seemed to be sold out! It was an amazing feeling to know that a auditorium full of people had payed to see something you and a few classmates had worked hard to put together. It made him feel like celebrating, and partying at Sophie's seemed to be the perfect way to show it. He couldn't make heads or tails of the girl, but listening to her and seeing her house, he still gleaned nothing of who or what she was as a person. Uppity rich girl? Or cool party animal? He scratched the side of his blond curls as he stared at her. Who cares, she was super pretty, and she had a banging place to party in. He tried to take a head count, and see who had come and who hadn't. He kept his eye out for his many likes and suddenly found it stuck on one. He had much fun with his fellow blond that he decided it was going to be a blast having fun with him here. Without further ado, with a drink in his hand, Zachary approached young Richie with a question. "Come here often?" His mouth shut immediately and the berating began. 'Oh my God you must be drunk. But you haven't drunken anything. Well, not much of anything. Well maybe a few sips of whatever this is. I can't pronounce it, but it tastes great. Are you saying all this out loud? Nah, he would be saying something. But can you believe that you just said that! It's so corny. Stop being corny! Be smooth, like LL Cool Jay. Who hasn't been cool since the nineties! Just shut up!' He cleared his throat and smiled at Richie, a little wobbly on his feet, he straightened up and stared at the him dreamily. He was so cute. Like a little cute man. If he was a super hero that's what his name would be Richie the Cute Man. Sending out little beams of hearts that would make all villains stop in the name of Cute. Or would he be Cute Boy, since hew as a minor...jeez, he would have to give this more thought. If only he could draw.
A small childlike gasp. Brightening of sea green blue and a piercing but heartmelting gaze that said was being shrieked at him. "AAAAAAaaaaAaaAaaaaAaaa! Thankuthankuthankuthankuthankuthankuthanku so much Zachy!! You're the best big brudder ever! The other girls will be jellyus." He corrected her speech with a enveloping bear hug, picking up her tiny two year old body was easy as he absorbed her warmth and happiness. When she calmed down, never letting go of her toy, she gave him his reveried macaroni drawing. The fact that she knew it was Christmas time and wanted to give him something was so endearing that five minutes was taken out while the two blonde siblings played around the highly decorated tree. Zachary had to be careful to not damage themselves or the pretty things his sister and mother had set up while he was away. He set the little tyke down so he could give his mother her gift. It was a trip to Hawaii, and the look on her face was worth it. It took a bit of saving from his part time job which was tough since it closed during the holidays, but her smile, his mother's tearful, happy smile energized and kept him pepped up for weeks. And aside from getting tickets to his show and promising to record it for his father, despite Zachary not having any appearances, she had only gotten him few books on strange things she thought he might be interested in and a few special pins, because she knew how much he like them. A family hug was needed at this moment. All and all, Christmas was a good, warm, fuzzy day. Later. It was show time, he was to be backstage throughout the whole play. Helping with props and scenery errors and movements and changes as the play progressed. He did want to watch it in the seats, but nothing would compare to watching it with the old man when he returned from Hawaii, so he agreed to help when he was needed. Dressed in black he talked with his team, making sure they knew what to do and when to do. Also he gave everyone a loud good luck and came to realize he was nervous! He had performed in bigger crowds then this but even then he got nervous. He took some deep calming breaths and focused on the fact that no one was going to see the set designer team, well when they were on stage. His team would be in and out before the stage lights turned back on. This black was a bit hot though, but he didn't complain, instead the joy of today and the excitement of the play riled him up to double check everything he and his crew had been doing over the weeks. Finally he kept himself busy by making sure klutzy girl was in her seat in the audience. His eyes narrowed in a nice intent way, but in a warning way. Unless they desperately needed her, she would not pass. He would Gandolf the hell out of her before he let her on stage.
Zach loved the attention Maria gave him. It was always nice to know that when you go above aand beyond, someone notices it. He scanned the room as Torvald entered and his speech began. The dude was dramatic and long winded, but his usage of the word revolution made Zach want not be a sheep fitting the mold, so amused, Zachary would give Torvald the time of day and actually pay attention when he talked. He watched as Maria knelt before them all and was about to walk towards her to help her or something, but she helped herself to a heaping of Torvald cheek. It was a echoing clap. More air then slap. This would spark some juicy winter gossip for sure. Oh, and Julius looked hurt. His showing over, and rehearsal finally cranking up, he was now able to full on socialize and so he faded into the backstage. Eagerly looking for Elisa for a talk and maybe another face painting, he headed to the make up area and settled into one of the many chairs placed there. Luckily she seemed to be back here, safely watching it all. He reviewed what he knew about her and despite seeming so out-going and even though she had bubbly Richie for a friend, she seemed reclusive. He wandered why, well aside from being their own little secret iElisa[iCarly joke, herka], she seemed a positive delight. And thinking about her blog he knew she liked going out to places. So...maybe she was shy and only able to pull off one on one reactions? Well this was perfect! I He stared at her back side and was struck by idea thunder! He gingerly, silently slid out of the make-up chair and pilfered black mascara and red lipstick. He vanished into the shadows of backstage and began to apply the eyelid blackener to his bottom eyelid and made dark trails from his eyes to halfway down his cheeks. Then he uncapped the lipstick and made a light film of the substance circle the outside of his before drawing bloody seeming trails from his lip's edge to his chin. Ta-Da! Zombie make-over complete! He began to shuffle and amble towards the back turned Elisa with determined dead man conviction. "Buuuuh...Uhhh, guuuuhh..." He moaned. What a scare. Insert more jokes and fun time with rehearsal and he watched half the movie before going to bed happy.
Zachary had heard some of the fights but his seat was far enough to spare him from the drama. He did note that Maria was looking super fly in her dress though, and it made him smile, getting the clothes tailor made for each actor was twice the work but seemed to be worth it so far. He stood up when the aftermath seemed to have abated and shifted his focus towards the backstage. He knew someone on his team or in the play would have told him if something happened, but he couldn't help but compulsively check whenever he entered tthe theater. He climbed up the stairs and was in the back in seconds. He decided to work quietly when he neared Maria's backside, checking the big scenery boards that took up most of the stages background. That took a few minutes and he sighed in relief when he found nothing worth redoing. He heard an adorable giggle and a flash of blue hair and his heart leapt a bit, his favorite blogger apparently found something funny. But he was priorizing and took his mind off of socializing by petting Torvald's cow steed as he went over the other props used in the play. Finally he reappeared on stage and approached Maria. She was really pretty, though he didn't really have a thing for female blonds. He gave her a lopsided grin that he hoped was cute as he stopped a few feet away from her. "You make a really good Michaela. I'm just checking up on the wardrobe though. So is there anything wrong with that dress? Or any of Michaela's other clothes?" He asked with honest intentions in his blue eyes. He would have to ask Torvald and the extras as well but for now, Maria seemed to be the only actress who was at practice on time. Kind of made the others look bad, especially if they lived in the school. He ceased his mind from wandering and briefly wondered if he would be treated with hostility, but he bashed that thought aside and concentrated on the moment at hand. Zachary did eye her mic while he waited though. It had been some time before he'd sang for someone. Sooner or later he'd have to serenade one of his lovely crushes. He would have smirked at the thought if he hadn't been the key in the ignition of this conversation he'd started. Her make only enhanced her beauty and also made her look more like someone else to him, more like the Michaela described in the book. Internal he smiled noting that it had to be the work of the ever talented Elisa.