What about..."Kib-licious"? xD
NO! KIB-SICLE! Oh...Then I don't know what you should do.
Oh! I got it! Kib-sicle!!! xD
*rolls eyes*...Fine... So true..But Kibby sounds awkard...Like a dog food.. Um....I don't know...With an e-mail address?
But...But..WHY?!?!?! Can't he send them to you?
Teddy! *:glomp:'s Kiburedo* Did you put all the songs back?
Of course not! I'm going to ask Teddy (Kiburedo) to marry me! xDDDDD *falls on floor laughing* Oh.... That sucks.
Hi Destiny! Guess what I'm going to do?! Why are you upset UnSaintly Saint?
I'd say Sora. If you compare him from KH1 to KH2, the two images look as if they should be brothers. Not only has Sora grew on the outside, but also on the inside. He has matured since KH1 and it seems he's more determind then ever.
Is it a proper link?
Well, the bible some what says you will, but if you really think about, the bible is just a book like any other. It claims things that seem rather impossible, nobody actually has to believe what is stated in the bible. You just choose to.
I"d be more comfortable fighting with Sora's style. I might drop my weapon if I use one hand. xD
Once again, so true. I don't care when I die either. I just live because I know if I commit suicide I'll burn in hell for all eternity.
I jumped out of a window once because I was dared to.
Sucks to be the people who are extremely afraid of it.
It's still sad that he said no to his own sister... What was werid is that from the ages of two to six, I went around telling people that I'm inlove with my brother and some day we would get married and have kids. O.o
I asked my older brother to marry me when I was two...He said no.
Yes, everybody is going to die in the end, but for some reason, nobdoy really thinks about. No matter how much one person says they don't care what people think, the truth is they do. Everybody cares, not as much as others, but they care. You have to care, because you are not always right and you may just need someone's opinion of you one day.
So true. But some people hide what they are really thinking to be accepted by their peers.
When I was ten, I stabbed myself in the stomach with a knife because I wanted to die.... Here's another secret, I still do.