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  1. Leblonk
    For heaven's sake! Since when were you here. Goofy! :-) I'd give you rep for that, but it won't let me. yes! I am advertising, because I want to get Sora off of his stinking island! You should be posting by the way! Twilight has stepped up her attacks!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Leblonk


    Top of the morning to you! Except it's not morning where I am, It's afternoon. Oh well. Sorry if that sounded derogatory, it was not intended to be. I love Irish and Scottish folk, so we should get on well!

    EDIT: By the way, I play a Bodhran.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Leblonk
    Dangit! I don't think you need to pay it for this Rp though. It's called Organization Unlimited. It's about the Organization (they've all come back to life and started reqruiting new members, with and without hearts) and they are trying to kill Sora. So we needed a Sora to kill, and I volunteered. Not sure if we WILL kill him though... Only Twilight Nobody knows that. If you want to do it, we REALLY need a Donald. And you can have your own Nbody (or Sombody if you prefer) Mine is... Put it this way: She doesn't miss her heart. The Heart got in the way of her thinking. :-)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Leblonk
    Better change the subject. The RP I'm writing in has come almost to a standstill because we can't find anyolne willing to be Donald! I'm Sora, we have a Goofy, but nobody wants Donald.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Leblonk
    Zep. I just found it. It sounds nice. Nicer than Tacos! I DON'T LIKE TACOS! OR ANY MEXICAN FOOD! (my mom says that I'm not her daughter. The basanets got switched in the hospital. Just because I don't like to melt my tongue!)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Leblonk
    Xollot saw the sparks, and saw her weapons drop to the ground. She was just glad that she'd been high enough to avoid being dispelled. She zoomed still higher, just to make sure she was out of range. They'd really unleashed a monster now. She couldn't summon her weapons now, not unless she re-enchanted them, which would take a lot, a lot of concentration and time, neither of which she had.

    Right now she had to devote herself to defense spells. There was little else she could do until she got the staff back. It was time for Axel to wake up.

    She cast Heal at both he and Roxas, then cast shields for all of them. At that point she might have swooped down and made a dash for her staff, but the Phantom was so swift and powerful, that no sooner had she cast heal on one person, than another person was dying.

    They could have done with more Nobodies, or at least Nobodies operating on more than half power. Roxas was weak and Axel (before he was knocked out) had been distinctly slow and unintelligent. Indeed, she'd had a moments hesitation about raising him, but they needed manpower. What was eating him anyway? She knew there was a reason, but at the moment her brain was so occupied that she could not remember. And it wasn't important.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Leblonk
    Xnay on the tacos. We don't like them. We HATES them! AND YOU CAN KEEP NASTY CHIPS!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Leblonk
    Sunk without trace. There will now be a moment's silence....

    Right! What shall we talk about?
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Leblonk
    have we killed it yet? :-)
    Profile Post by Leblonk for Twilight_Nobody13, Jul 19, 2012
  10. Leblonk
    Sora was sitting alone on the beach. Kairi had gone home long ago at his behest. He did not know how long it would take his letter to reach King Mickey, nor how long it would take Donald and Goofy to respond. He had to wait, but there was no reason to keep Kairi up into the night. As he sat there, he suddenly felt a vague feeling of fear, bewilderment and power. As though someone, somewhere, was in danger and using a weapon...a keyblade...

    The feeling vanished almost as soon as it had come, and Sora dismissed it as worry. How could Riku have vanished like this? It was almost like... like it was happening all over again. But that couldn't be! He knew that Riku would never again surrender to the Darkness. Never.

    "Donald. Goofy. I need you."
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Leblonk
  12. Leblonk
  13. Leblonk
  14. Leblonk
  15. Leblonk
  16. Leblonk
  17. Leblonk
    And silly. She sacrifices herself to send Terranort back to the world of light. Well that's all well and good, but Terra tried to send himself (and Xahenort) to the realm of darkness because he knew that he couldn't wrest control of his body back from Xahenort. Now because Aqua forced him back into the world of light she fell into the realm of darkness and was out of the action for over ten years; Xahenort turned into a heartless and created a huge problem with darkness within Riku; both his heartless and his nobody each caused a lot of havov meaning that Sora had to leave his nice home; and now they are both gone, and apparently the original Xahenort is going to come back because his heartless and nobody are no more. So what did Aqua's sacrifice achieve apart from trouble? Can anyone see any good that came of this? because I can't!
    Thread by: Leblonk, Jul 18, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Leblonk

    Thank you. that was very sound advice you gave, and I think it will be changing my style for the better in the future. I've tweaked the Riku section a little, and I'll continue to tweak the whole thing with effects and so on. I'll post a final draft (If I may so call it) at the end of the month.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 18, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  19. Leblonk
    Xollot, from her position right above the Phantom, had not seen the Keyhole at first, because it was hidden from her by the cloak, but she heard Xaldin's shout, and instantly changed tactics. Xaldin could deal with the shadows, so the crossbow could be employed elsewhere.

    She redirected it to the Phantom, and stopped firing magic arrows, for that took more effort, and could do no good at this point. She was seeking to distract, not to damage. And now that the barrier did not need to be broken (indeed, she doubted whether she could have broken it single handed in any case) she could intensify her other activities. She charged up the crossbow and sent it to fire from behind the Phantom. Then her staff, which she had kept in her hands throughout, zoomed around so that it was directly above the Phantom, and began shooting random magic at it, while she cast yet more magic at it form the side. With luck, it's attention would be so diverted between the crossbow, staff, and herself, that Roxas would be able to get to the keyhole.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Leblonk
    Xollot's eyes widened. Her research books had said nothing of this. This was new. Different. As the cloak flapped she caught a glimpse of the blue haired girl within it. How had that happened? Was it intentional, or accidental? Had she been attacked and absorbed, as the Phantom seemed to absorb lesser heartless, or had she given it her power willingly? And if so, what was Xollot meant to do? Was she meant to kill it, or not?

    The Phantom was too well protected to damage now, so the question was academic. The problem now, was what to do about the others. Xaldin was still trying to fight, but Axel was lying crumpled on the ground and Roxas was about to be crushed. Was that was Xemnas wanted or not? A decision had to be made. Now.

    If Roxas was a liability (and she was sure that he was for the moment, given that he was weak and useless) then she had no doubt that Xemnas would want rid of him. She knew that she would. But there were easier ways of getting rid of him. No. For now, she would do all she could to protect all those in the sandlot. If that was not what Xemnas wanted then he should have issued instructions. He could not expect things to go right if he did specify what he wanted.

    Her crossbow redirected it's attacks to the shadows that threatened Roxas. Axel was safe for now, nothing was paying any attention to his prone form, but they would. She cast a shield around him, Roxas and Xaldin, then healing spells to Roxas. The crossbow and Xaldin were keeping the shadows in control for the moment, so she bent her will to the breaking of that shield around the Phantom. She had to get it to retreat, at least temporarily, so that she and Xaldin could get the other two to aplace of safety. The only way to make it back off was to make it vulnerable. Unless the Phantom itself was threatened, it had no reason to leave.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home