*turns around slowly with creepy expression on face*.....*eye twitch* I...Have...My...Reasons... *drops hammer* xDDD
Don't make me bring out my machine gun Unmei! ....I'm going to call you that from now on Destiny...
Destiny!!! *puts hammer down* I want to talk to you!!! *picks up hammer*
OH Destiny......xDDD
Kiburedo.........*looks at ground*...Not a chance. *walks off looking for Destiny*
Boring....BORING?! Oh that is so not freakin' true! Don't you dare ever insult me again Chaser! Lol...Shame Desaray...Shame... *glares at Kiburedo*...What?
Lol... It is funny..I'm going to keep using it... *galres at Kiburedo* I'm not mad...*eye twitch* I am not crazy.... *walks up to Trace* Where's Destiny...? I want to give her a gift....*eyes twitch*....*tightens grip on hammer*
* ignores Kiburedo* Destiny...Oh Destiny... I want to give you something....
*raises giant hammer* Destiny.... *goes looking for Destiny*
Not again... *glares at Destiny, eye still twitching* I don't want your lolipop....*eye twitch* xDDD
*eye twitch*.....*walks out of room*
*looks at Kiburedo* O.O.....:nono:*falls on knees and raises fist to ceiling* NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :rockdoversad:
*blows up balloon* I'm celebrating because Kiburedo A.K.A Teddy is gone!
Poor Destiny...*gives cookie* OH my.....Kiburedo's gone...Let's celebrate!
Meh...The boredoms finally got to me....Anybody know a good RPG I can join? I have nothing to do...
*sighs* I'm bored...OH! I kno what I should I do! *pulls out laptop* I'm going to narrate everything I do...*begins to type* xDDD I sat on the cold hard floor, laptop in hands. I crossed my legs and began to type loudly. As usual, I was bored. I needed to find a way to be entertained. I looked around the room and sighed...I had a feeling nothing interesting would happen any time soon. xD
Damn that Jutsu to hell....*sits on floor*
I am not unpredictable! I am very predictable! And NO! Just because you said that..I'm not gettiing off. *crosses arms*
Of cousre I'm sitting on your stomach...Where in the world did you think I was sitting?!
THat poem reminds me of a song.....It's still a really good poem Destiny!