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  1. Leblonk
    Welcome. I'm a new comer myself!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 21, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Leblonk
    Then why isn't Kairi a statuette in the Mayor's house?
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 21, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Leblonk


    I go away for a couple of hours and the conversation turns...I don't even know how to describe it. I am abandoning thing thread to you now.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Leblonk


    Tall and white. not buff. why?

    Let's just agree to disagree.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Leblonk


    Who knows what an Engineer's intenitons are? I don't think they know themselves! If Dad knows what his intentions are, then he isn't sharing!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Leblonk


    hey. Nobody forced you to read it. And maybe I'm taking this the wrong way, but your insistance that you know what I meant better than I do myself, is really annoying and hurtfuil, because it assumes that I don't know what I'm talking about. And the reson the emotacons are there is to make it clear that I am being humorous, so that I don't accidentally offend someone, since it is easy to misunderstand and take good natured sarcasm for an insult. I've done this myself, so I try to make sure that everyone knows when I'm joking.

    Btw, If I had to define myself in one word, it would not be Republican, it would probably be something along the lines of Confused, or Hormonal. I'm a teen. I cannot know who I am, or who I will become. Ask me in ten years!

    Right. I'm sorry if that came across as nasty, it was not intended to be anything other than honest.

    I'm sorry. I'm highly stung right now. Just, ignore anything that offends you, because ten to one I'll wish I hadn't said it in the morning.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Leblonk


    Well I was going to say American Christians, but I figured I'd be more likely to get slammed for that than for politics. Anyway, I wasn't defining myself, not in that sense. I don't know what I am and therefor can't label myself. but a pastor I heard once said "It doesn't matter who you are, but whose you are."
    anyway, it's all good, just don't think that I'm trying to pick a fight.
    I know. One of my aunts friend took a perfectly harmless, and mildly humorous post in favour of the Repubs, and twisted it around into an argument. That's what I don't like. People that bash the other side, and then run to momma when people retaliate! Dude! What did you expect? :-)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Leblonk


    Then what was the point of commenting? :-) No patience. That's the problem with my generation. Anything longer than three lines and they say something along the lines of tl;dr.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Leblonk


    nah. I'm fine. That was more of a joke tha anything else. I love debates and civilized discussion, just not pointless slamming.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Leblonk


    Sorry, we're neither. Just Republican Americans (PLEASE! NOBODY ATTACK ME FOR MY POLITICS!)

    Really? You can't read and watch TV? I can. I can read a whole book that way. To sum up, my Dad is infuriating.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Leblonk


    So my Dad is an electronics engineer. This means that whenever something goes wrong with our computers, we don't have to call a helpdesk manned by foreigners with uninteligable accents (no offence foreigners! We're glad to have you, but your boss should not have put you on the phones until you learned good enough English to be able to help!) Instead, my Dad fixes it. Same with lights, TVs, washing machines, dish washers and a whole slew of other things, which is pretty cool right? Unfortunately, it also mean that he thinks he's a plumber, decorator, carpenter, and expert on anything you care to mention. He is an alright carpenter, and he has done a good job with the decorating, but plumbing...Let me put it in perspective.

    About three weeks ago, our drains backed up into the stairs leading down into the basement (luckily it was the stairs outside) so all the bathrooms and taps were on lockdown until he could figure out what it was. So, when the water went down, he had us flush a toilet. It flooded. So that toilet was unusable. When the water went down he had us fill up the kitchen sink, and then let the water go. Nothing. So the kitchen sink was good. You get the idea. This went on for a while until he decided which drain had the problem. It was the one with our main bathrooms on it. So we all had to troup up to the third floor to use the toilet there. Not fun. So! now we knew where the blockage was, and he ran his 25 ft snake through it. Nothing. eventually he rented one from homedepot. Twice. On tuesday he decided that we could use the bathrooms, so we think it's fixed now.

    This gives you an idea of what my Dad is like. No matter how long it takes, or how hard it is, he thinks he can do it better than any profesional. Now, the measures he took to find out which pipe had the blockage are logical, and more or less what i would have done myself, but he's not always this logical. Somtimes he's downright excentric in his ideas. Vis. today!

    There is an enclosed porch along the side of our house which we call the sun room. It has three doors. One leading into the rest of the house, one leading outside at the back of the house, and one leading outside in the front of the house. Every year, my Dad and I take out the storm window for the door at the back, put it away, and put in the screen. Then we take the screen out, and put the storm window back. The storm window never wants to go back into it's frame, which means sveral minute of standing around holding the glass up for me, and tool hunting for Dad. All well and good. Well last year the storm window fell out of the door at the front and broke. So when Dad and I took the storm window out today, he decided it would be a good idea to put it in at the front of the door, with the idea that he would replace the broken one by the time we need it in the winter. Never mind that it's been over a year and he hasn't replaced it yet! Let's ignore that fact. It's unimportant. Well the little tabs that hold the window in place are broken on that side of tha house (which explains why the other window fell out) so he took them from the other window. So now he has to buy mor of those. Today. Whereas if he had just put the storm window away, like we usually do, he wouldn't have to go out. Oh! And did I mention that the storm window for the back of the house appears to be an 8th of an inch bigger than the frame for the front of the house?

    This is typical, in fact, this is a very mild example of his excentricity. As far as I can make out, this is typical of engineers. I'm not complaining....Scratch that, I am complaining about my Dad, but I love him, and I tend to be the same way. we're all weird in our own ways. It's not that big of a thing. I just felt like ranting.

    By the way! No offence to the engineers out there!
    Thread by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012, 44 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Leblonk
    Kingdom Hearts II
    autumnal orange
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Leblonk
    Question: What do we all think to the Vanquish? (Aston Martin)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Leblonk


    I resent that! What have I ever said to you? :-)

    I confess that I DO quote a lot, and spout a lot a piffle, but I do have serious interests, the most pressing being my faith, and politics (American) so, yes. I am worth listening to! (Of course that's just my opinion!)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Leblonk
    Oh! But I havn't even started! Limos are nice, but have you ever seen the raw power, the mud encrusted beauty of the Jeep Wrangler? They are AMAZING! I LOVE THEM!!! I love the old, rattly, rust, army green Jeep. With big tires and no roof! (Yes, this is a girl talking!)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Leblonk
    MMM! Big black cars with sun roofs and TV's!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Leblonk
    Just checkout some Steeleye Span. It's a rock/folk band from the '70's I believe. Their songs are folk songs, and nearly all are very violent. Probably why i like them! :lol3: Here. Have a look at this one, It's one of my favorites!

    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Leblonk
    It depends on what's depressing me, but at this point in my life, it's usually

    Before the Morning - Josh Wilson

    You Are More - Tenth Avenue North

    Healing Begins - Tenth Avenue North

    Praise You in this Storm - Casting Crowns

    I do listen to music other than Christian, but not when I'm depressed. Steeleye Span isn't really a balm for my wounds. :grin:
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: Music
  19. Leblonk
    Ha! I have a great song for the stuff we're writing. You into folk? (Sorry you other guys. I'm not trying to cut you out of your own thread! I promise!)
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Leblonk
    no idea. I was going to pre-order off Amazon, but my Mum put a downpayment on it at our local Gamestop. Sorry. I really don't know. I would think they would for a little while. I mean, it costs more than the regular game, so you'd think they'd keep it out there as long a possible to make more money?
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 20, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue