well that mep was cool. I'm not in anything so grand as Sony Vegas. I'm using a free Ubuntu program called Openshot. It's not Vegas, but it's quite good. Very good considering the price!-
Can't help I'm afraid. Has anyone read The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett?
helloooo? RP remember? neither Twilight nore I can do anything without ya!
I'm trying to get my video into the 29.97 formant you want, but there are a couple options that have it and I don't know which one I should use. The options are HD 1080i 29.97 fps, HD 1080p 29.97 fps, HD 720p 29.97 fps, HDV 1440x1080i 29.97 fps, HDV 1440x1080p 29.97 fps, NTSC 29.97 fps, QVGA 29.97 fps, and QVGA widescreen 29.97 fps. Which one am I supposedto use? and what's the difference between them anyway? Other than that mine's finished. btw, does anyone know where I can see last years mep? I'm curious to see it.
ah! I see you have done your research.
k. thanks for being helpful and flexible!!
i'm probably being very stupid, but what does mean? does it mean we use FF characters, but alter them slightly to suit our own ends or preferences? Combining the worlds sounds good. or we could amalgamate them into two worlds, one against the other...I'm just spitballing.
the song clip is a second or so short, so it would go over by three seconds max, excluding blank slots. btw, Dialog would be unacompanied by video. would this confuse your editing? if so I won't bother.
are we allowed to do voice overs? I mean, can I have some sora dialog for 3 1/2 seconds before my song starts?
not a lot of story as it is, but what if we pit each FF world against the other? then you have conflicts and crisis of conciounce to contend with, which gives extra room for detail and plotting.
Verily, you seem to think in terms of umbrellas!
I only ever played X and X-2, although my aunt highly recomends XII. I'd be willing to join it.
tcha! MEP (Multi Editor Project) is a group project which KHV is doing at this moment!
oho! Not interested in MEP are we!?
I'm using Identity by Kutless. It's the story of my life.
*lengthy deliberation* I don't know, aren't participating in the MEP?
joking you're not! I LOVE MEAT! steak, chicken, turkey, roast beef, pork, ham, bacon, YUMMYYYYYY!!!! oh! and I just bought a new MP3 player.
hhhhhhhhhhhhh (that was a sigh) good. I love meat!. good morning!
I'm sorry. I've just seen my class scedule for this fall and I won't have the time for this. I apologize for wasting your time, and hope that I don't appear too unreliable!
oh good! will choose my song by tomorrow. I have 4 shortlisted!