Sora started to nod yes, but then, as the realization came over him, he slammed his fist onto the table in sheer frustration and said "But HOW? If he's not in the worlds we know, they how do we get to him?" Half formed thoughts and images were rushing through his mind along with countless questions. Help Riku regain what he lost...Did that mean killing the Organization again? And did Riku have to help kill them? Was it possible that this was somehow his, Sora's, fault? Why hadn't Riku let Sora come with him? Why had he gone on his own? None of it made sense. Sora took a deep breath and calmed down. He would get nothing done standing around asking questions that were unanswerable. Instead, he turned his attention to what needed to be asked right now. There was only one thing. "Where do I start?"
Xollot continued to walk after him. She kept her voice calm, although she was irritated at Vexen's tone. Still. it was typical of him, and she could hardly have expected anything else. "I am number twenty-seven, and the Superior told me to "Make myself useful keeping Vexen Company." I can assure you, I have no intentions of interfering with you work unless the work interferes with me." She had to hold back a sarcastic, and most definitely offensive remark at this point. If she had to stay with him, the longer she could avoid a fight, the better.
Humph! My dad ordered the wrong edition for my biology book, and it's caused all kinds of issues. Have to buy the second edition, and muddle through until it arrives. Plus side: The weather is cooling down fast!
OCC Sorry. For some reason I didn't get the alerts that any action had happened here! Xollot looked down at Namine. So strange that she had been torn apart from Kairi again... She appeared little improved by the brief union with her other half. Still sad, still timid, still trying to be a good girl, even though most of her conscience must have gone with her heart. For some reason, Namine still desired to do good, even though there could be no emotional drive to do it. No real reward... Oh well. That was her problem, as was this longing to see Sora. There was a time when Xollot might have felt sympathy for her, and she knew it, but thankfully those days were gone. Vexen was the immediate problem, and he was getting away. Xollot came down to earth, nodded to Namine, and went after Vexen at a brisk pace, her crossbow slung across her back, and her staff in her hand. When she came even with him she said, "In answer to your question, I came through your corridor." She would say no more for the moment. If Vexen wanted a conversation he could have it, but she was not going to be the instigator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mysterious Tower Sora was confused already. Mission? What mission? What did Riku lose? His eyes traveled down to the book. "I don't understand. What does this mean?"
Reagan.[DOUBLEPOST=1346790733][/DOUBLEPOST] I was a Gingrich fan myself, but I can live with Romney.[DOUBLEPOST=1346790861][/DOUBLEPOST]Don't know, but at least they didn't indulge in groundless bashing. everything they said had some basis, even if you don't agree with it. They didn't say Obama was a horrible person, or that he was a bad father. They concentrated on the policies, which is exactly what hey should be doing. I don't care how nice, or horrible a man is, so long as he can do his job properly.
Ok. I'm sorry. The trouble with typing is that it's easy to misconstrue what is said. I agree with you about getting facts straight, but I honestly don't have the time to trawl through the Bill, because my schooling is really starting to pick up. However, I've heard things from reliable sources about the age cut off for care. This email tallies with what I've heard. We can agree to differ, you have the right to your opinion, but I reserve the right to try and change your mind. :-) Dude, voting is an amazing right. Even if you have to vote for a person you don't like, even if you're only choosing the lesser of two evils, you should. You're doing no one any good by not voting, and your candidate may surprise you. I can't vote this election, and it's driving me spare, so count your blessings! Out of curiosity, did anyone here actually watch the RNC?
If you don't agree, that's fine, I'm just putting this out there. However, I see no reason for the discourtesy. I was not rude, neither was the email I quoted. I am open to civilized discussion, in fact I love debate, but I do not feel obliged to speak with someone who feels the need to be insulting, seeing as I did nothing to warrant it. You may or may not be right, I may or may not be wrong, but if you want to discuss it, lets keep it clean.
Xollot looked down at Namine. Her again. That was interesting...Could it be that...? But it was a mistake to theorize without data. That was how mistakes were made. What made her good was that she didn't guess until she had all the building blocks. Right now that was not her problem. Sooner or later, either Namine, or Vexen would notice her, and then she'd have some explaining to do. Still, it was better than being talked down to by that bony faced science teacher. He was smart enough in his own way, but his arrogance far outweighed any intelligence he had, for it often led him into the folly of underestimating all those around him, and that was dangerous. Xollot did not suffer fools well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The worried look, returned to Sora's face and he said, "He's gone. He disappeared a couple days ago." He heaved a sigh. "We searched the islands. He's not there. I was hoping you'd know." He let his head droop and looked at the floor. He'd been hoping Yen Sid would know something of Riku, but no. It really was just like last time. What if...? No! No, he was sure that whatever had happened, it wasn't Riku's fault this time. He just wouldn't do that again.
This is an email I received today. I've copied it here. Take a look. It ain't pretty. Be aware of what lies ahead.--Here is a little bit of the bad news. Read it and weep! Then be sure to get out and Vote in November so we can get rid of this POS!! Please for the sake of many good people. . . informed please . YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS...Vote At age 76 when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer treatment page 272 What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know until after the healthcare bill was passed. Remember she said, "We have to pass the Bill so that we can see what's in it." Well, here it is. Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number THE CARE BILL HB 3200 JUDGE KITHIL IS THE 2ND OFFICIAL WHO HAS OUTLINED THESE PARTS OF THE CARE BILL. Judge Kithil of Marble Falls, TX - highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200 Please read this........ especially the reference to pages 58 & 59 JUDGE KITHIL wrote: ** Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally. ** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts. ** Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN). ** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?) ** Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees. ** Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age. ** Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception. ** Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..) ** Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order. HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify: "Finally,it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. Members of Congress are already exempt from the Social Security system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick 'fix' to make the plan financially sound for their future." - Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls, Texas All of the above should give you the ammo you need to support your opposition to Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts.
Sora stood with his hands behind his head and swayed from side to side. "I'll let ya know after we've seen Yen Sid." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xollot quickly followed Vexen, and only just managed to slip into the corridor before it closed. She didn't come right out though. She waited a moment and stared through the haze. White... It looked just like a picture she'd seen of Castle Oblivion. White, such an inconvenient color. It was almost impossible to hide in a white room....Almost impossible. Xollot stepped through, and the second she cleared the corridor she cast aero on herself and accented into the sky. Whit a little luck, Vexen wouldn't notice her.
Lucky for Twilight the cat wasn't out of the bag. It's tradition. Once it's out, it has to be used.
Got it! Cat o' nine tails! I'll just the bag out of my closet.
Hmm...Thanks for the offer, but no, it's kinda hard for people to write with no eyes. Do ya think a tazer would work?
I think our learned Role Play Leader is in need of some gentle encouragement. Does anyone have a cattle prod? ;)
Sora grinned at Donald and Goofy. It really was just like watching a comedy duo. A sort of Laurel and Hardy, except that Donald was tiny. The constant corrections almost always made him laugh. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xollot leaned her head back against the wall and sighed. Everyone save herself and Vexen seemed to be doing something. Even Zexion had escaped from the grey room. She'd solved this rubix cube two time already, and was close to finishing a third time. If this was what life would be like, she might be taking her services elswhere. She was sure that Sora and co. would be doing something by this time.
"Common, it can't be that bad! Remember our first promise? "No frowning. No sad faces" what Master Yen Sid says, it can't be that bad!" said Sora, walking up the stairs after Donald.
I just noticed, according to KHvids I am - get ready for it! one hundred and twelve years old.
Diagnosis is just like diarrhea, except that you get it in your gnosis instead of in your rear.
A friend suggested that I make a video using this song, so I have risen to the challenge. There's no real story...
This one was rather challenging, but I think it turned out well! I tried to stick with one or two characters, but it...