Search Results

  1. Leblonk
    So, as soon as we choose a song can we start? And does the two blank secodns either end have to be part of the 45 seconds, or in adition to the 45 seconds?
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 11, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Leblonk
    What is the length we should aim for?
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 11, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  3. Leblonk
    My friend Darkhorse and I are having a competition over the summer to see who can make the best Kingdom Hearts Music Videos. Both of us have mediocre editing programs (personally I prefer mine to his, but then I would! :lol3:) and have only been making music videos of a few months. We chose six songs which we both like, and began work. Originally we meant to spend two weeks on each song, and then leave it to the unwashed masses of Youtube to decide which is the best, but after the first videos were completed, I fell behind. The song is proving very difficult for me, and in mitigation, there has been rather a lot of stuff going on in my family right now, so that I am still not finished with it. Darkhorse on the other hand, has finished it and is hanging about waiting for me to finish so that he can start the next one. So! We though we should make a thread on here, put the videos into as we finish them, and allow you to decide which ones are the best. Don't worry about offending us, we have different styles, so that I may fail dismally on a song of his choosing, and he on one of mine. This is friendly competition, and we want honest feedback, since the only way to remedy a dificiency of any kind, is to be made aware of it! So! Let's get started! I'll put up all the ones made to date (as meantion, Darkhorse will be one ahead of me for a while) and update this post as we finish more.

    NOTE: Please specify which song, and which editor your are commenting on!


    Dare You To Move

    I'm For You


    Dare You To Move
    Thread by: Leblonk, Jul 10, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  4. Leblonk
    cats. how do we all feel about cats?

    [QUOTEBut I am still shocked that some dogs are actually called tha][/QUOTE] don't blame me, blame the Mexicans!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Leblonk
    Zir! Before you slur my conversational skills, kindly take the trouble to look them up! The xoloitzcuintle is a hairless Mexican dog! So put that in your pipe and smoke it! :sparta:
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Leblonk
    [QUOTEWhat do you want to talk about? ][/QUOTE]

    xoloitzcuintle dogs.
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Leblonk
    sooooo...Do I take that as a proffesion of vegetarianism?
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Leblonk
  9. Leblonk
    quite. Well I should prefer to do the fish slapping dance, but if you insist on pies...
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Leblonk
    Right. I think I can do a fair immitation of Aqua. I'm alright as a mimic, but I tend to go for unusual voices. like Kenneth Williams. still, I shall try, and you shall decide if it is good enough!
    Post by: Leblonk, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: Project Casting