This is impressive.What editor did you use? Don't tell me, Sony Vegas right? *sigh* why must it be so expencive?
ok. It's justy that I noticed someone in the OCC page asking if there was anything he could be.
Do we have a Donald yet? ot to pester you, I just wondered.
I'm going away to Youth Camp the day before the videos are due, so here's my part now.
Xollot floated down to the ground and stood for a moment with her hand over her eyes, regaining her equilibrium. She'd been so busy keeping her staff and crossbow out of trouble, and seeing to the welfare of everyone else, that she had allowed her own energy to become dangerously low. She breathed deeply, and cast one last healing spell, this time upon herself. Then she strode to where her crossbow lay and picked it up, then searched about for her staff. The tactician in her wanted to re-enchant them immediately in case of further attack, but she was tired, despite the spell, and she was simply not up to the type of work and concentration which was required for the spells which had to be cast upon her weapons. Tomorrow morning she would have to spend fifteen minutes or so on them, reforging the links to her own mind which the Phantom had obliterated. Xollot had been not a little puzzled when Xue fell out of the Phantom as it died. She didn't understand it, and she did not like things she didn't understand. It was probably some sort of test for Roxas, or something along those lines. But she was really too wearied, both in mind and body, to be able to come to any sensible conclusions. It was a capital mistake to theorize without data, and an even bigger one to do so when tired. It led to illogical, and almost invariable erroneous presumptions.
Well it's very hard to kill Dreameaters with chocolate and a glass of milk, so I'd say I'm dead.
Hello. Who is coming to this Trist? ;-) I'm Leblonk, I like books. Nice to meet you.
oh! Happy Birthday! How old?
Hello? Is anybody home? Have you ceased to exist?
Dude. We have a phantom to kill!
Wait, is he saying we live on Terry Pratchett's Discworld? If that's the case, WHERE'S THE LUGGAGE? But seriously, what kind of school is this?
Avi-5/10 Sig-10/10
ok. I posted this to see if anyone would A. Think I was telling the truth, or B. Notice who I stole this from. Nobody believed it, which is because I forgot to change my signature. In explanation, I was watching Python, and got an urge to say this. P.S. Homeschoolers aren't (for the most part) stupid. :-) It is possible to do something stupid, knowing it to be stupid, and doing it anyway just for fun. Like climbing a tree. will post random quotes every so often. This is because I am not gifted with a great deal of creativity, but I DO have an excellent memory for what everybody else says!
When I was at school, I was beaten regularly every thirty minutes, and it never did me any harm - except for psychological maladjusunent and blurred vision.
Hello! I don't blame you for not finishing Chain of Memories. The game play was truly aweful in my opinion! :-) it was only the promise of cutscenes that got me through it! Emjoy your time here!
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending upon your viewpoint) not. art class is regular, but not tooth pulling and endoscopies.
(It's in the title, but the song's good too! :-))
Dang! This week has been busy! My Nanny was at art class on Monday, had three teeth pulled on Tuesday, ran my Mom to get an endoscopy/colonoscopy yesterday, and tomorrow we're going to a councelors session at church, grocery shopping, and then to Aunt Charlottes end of summer sale WOOOO! 40% OFF ALL CHOCOLATE AND NUTS!!!
Xollot could not see the crack, but it only made sense that the thing begin to weaken. It was just as well that she didn't have her crossbow anymore, for she could not have attacked now even if she wanted to. A heartless had to be killed by Roxas. Maybe he wasn't as useless as she'd thought... But she would make up her mind about that when this Phantom was gone. She continued to heal at a furious rate.