How a shirt can completely change the design of a character. He almost seems worthy of being the main. Bonus: Frimelda, **** yeah.
These aren't all my sigs, just the ones that matter.
Cross yo eyes dog.
Test. F: Edit: Fffffffff-
I've used guides for every Final Fantasy game during my second playthrough in order to get 100% in one go.
It's not technically finished. But this is basically it. Cnc if you want, but I won't be changing it.
Seriously, my Pussy's gone crazy.
Found these online, thought I'd post. All from gameinformer. Oh btw, Fuck Shadowjak.
I won't even let you post them. They're obviously inferior to mine.
Cnc it. Pretty much my first sig in 2 months. Edit: The original image
Turn everything in your house on.
Has contracted a very serious STD. She is now Crotch the Pain. I'm usually more clever then this, I swear.
liiiiiiink Didn't see that one coming.
A random country. GO.
Seems a bit hypocritical.