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  1. Leblonk
    Everyone and his dog has probably figured this out, but ZI havn't and I want to know. In the original KH the sumoning gems came from people whose hearts were so strong, that when their world was destroyed and their bodies obliterated, they became gems. But in KH II, they said that when a strong person loses their heart (and I presume that that's what happens when a world is destroyed because that as close to "death" as these games seem to get) a Nobody is created. How is this possible? Shouldn't Simba and co. have turned into Nobodies instead of gens, or don't animals become Nobodies? I DON'T GET THIS!!!
    Thread by: Leblonk, Jul 16, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Leblonk
    Sorry to repost this, but I kinda need advice on the Riku section. It just doesn't look like it's flowing right.

    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  3. Leblonk
    Xollot snorted scornfully. What did he think she was doing? Very soon she had crested the highest of the roofs around the sandlot. Xaldin was right. This heartless was different. Her sharp eyes darted to a colored orb visible between the folds of it's robe. A Phantom. These were rare. And difficult. The orb was white.

    She fired two arrows in quick succession, but then Axel got in her way, and it became impossible for her to shoot from this vantage point. She threw her cross bow into the air and cast aero on herself. She floated over the scene, her crossbow following her like a dog.

    The crossbow was enchanted with a spell which allowed her to control it's movements mentally. It meant a lot of compartmentalizing, but that was what she was good at. Seeing a gap, she sent the crossbow to the other side of the sandlot. The orb had changed to yellow, so she had the crossbow fire arrows sparkling with electricity while she cast lighting do into the fray. It was difficult because of all the people milling around. Axel was still trying to attack it, but fire would be useless until the orb became red.

    She wished she could get them all out of the way until they were needed. Neither Xaldin nor Roxas were much good at close quarters until the orb turned white again. They could both do magic from a secluded corner, out of her way, and Axel should just stay out of it until the orb was red. But there was no way of communicating this, and in any case, she had not the authority to order them about.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Leblonk
    Xollot stared at the letters. She knew them. She had heard them described, even seen them once, in a book. But Xemnas had no reason to keep them here... what was going on? Xaldin started to open his mouth, but Xollot shushed him.

    “Quiet! Let me listen. Let me think.

    These letters were Xemnas' trade mark. He was not there. He hardly ever left his chair, so that was a safe presumption. So who else would use them? None of the original members, she was sure of that. So who among the newcomers would the power and authority to use them? That girl. The blue haired girl that had been in the Round Room when she had her interview with Xemnas. He had allowed her to speak, to ask questions. She was the type to have that authority. And she was here. Xollot had glimpsed her, running around on the ground. So she was the one blocking them. Well that was sound as far as it went, but why?

    A sound, has shriek, half scream, floated across the town. She closed her eyes and pressed a palm to the rooftop, listening intensely. There was a heartless here, she could sense it. It had not been there a few minutes ago, but it was there now, and growing in intensity. Other people were there too, people other than the inhabitants of the town.

    Xollot did not “smell” people as Zexion did, but she could sense a presence. It took a lot of effort and concentration, and it was not as precise as Zexion's scents. She could not pick out specific people unless she knew the exceptionally well. (not at a distance anyway. Close range was quite another matter) However, she knew that organization members other than herself, Xaldin and Xue were there.

    Without a word Xollot straitened up and began jumping across the rooftops and climbing (with great agility) to a higher vantage point. She needed to see what was happening before she joined the fracas that she knew was brewing.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Leblonk
    I can't do anything with Sora until we find a donald and he and Goofy come and get me! unless, Yen Sid summons me...
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Leblonk
    Xollot eyed Xaldin up and down. She was sure she had scored a hit with her last remark, and it wasn't entirely intentional. She usually reserved her sarcasm and stinging comments for the inept and inferior, but for some reason...perhaps it was simply because she'd wanted to prove that she did know what she claimed to. Had put the amount of research and work into it that she claimed. In any case, she had annoyed him to an extent. All that stuff about his knowing that she was there was balderdash. She knew that. When a person knew they were being watched their behavior changed. His had not. But she would let him lie as he liked, it made no difference to her. His question demanded a certain amount of thought, for she needed to get her thoughts in order.

    After a moment she said, “When I became a Nobody, I had nothing to do. No work, no nothing. That didn't suit me. And then, just as I was searching for something to devote my time to, hey presto! The worlds began vanishing, and up popped a little boy in red carrying a keyblade. Both the boy, and the phenomena interested me, so I began researching. Gathering what information I could from people and books. I coupled my researches with observations. Of course, while I was doing that, I stumbled upon the Organization. A group, exclusively (at the time) for Nobodies. Well that was very interesting, and it looked as though I had found at least one group that I could work for. But I wasn't about to join you before I knew what you were about. That's common sense. So I focused my researches upon the Organization. It's aims. It's members. I was just making up my mind to join you, when you suddenly began dying. People dropped left and right, to Sora, to Riku, and to each other. No one with an ounce of brains joins a group which has suddenly begun to implode. I hope that answers your question. And now, I really think we should head back.”
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Leblonk
    Just to point out, T is not the most commonly used letter in the english language, E is.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Leblonk
    nnnnnnnyeano. The bit about a corpse is a movie reference but the rest is true.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Leblonk
    look, our drains our blocked, the weather is horrid, I can't get the last keyblade in Coded and a guest at Fawlty Towers is dead. I HAVE BEEN BUSY!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Leblonk
    Xollot allowed herself a one-sided smile of satisfaction. She might not enjoy fighting (unless she was angry) but she was good at it nonetheless, and she enjoyed receiving recognition of her skills. As Xaldin said, she knew all about Recon. She knew that he only told her about remaining in the shadows and so on, out of protocol, and she appreciated that he was not going to bore her by reiterating things which she already knew, both from experience, and from eavesdropping on the Organization's conversations. All the same, she couldn't resist demonstrating just how closely she had watched them.

    “Only one.” She said, “Did you feel me watching when you stole the Beast's rose and Belle knocked the wind out of you? Did you see a form in the shadow?”

    She laughed then. Not a taunting laugh, it's purpose was more to soften what she had said. Xollot had no wish to alienate Xaldin, far from it. He was useful, and one of the, what she suspected would be distressingly few, people with whom she would be able to speak and plot, as with an intellectual equal.

    “Shall we report back?”
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Leblonk
    Xollot nodded slowly, leaned her staff against a wall to keep it out of the way, and unslung her crossbow. She fire into a red nocturn, which both killed it, and drew the attention of its' fellows towards herself. Xaldin had leaped to a different roof, which gave her plenty of space to maneuver. Before the heartless had closed in on her a further three had be shot through. Now they were too close for her to use the crossbow affectively. The heartless were to intermixed for her to effectively use magic at this point, so she decided to concentrate her attacks upon the blue nocturns. The staff was picked up, and the heavy knob of wood at the top was brought down with considerable force upon the crest of the nearest heartless' head knocking it down below the roof line. Several more quickly followed it. They all rose again, with rather more than half their health gone. With her face set, she began to spew ice from her hands into the red nocturns which had risen in a body. As one, they vanished into nothingness. Now would be as good a time as any...

    Her limit break was powerful, but hardly ever used. Now it took all of her concentration to execute it with the timing which must perfect. She stood for a moment with eyes closed, letting the blue nocturns surround her. Then just as one was getting ready to cast, she caught up the crossbow from where she'd dropped it, and flung it up into the air as she activated a dormant spell which lay upon it. Both staff and crossbow began to glow, and as Carina lashed out about herself with the staff, fire began to belch from it, clinging to the heartless where she touched them, and spreading through the air from heartless to heartless as though carried by petrol. At the same time, the crossbow began firing (with perfect aim) into the heartless and the arrows glowed with fire. Within ten seconds nothing remained save sparks and soot.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Leblonk
    Xollot strode through the corridor. She emerged into the back alley of Twilight Town. She remembered it. The rooftops here had made an excellent observation post. Indeed, the whole town seemed to be constructed with clandestine surveillance in mind. There was no one about. No people, no Heartless, no Nobodies. Nothing, apart from herself, and Xaldin who had just emerged.

    “I already know how to fight, so must we go through this palaver?” she asked. Then answered herself before Xaldin could open his mouth.

    “Of course we must. It's a matter of form. Very well, what innocently by standing Heartless would you like me to annihilate?”
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Leblonk
    oh where were you? on holiday?
    Profile Post by Leblonk for Itachilives, Jul 14, 2012
  14. Leblonk
    I see what you mean. I didn't fade the end because you said to avoid that for coninuity, but i'll do it now. i'll also work mor eon the transitions. I was worried that the Riku bit would be abit muddled, but it took me a while to do so I wanted to try it. :-) doing transitions with the Riku might put the length up a bit. not sure. I'll try to keep it where it is since it's already runing a bit long.

    EDIT: here's the new one. Because I am careless there is another displaced clip which doubled the length of this video. ignor eit after the song stops. I'm not sure about the Riku sequence. let me know.

    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  15. Leblonk
    Here it is. Ignore it after the song ends. there's a little clip I forgot to delete which was located further along the time line so the video is 4 minutes long! Gotta fix that. Let me know what needs fixing/editing.

    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  16. Leblonk
    Gad man! Please specify what you are refering to! Do you want fudge, or Terry Pratchett books?
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Leblonk
  18. Leblonk
  19. Leblonk
    No I don't think I can set it manually. Not sure, but I cna't see anywhere to do it. I chose the NTSC and I';m exporting now. Should I post it here for critique so you can tell me if I need to change anything?

    Hayato...words fail me. My editor couldn't do that if I spent a month with it. Congrats. you have made me feel very small and silly. (I stole that line from The Mad Miss Manton) :-)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  20. Leblonk
    Estimably answered. I highly recomend it, and his other books. They are a tad risque, but if you overlook that, you've got a cartload of satirical wit.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground