Name: Yumiko Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Abilities/Weapons: Keyblades, elements, and....Stuff. xD Character: If you mean personality then.... She's quiet, can be kind, likes to be lonely, cold, creative, cruel, heartless, and more I can't think of at the moment. Other: As in biography? You'll find out soon....
I won't be on as much.... I've just become bored with life.
What shall we do about our boredom?
Oh, so now I have a problem?
Oh my...I've been glomped!!! *:glomp:'s RRMS*
*rolls eyes* Well I've heard of stupidity but this is just screwed.
Never! My gun! My weapons! *puts gun in pocket and runs to emo corner* And now...My corner. *signs paper*
*Rubs eyes but still holds gun* Well a b**** is a b****, we can't change that can we? *shoots at Fire*
*evil grin*....*stands up and loads gun*....*points gun at Firekeyblade*:sly:
-_-....*squirts lemon juice in Firekeyblade's face*
*looks at Hitna and nods*....*looks at Firekeyblade* Okay....*creepy evil grin*
Yay lemon and emo corner! *sits in emo corner and huggles lemon*
*looks at Axel* Your mean...! *cries in emo corner*
*pokes lemon*
I'm guessing your anger has gone to your head UnSaintly Saint...
lol...Well I see why it cheered you up. *looks around for Kiburedo* Do you think he disappeared again Destiny?
LMAO at that video. Don't tell me you sing that song when ever you're not happy Destiny? xDD I'm joking..