OH MY GOSH! That isn't even worth responding to.
Fixated. That's us.
Good luck. I recomend Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. (The first book is The Colour of Magic but you don't have to read them in order. they don't hang off each other)
Cut the pie talk. I was trying to find out who doesn't know what the Vanquish is. You can't change the subject! I've already bought a pair of handcuffs and a custard pie to deal with the offender!
Zis is off topic!
We've been meaning to ask, in your signiture...Is that a Sherlock coat? There are brownies in my house tonight!! (That was a royal we by the way!)
Tosh! All sane people fight over pie!
Really! Condensed, What I said was that stupid people fight over politics, but clever people talk nicely to each other. I am a clever person.
(It's all in the title!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbELfw2H_Xc
Please. Political discussion leads to blows when people with small and narrow minds decide it's better to yell loudly that their guy is the best, no matter what he's done. The people that come to blows are the people that wander around behaving as though someone Im perioused them. I am not one of these people. I will dissagree with people, and argue my own case, in a civilized tone (that is unless they get unpleasant and make me angry, in which case all bets are off.)and try to convince them that they are mistaken. This is known as "debate"
No. Why? Does political discussion count as violence?
Listen, Do you want a political discussion? Because if you don't I'd recomend dropping that question!
Just a minute! It depends on the head. Some of them could do with boiling! :wink:
"Ok, that's it!" ~ Sora
good. Go boil your head.
BOOOO! :offtopic:
Good luck and God bless!
Vamoos you. It's no laughing matter! The Vanquish is serious!
No I don't want her to be controlable. The Japanese have a nasty habit of making female characters much weaker than the males which makes the game ten times harder. plus I don't like Kairi that much. She's a little...insipid? Not some much in 2, but She was boring in the original. What kind of girl doesn't want to fight??