Yeah, I meant to ask about that, where is this story in the time line? Before or after the mark of mastery test?
This song and video is about how God is with us, no matter what we do, or where we go. Music: I'm With You, by...
A friend asked me to make this for him. It's a good song. Music: Eye of the Hurricane by Me in motion...
"Don't worry Donald. We fixed it all before, there's no reason we can't do it again." Sora's optimism had returned. Now that he had something to do, his dark and confused thoughts regarding the Organization, and particularly Roxas, were pushed to the back of his mind. He was much more hopeful about the whole thing now that he had his friends by his side, though Riku worried him a good deal. Where could he be? What could have happened? he kept babbling as the Gummi ship careened across the sky towards the Mysterious Tower.
Come on, lets get Sora into some trouble! ;-)
I tried to demonstrate in this video that we can all be a hero. Really all I'm doing is making a video to match the...
Just to address one or two things, The war on women is, in my opinion, largely fabricated and exaggerated. I am a women, but I don't agree with abortion, and I don't see why my employer should have to pay for my contraception. That's a personal matter, and non of the employer business or responsibility. Now, I know that some women have to use birth control because of hormonal problems, but the mandate forces employers to pay for all contraception, not only birth control, and that is what gets up my nose. Romney may not be the best man for the job (I was rooting for Gingrich) but he is a business man, so he knows what is going to help or hinder a business. Also, anyone who is committed to stopping the health care law had my vote. I agree that we need t do something to help the uninsured. My mother was for a large time, without dental insurance, and the consequences are still following her, but this is a bankrupting version of England's National Health. What's wrong with that? Well The most prominent thing to me, is that old people will not get treated. My uncle died of cancer because he was over eighty, and the National Health decided they wouldn't treat him because of his age. This means that my grandmother, who is full of life, and fitter than many younger people, will not be allowed to get the medicines which are keeping her healthy. She won't be able to get the iron transfusions she needs. This, to me, is very disturbing. I know hardly anyone here will agree with me, but please keep in mind that I have not been rude, nor have I attacked you. I have simply stated my opinion, so if there is going to be a discussion (I would welcome one) don't get defensive and think that I am in some way looking down on you, I'm not.
Just a little memo to say that I saw the documentary 2016 this evening, and that it was very good. I highly recommend it to all politically interested, no matter which side of the spectrum you stand with. (Don't count yourself out if you are underage. I am too young to vote, but I'm glad I saw this.)
I heard this song and decided it would make a good Kingdom Hearts video. Music: Strong Enough to Save by Tenth...
This video is about Riku trying to get free from the darkness inside himself. We can't free ourselves. God has to...
ok. I apologize. I didn't actually play the game because I don't have a PSP, I watched the cutscenes on youtube.
So this was my first year going to the youth camp at my church, and I was on the Gray Team, otherwise known as The Team of Graytness. I know this sound boring and irrelevant, but stay with me a moment. My team's shirts all had a person of greatness on the back. Mine was Benjamin Franklin. Chris had Justin Beiber, one girl had Michael Phelps, you get the idea. Well, at this camp there were role calls twice a day, and teams got points for everyone being at rolecall, and for "team spirit" This meant chants and yells when your team name was called. Well, my team decided that when our team name was called, the person in front would say, or do something iconic to the person on the back of their shirt, turn, say the name of the person they quoted, and go to the back of the line. We had the guy with Jesus on the back of his shirt at the end of the line and he said "It is Finished!" Chris sang part of a Beiber song, (The Baby Baby one) the girl with Phelps drank some water and blew it out of her mouth, I said "We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately." Get the idea? Well, one boy had Einstein on the back of his shirt, and guess what he was supposed to say? "E=MC2" Now I did not hear this at the time, because I was at the back of the line, and there was some confusion going on. But later on, someone from another team said we needed to kill him. I asked why and he told me that the boy said "E=MX2" I don't know a lot about science. I don't know a lot about Einstien. But I DO know that E=MX2 is WRONG!
Xollot looked down at Larxene and considered for a moment. Then she cast a slow healing spell under her breath. Larxene would recover, but it the spell worked slowly, very slowly. It would be at least an hour and a half before she was healed enough to rejoin the land of consciousness, and hopefully by then, Xue would be out of sight. She could have just left her there, but Larxene was a commodity, and tools should not be thrown aside needlessly, however tiresome they may be. If a person must be dispensed with, it should ideally be got rid of in the course of doing something useful, not by getting into cat fights in a kitchen. As soon as the spell was cast Xollot turned her back on Larxene, and leaned herself against the wall a few feet from Vexen's chair. It was probably a pointless task, but she was not complaining. It gave her more time to rest from that unfortunate incident with the Phantom, and ample opportunity to finish her crossword whilst keeping an eye on Vexen over the top of her paper.
Xollot looked up from her paper and gave a short nod. She jumped down from her chair and strode from the room. Vexen..Why was she to go to him? He normally taught things like Recon, but she was not being sent out of the castle with him. She was just to “keep him company.”she didn't understand, but she wasn't about to argue. Any action, even a seemingly pointless one, was better than sloth. The moment she was out of the Round Room Xollot heard the ruckus coming from the kitchen, and she directed her steps there. She arrived to see a good deal of confusion. She saw the flames retreating back into Xue, and her eyes roved over the rest of the scene, taking in Larxene sprawled upon the floor, the people grouped around Xue, and finally Vexen, standing as far back as space would allow, keeping himself well out of harms way. Xollot skirted the others, and positioned herself beside Vexen. She did not draw attention to herself, firstly, because Vexen seemed quite preoccupied by the fracas which had just occurred, and secondly, because he was almost sure to be obstinate and resentful when she told him that Xemnas had told her to stay with him. With this in mind, Xollot hovered behind him, not sure precisely what she was supposed to do, but carefully watching everything that went on around her. -------------------------------------------------------Destiny Islands --------------------------------------------------- Sora still waited. He got up early each morning and watched for the gummi ship until night. And then the cycle began all over again. Finally, after days of waiting, just as he was getting ready to give up for the day, and go home to bed, he saw a new light in the sky. A light that moved. When he saw that, Sora became very excited, despite the seriousness of the matter, and he cried out “Alright!” When the ship landed, and Donald and Goofy spilled out, he ran to greet them, and was enveloped in a great hug, all three of them melded into a joyous jumble of arms and heads. When the broke apart, the gravity of what was happening came down upon them again, particularly Sora, whose friend was gone...again. They each informed each other of what they knew (which wasn't much) and finally Sora said, “So...where do we go?”
Xollot did not deign to reply, but turned her gaze to Saix for a moment, then looked away. She did not leave, but instead flung one leg over the chair arm, pulled a newspaper and a pen from her pocket, and settled down to doing the crossword. There was nothing else for her to do and she saw little object in leaving the room, when she would just have to return later. No, she was staying right where she was and if Saix didn't like it, he could take a long walk off a short pier as far as Xollot was concerned. Now, what was number two across? Five letters, a grim personage....Death. Yes, that was it.
Xollot woke that morning and immediately got to work on her weapons. She sat herself cross legged upon her bed and set the crossbow on the bedspread in front of her. She closed her eyes in concentration and some fifteen minutes later she exhaled and re-opened her eyes to see her gently glowing crossbow. After a moment's rest she had it rise into the air and go around the room coming to rest in a corner. It's flight was clumsy, but that was to be expected, the connection was but newly made. Some ten minutes later the staff rose into the air and joined the crossbow in the corner. Then they both rose into the air and attempted to do a figure eight. This ended rather badly, for they collided in midair and went careening drunkenly in opposite directions. Xollot allowed herself a quarter of an hour to rest up from the energy she had exerted, then made her way to the kitchen. It was a mess in there, but that was none of her business. She got some fruit and made herself a few hard boiled eggs. Having eaten these, she made her way to the Round Room and saw a few new chairs, each labeled. She made her way to the highest of the new chairs which had her name written at the foot of it. Xollot leapt into the chair and turned her gaze inquiringly towards Xemnas patiently waiting for his attention and instructions. (OCC: I accidentally lost the first version of this so i had to retype it. SO annoying!)
Zexion walked through to the Grey Room with a book held out in front of him. He had the peculiar skill of being able to read, and walk at the same time. He always knew where objects and other people were, so that he never walked into anything, and he was able to give the book his full attention at the same time. As he walked in, he spotted Xollot asleep on a sofa. He seated himself in an armchair opposite her and watched her over the top of his book for a few moments. Xollot was only in a light and superficial sleep, so that she soon became aware of the presence of another person. A moment of concentration told her who it was. She sat up and looked at his face which bore an expression of inquiry. “I needed the sleep and nobody saw fit to issue me with a room.” Zexion nodded understanding. Quite a few new scents were in the air, which meant that Xemnas and the others would be busy. “I will take you to a vacant room.” Xollot nodded her thanks. Zexion dropped her at an empty room and then returned to the Grey Room. Xollot leaned her staff against the wall by her bedstead and put her crossbow just under the bed, both within easy reach. Then she stretched out on the bed and promptly fell asleep. Properly asleep this time. She would wake the next fully rested and ready to deal with her weapons.
excuse me, but could I highjack Zexion once more? I put my charcter to sleep in the grey room and nobody took the bvait to wake her up, so I thought I'd better do it. :-)
Perhaps she'd been a little hasty in speaking. With the darkness that had surrounded her whilst Xaldin and Xemnas were speaking had come silence, and the feeling that even if she had spoken, no sound would have been heard. Her vision had come back, but she'd heard nothing from either Xemnas or Xaldin, though it was obvious that they were speaking. Her hearing had lagged a few seconds, so perhaps her speech had as well. At any rate, Xaldin had summarily ignored her, and she needed rest. Her bodily fatigue was not that bad, she was used to strenuous exercise. She had spent the last two years following people and she had remained unseen the entire time. That required strength, as much of her observation had taken place on the rooftops. No, it was her mental strength, and not her physical that required the rest. It was draining, the work that she'd done that day, and she'd spent the last few nights sitting on the edge of a precipice waiting for Zexion to show his face, which had not been conducive to restful sleep. Apart from which, her mind was so closely entwined with her staff and crossbow that when the connection had been broken she'd suffered quite a large degree of mental anguish and shock. She had to get some sleep. Xollot left and went to the Grey Room. There were sofa's there, and she lay down on one. It was not ideal, but going to sleep here was a surefire way of making someone ask what she was doing, and then she could indicate that she had, as yet, not been assigned a room. She lay on her side on the sofa, her crossbow slung across her back, and her staff clasped securely in her hand. In a very short time she had fallen into a light sleep.
Xollot had arrived in the Round Room a few seconds after Xaldin. She had heard most of his demand for information, and all of his assessment of her performance. Xollot had a very strong sense of self confidence, which bordered on supreme arrogance. The arrogance was tempered with a good deal of common sense, so that she took genuine and helpful criticism well and used it to improve herself. Of course when criticism was misplaced and untrue, she responded with ruthlessly savage and sarcastic verbal battering. When Xaldin spoke of her combat and magical skills she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction that her skills were sufficiently appreciated. When Xemnas started speaking she heard the first part of what he said, but at the moment he uttered the words “things will change” the room seemed to contort and where she was standing became an island surrounded by complete silence and darkness. She did not understand what was happening, or how it was happening, but she could readily guess why it was happening. Xemnas was answering Xaldin's question, and she, a new recruit, was not entitled to hear it. This did not annoy her. It was common sense, and good strategy; just what she would have done in his place. It did not do to be to free with secrets. When the darkness cleared Xemnas had vanished from his place and was walking past Xaldin's chair. Then he left. She ignored the snide comment about herself and Xaldin and after a moment of silence Xollot said, “For the record, I never claimed to be able to transform into shadows. It's called camouflage. Dark clothing can be just as good a cover as that of a Stealth Sneak heartless, provided the wearer knows how to move. On a side note, with whom do I speak about accommodation? I could do with some rest.”