That damn chorus, gets me every time. :'D
The degree of awesome actually changes depending on the context.
First it was a tv legend. Then an old sex-icon, followed by a fading, crazed pop-star. And now -a cleaning-product salesmen with a loud voice. Someone's picking off television icons. Somebody knows why. Down there... Somebody knows. A salesmen died in Florida on Sunday.
Where are your children?
On a scale of 1 to 10. However for the sake of interest your numbers will also be the the amount of nipples I assume you have. The numbers may hold further meaning, but that meaning is yet undefined. It doesn't matter what number you have, I hate you.
People are saying Jeff Goldblum's dead too. This is hilarious.
A Connecticut church posted a controversial video on YouTube that raised questions about the treatment of children by a leader of a gay and lesbian teen mentoring group among others The video features church elders performing what looks like an exorcism, of what they refer to in the video as "homosexual demons" The video shows leaders of the Manifested Glory Ministries in a frenetic scene, screaming, "Right now I command you to leave!" At the same time a teen writhing on the ground as the adults around him implore so called "homosexual demons" to get out. The leaders yell at the boy on the ground saying, "Right now in the name of Jesus, I call the homosexuality, right now in the name of Jesus." For 20 minutes it continues with the boy in a near seizure, even vomiting.,0,4811543.story Discuss.
Cnc or whatever you people call cnc these days.
Trying to get back into the groove. Cnc I guess. Might be posting more as the night goes on.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson was hit by a taxi in New York as he tried to run away from a crowd of hysterical teenage fans, but he was not seriously injured, U.S. media reported. Pattinson, 23, who stars in the hit teenage vampire movies, was clipped on the hip in front a bookstore in Manhattan where he was shooting scenes on Thursday for his new film, "Remember Me," a drama about two young lovers dealing with family tragedies. Flanked by five security guards, the British actor tried to run past a group of teenage girls who had gathered outside the bookstore and cross the street to his trailer when the accident happened. He was not seriously injured, but his bodyguards reportedly were furious, according to which claimed to have witnessed the accident. One of the bodyguards yelled at the girls: "You see what you did, you almost killed him!" Pattinson's manager did not comment on the accident.
I usually find these ******ed. I honestly think it was him flying around that got me.
[Inb4 someone fucks it up]
But no, seriously, this is ****ing awesome.
"There are a number of changes from the book in the film. Much of the book's ending has been changed, with the climactic battle and Dumbledore's funeral being removed. Heyman commented that the end battle was removed to "[avoid] repetition" with the forthcoming adaptation of Deathly Hallows. The funeral was removed as it was believed it did not fit with the rest of the film.The collapse of a Muggle bridge mentioned briefly in the book serves as the film's opening sequence. Scenes of Diagon Alley being demolished by Death Eaters and an attack on the Burrow by Bellatrix Lestrange and werewolf Fenrir Greyback are added, as can be seen in the trailers. All but two of the memory scenes, including that of the Gaunts, have been cut. Only the flashbacks of Tom Riddle at the orphanage and Riddle asking Slughorn about Horcruxes, shown twice, remain. Yates said they made the decision to compress the memories, but still "got some really cool ones". Characters who are cut include the Dursleys, Kreacher, Dobby, Bill and Fleur, Rufus Scrimgeour, Cornelius Fudge and the Muggle Prime Minister. However, Quidditch, being excluded from the previous film, returns. Bellatrix Lestrange will also participate in the battle of the astronomy tower, whereas she did not in the book, as seen in a picture with the Carrows and Greyback, celebrating Dumbledore's death. In the book, on the Hogwarts Express, after he is paralysed and hidden under his Invisibility Cloak by Draco Malfoy, Harry is rescued by Nymphadora Tonks. In the film, Luna Lovegood saves him instead, using her Spectrespecs to find him." Guess what movie I'm not seeing anymore? =D THEY REMOVED THE ****ING ENDING.
Guess I'll just be a prick and advertise like others
I guess I knew this day I’d see When you would ask of me “Father, what is a man?†Son, sit and rest For we have ran far farther then I’d thought we’d run These years were short, these days were long. Some say a man can run forever His legs longer and stronger and his heart, better But a man that travels without rest Is a man that misses what he left The dust on the road where his foot did fall Stamp out the names of those who loved him Family, Friends, and Lovers All The man is lonely in his endless race Save the echoes of himself that he does chase He runs in circles, his dreams in the middle An Awkward band serenades him with fiddle in hand He forgot where he began He forgot where to end But what’s a beginning and end when you’re caught in spin? He’s not a man son, he’s the wind And a man that talks to god, well he’s insane But keep your lips and do refrain From saying that, my loving kin For words like that are drenched in sin But a man that sees and doesn’t complain, son, they call him a tool And a man that thinks things can change, that one’s a fool It’s better to be a man that hides Though allowing fear to overcome your being Is just another form of suicide And son they call that man a masochist He silently will hate the world, a pessimist in falling swirl A man that thinks he knows every truth That’s a man that eats his fruit with just one tooth His bites are small and full of pain And in his mouth they turn to grain Of Sand and of salt But keep in mind, it’s not his fault He thinks the food to taste divine As he chugs his urine and calls it wine A man who stands upon his foes Raises his sword high, and there he boasts That his sword here is sharpest of all And as a bonus, it’s as long as he is tall But other men will call him down and pointing daggers Request his crown For what was claimed a claymore to be In the face of his peers is small and wee “Is this all you have?†They laugh with vigor “No! Not at all! I swear, it gets bigger!†The man’s insecure and he’s afraid of himself As he stares at the statues of real men on his shelf Though admitting his faults will save him the trouble He’ll remain inside of his safe little bubble The man is a coward, the man is a boy And he’ll swing his sword, though it’s a only toy A man without love is a man without life Though a home’s not defined By where he keeps his wife The home’s where his heart is And hearts tend to wander But always come back as men's hearts will feel guilt And compassion and wonder Of what he’s forgotten in the crib that he built With the wife that he loved and who’s blood that he split Sons and Daughters give way to his new cloudy days And shed light on the mess of his mistress and maids And at night he will cry over his lies and deceit With nothing left but the child his wife gave to him Before he took her in rage and defeat He Cast her away To the god he will hate for the rest of his days I feared for this day when you asked me what men are And what you will be, come this new cycle of stars For I don’t know the answer I can’t tell you what I don’t know Though I think it very plainly shows I know exactly what men are not Men aren’t liars, killers, hypocrites or cowards And those that run along with that lot Are the men that will sleep and never dream And friends of mine can attest to that Ask of someone else, for what I may seem Is not what I am, a rat who scurries Always, forever in a hurry Away from myself I forgot where it all began I know not where it ends Though I’ve looked around this circle as I run and I spin Things will never change I will always be wind
Realize how lonely you are.
Seriously .