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  1. FuzzyBlueLights
  2. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post

    im not one of dose

    im not one of dose
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 14, 2013
  3. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post

    dis fellin insid

    dis fellin insid
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 14, 2013
  4. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post

    it's a lil bt fnny

    it's a lil bt fnny
    Profile Post by FuzzyBlueLights for Jayn, Feb 14, 2013
  5. FuzzyBlueLights
    Profile Post Comment

    Alright, link me?

    Alright, link me?
    Profile Post Comment by FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 10, 2013
  6. FuzzyBlueLights
    Marcus had been reading nearly all day. He smiled, amazed. He didn't know a book like this could hold his interest so long, it made him genuinely happy, his mom would be happy. These thoughts swirled and inspired Marcus as he cuddled into his pillow, marking his page and shutting off his light to find laws in his dreams.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. FuzzyBlueLights
    Marcus lay curled up in bed with his law book. Trying but failing from time to time to read these laws and keep from giggling. He was supposed to be studying seriously but he couldn't help it. This book was released on New Years, which was why Marcus was so glad to get a copy of The Brookridge Book of Law. So he got to read up on the laws athat were seriously being enforced and the ones that were clearly not even needed anymore. He had to remember some of these if he decided to be a cop some day.

    "Lollipops are banned."

    Marcus clutched the book to his chest and rolled about in sheets with stomach burnning laughter that was barely contained. He didn't even know if Theodore was even in at the moment. But incase he was. He did his best to keep his reading to a minimum and to keep his light focused on his side of the room. Why would Brookridge ban lollipops?! Marcus began to snort and instantly stopped himself, then he realized that he was shocked at producing a snort and began to giggle again.

    "No person may walk about in public if he or she has the common cold."

    He began to barrel roll with laughter again before he paused and thought on the law. The common cold was less treatable in the past. It was probably a bigger deal then it obviously is now. Still kind of funny...but not so much now. Hmph. Next law.

    "It is illegal to entice girls away from the Brookridge's Academy Of Excellency."

    What!? If a human could embody the acronym, ROFL, it would have been Marcus, because with a thud, he began to burst out in laughter. Was Brookridge filled with pedos!? What could the basis of this law be! Marcus, stop rolling, read seriously damnit. Ah, the law isn't just restricted to pedos, it's for anyone wishing to disturb the school's peace. Makes sense...he guessed. Marcus frowned and continued reading.

    "One may not pretend that one's parents are rich."

    He clenched his jaw at this one. He was not going to laugh until he could deduce why they'd ever make up a law for such a thing. But glancing and skimming and reading the entire page twice. He couldn't find any explanation for such a law. And so his laughing fit began anew until he was gasping for air. Why would that matter ever!? Was Brookridge tricked by someone horrible in the past or something?! Ahahahaha. Everyone in Brookridge was wealthy! For the most part. AhahHAHAH. Marcus had to stop to get off the floor and stop rolling. His body was starting to bruise.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. FuzzyBlueLights
    When I tried leave the house via the left hand side(My left side, the character's right side) of the front door, I could not leave, I could only leave through the other side of the door. Didn't defeat the game or anything, but it is something tech.
    When filling the jar with water, selecting "No..." will make her fill it with water anyway, so she still waters the plant. Then once you obtain the water, you can select "Nope" and she'll still water it, allowing you to move on. And certain parts of the pond/lake(the bottom right and left corners) won't let you fill up the jar, you must go higher to do so.

    Momodoll is right though, I was trapped in the last room of the house too. It wasn't until went to the lamp that I figured it out by button mashing. Which is good for any game. Also, I played the game without getting the diary, and I still get the cut scene with the diary being read. Basically, you can beat the game without getting the diary.

    Those are the tech issues I found in the game, and only by purposely digging around. None of it blocks you from completing the game. It ran smooth and perfect for me at all times., and I used the second link, the one that gave you the game without the RPGmaker. Link worked just fine. There was a scary moment where the extractor stopped responding, but I closed it and gameplay was not affected, everything was extracted anyway. Also the art for Jayn's character is so cute. Her face changed at all the right times. The music was fitting and didn't hiccup on me at all either. The menu worked just fine also, no duplicate items or anything. This was very well done for a test game of your first game. And I know how much you've been practicing so I know and cannot wait for the greatness of the next game. <3 Hope I helped.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. FuzzyBlueLights
    Marcus woke up refreshed and energetic. Reading himself to sleep was much better then playing video games until he slept. And who knew that this town had so many ridiculous laws. It would be fun to break some of the more outlandish ones. He had awoken a bit earlier, so using his phone under his bedsheets, he was able to check the news and therefore learn of the incoming weather that was headed to town. Marcus sighed, he'd gotten no provisions, incase the school had some kind of snowy shut down because of a snowy flood orsomething, blocking all the doors. He would have to skip breakfast today, it was time to head to the school's store to buy enough snacks to last a winter.

    With that thought in mind, he lept out of bed and did his morning routine before grabbing his cell, hidden in his bed, and trekking across campus to the store, where he began to go on a miniature spree, a carefree sense of euphoria spreading through his system as he bought whatever pleased his eye.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 7, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. FuzzyBlueLights
    A rooster? In his room? No way. Marcus sat up blearly and glanced around his room, before noticing that the light coming from his side of the room was flashing. His phone's alarm clock was letting him know it was time to wake up again. He was confused before remembering he'd gotten sick of the "Wah, wah, wah" noise produced by digital alarm clocks he'd been using since his elementary days. So this symester, he'd be using a rooster or any other noise that suited his fance, and was loud enough to wake him. A yawn excaped his mouth as he shut the device off and place it back on his bed stand. Blinking again and again as his mind began to rev it's engines, he shuffled to the bathroom and routinely went to work on his body. When he was done he was much more alert, and after running through his list of classes for today, he was extra excited. This semester he would be taking both a Debate class and a Intro to Law Studies course. He was very pleased with himself, especially when he told his father about it, over the Winter Break.

    Marcus slipped on his school uniform and hoped he was quiet as he made a beeline for what he hoped would be a quick breakfast. Maybe he could eat quick enough and study a book all about Brookridge's Laws.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 5, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. FuzzyBlueLights
    If you make the thread he will come bear.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. FuzzyBlueLights
    Ignore the search for Theo, it was futile. Theodore was in bed by the time Marcus had come back from doing something. And with that something done, Marcus did his reviews, took his shower and got into bed as quiet as can be. Then he slept for the night. The end.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. FuzzyBlueLights
    Marcus stretched his hands and set his controller down. Well that was enough of that, grinning he reveled in the fact that he'd come so far from the first game, this storyline was much deeper then anything he'd ever played that involved a main character with a gun. He stood up and stretched, checking his phone at the same time for the time. And discovered that he was still in time for lunch. Silence in the room made him realize that he was alone and made him pause, glancing at his roommnates bed and seeing it neatly made and upon further examination, he could tell that it seemed to not have been slept in.

    This information set Marcus in a small panic, but he quickly shut that down. His instructor wouldn't be pleased to know he was panicking so much, death in 100 days or not. Think. Analyze. Act. You haven't seen or heard from Theo, in a few weeks. He could be dead or fine. Now is the time to not panic, but instead find out the truth. Where does Theo like to go? He probably won't pick up if you called. So you will have to search for him to assuage yourself. Now, why can't you just wait until nightfall, when he'll come in to rest and sleep without fail? Marcus shrugged in reply to that last thought. Human curiousity knows no such thing as the word, "Wait". And with that, Marcus slipped on his school's jacket, adjusted his uniform as he headed out the door, and began to powerwalk as he started up his search to see if his roommate was even alive.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. FuzzyBlueLights
    Marcus had an excellent breakfast. And then heading to his first period class, though late, he still had a blast there. After all, math was easy, once you got the hang of solving the problems. Not much work was giving all throughout his morning classes, mostly reviews and refreshers were handed out to clear out the cobwebs caused by a holiday break.

    Finally he made it too lunch. Two slices of pizza were devoured before he headed straight to his dorm room. He sat on the edge of his bed, reaching and pausing mid way to turning on his gaming system. Why did he just think about Morpheus ...? Marcus shook his head, glad that his father had gotten the check authenticated before settling it into Marcus's college funds. His college funds made him chuckle, he planned to work for his country and they would pay for his tuition's fee. But hey, it was just more money for him to spend and invest. But this was off topic.

    Marcus shook his head and layed on his back. Who was Morpheus? Why was he giving money to a freshman, and why would he name himself after Morpheus. Unless that was his given name. Oh the things we name our children . He thought hard, by accepting the money...did he agree to some kind of shady deal!? Some kind of sleep experiment!? Marcus sat up and picked up his game's controller. Maybe Ezio would give him some clues.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 3, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. FuzzyBlueLights
    Marcus had a wonderful Christmas and a great New year. He rolled over in his bed and contemplated throwing his phone across the room to stop it's alarm blaring before he sat up groaned. It was time to go back to school. So blinking blearily, he got up and yawned as he shuffled into his bathroom to start his before school routine. It took a little over thirty minutes before he pilfered a pop tart and headed out the door and to the van that would be chauffeuring him to school this morning. He straightened his uniform and dozed in the backseat while clutching his backpack. He was awoken by the stillness of the car and when he got out, he stretched as he headed to the cafeteria, class could wait. He wanted food. Now.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. FuzzyBlueLights
    Since he was not home at the time, as soon as he arrived, he was hugged and petted, praised and scolded in the same breath for being insane enough to leave the safety of the dorms to venture home. He was checked all over before being dragged to the Christmas tree. He was handed the star, it was a normal decorative piece, five pointed star, painted golden and set on a cone-like structure to enture that it fit the top of the tree, even if you had to chop the top of the tree off. He was happy, genuinely happy, as he climbed down the short ladder he needed to reach the top of the tree.

    His family was not perfect, but at least he could count on them. At that last thought he glanced at his brother, who grinned at him before Marcus had to put the ladder away. Dinner was a festive affair, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and even a few family friends had come over to share and take part of the joy and revelry that was unleashed in this time of year. But even though he had a blast, even though he laughed and played games and sang songs horribly with the rest of them. His mind still lingered on things. Bad things, like body switches, like genetically mutated snakes, like games, being created by something that shouldn't even exist. It was most obvious when Marcus had a spare moment alone, before he forced himself to cheer up, because he was alive, and to his knowledge, no one had reported a death. Of course, he didn't forget to text back Olivia.

    *Text to Olivia: --I don't really know for sure, I corraled them to the North Gate of campus, and then cleared out the South Gate for safety. I hope it was enough for everyone to get out okay. I'll watch the News to be sure. I don't want my plan to have backfired...--

    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. FuzzyBlueLights
    The commercials were right, it was much more fun to do this with someone before giving them out then making them for one person. Smiling she helped Eleanora bake and cook. Together they made a divine Christmas. It was small but everyone would be full. What time was it'll after seven...the time sure did fly.

    Shirley had called the police hours ago, and they arrived soon after. She spent minute after minute with the little one and discovered she was hiding what she was really doing with her son. Shirley decided to convince the officer that she had simply lied and that she was sorry. She had a tangible connection to her son, something that could possibly fill her voided heart. Shirley looked down at the blue eyed girl as they finished preparing the well done food. Oh yes she would not let go.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. FuzzyBlueLights
    Poor unfortunate souls. She knew of this girl but it was the first she had examined her up close and so well. Shirley stood up and took the girl's hand, delicately watching out for her fingers. She tugged the girl out the bathroom and down the stairs. Around a corner past her puzzled parents and into the kitchen. Her free hand grasped the phone on the wall and dialed 911. When she connected with an operator she stated an edited version of the facts and gave her address. That done, a mug was fetched for Eleanora and soon it was filled with hot chocolate before being handed to her.
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. FuzzyBlueLights
    Shirley tucked a strand of loose blond hair behind her ear and gazed at the young girl. The hot springs...John had gone there alone and met her on the way home. Her answers were horridly unsatisfying but she was possibly the last person to come in contact with her son, so she held in. She noted something though, so she spoke on it. "Where do you live? My son doesn't take little girls home for no reason. Especially if they live far away."
    Post by: FuzzyBlueLights, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame