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  1. In explicit Angst
    I the the wonderful bunny queen will rule the world whit my ninja bunnies!!!! So thats how I made tha bunny castle!!! If you want to be a bunny you have to do the bunny Quiz!!!! I will PM you the bunny test if you ask to become a bunny. You have to have at least 5 points right to become a Bunny Citizen. 6 for lower Bunny Soldier and 7 for higher. To be an Body Guard you need 8 (and luck) ... I you answer less than 4 correctly you will stay as a human or what ever you are and become slave for us!!! ​

    The bunnies!!!!

    Lolz have fun <3​

    Info about tha bunnies!!!
    Bunny Queen: Roxas-Chick:
    Bunny King: heart of darkness:
    Right Hand bunny and Body Guard: emo_bunny:
    Higher Bunny Soldier: ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe:
    Higher Bunny Soldier: RoxasPutYourPantsOn

    Higher Bunny Soldier: Robert the yogurt:
    Higher Bunny Soldier: firefly151
    Lower Bunny Soldier: RRMS:
    Lower Bunny Soldier: make:
    Lower Bunny Soldier: Steal the Hail:

    Lower Bunny Soldier: Heart of light
    Bunny Citizen: jojoj13:
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jul 20, 2008, 8,417 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  2. In explicit Angst
    Simple question simple answer...
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jul 17, 2008, 57 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. In explicit Angst
    In Chains of Memories, at Destiny Islands. You have to fight the large heartless thing. (I'm tired and I dont wanna think a better name for it) Sometimes my cards end and I cant use them again. Is it normal or does it happen all the time and I haven't just noticed it?
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jul 11, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. In explicit Angst
    Vids from youtube and picks from icanhascheezburger

    I'm just warning, but now I'm in this mood... So these next vids are of... BUNNIES

    OMG that last bunny looked just like my!!!!

    Okay... PICK TIME

    I have to brain even if i have the dumb!!!!







    'k I will add more later
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jul 9, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. In explicit Angst
    Please someone close this thread. My computer did something weard and I have two same threads!
    The Real Kingdom Hearts/Jak&Daxter thread is this:
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. In explicit Angst
    The Kingdom Hearts characters somehow find themself from the worlds of Jak&Daxter!

    -No yaoi
    -Romance in PG-13
    -4 characters only!
    -No killing!!!
    -Be active. So if you haven't written in a month, your out of here.

    Kingdom Hearts
    Sora- DHS H3LLF1R3
    Riku- DHS H3LLF1R3
    Donald- KHfanatic4life
    Goofy- SoraOathkeeper
    Mickey- Serbkiller
    Leon- theonly9one
    Yuffie- emo_bunny
    Cloud- Roxas-Chick
    Aerith- emo_bunny
    Organization XIII
    Xemnas- DHS H3LLF1R3
    Xigbar- OblivionRoxas
    Xaldin- dj rvr
    Vexen- SoraOathkeeper
    Zexion- Roxas-Chick
    Saix- Serbkiller
    Axel- DHS H3LLF1R3
    Demyx- theonly9one
    Marluxia- emo_bunny
    Roxas- Roxas-Chick


    Jak- Roxas-Chick
    Daxter- KHfanatic4life
    Torn- SoraOathkeeper
    Ashelin- theonly9one
    Sig- emo_bunny
    Praxis- OblivionRoxas
    Erol- theonly9one
    Damas- dj rvr
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2008, 55 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. In explicit Angst

    Forum game!!!

    This forum game is simple. Just say any word that starts with the last letter of the username above you.
    Have fun!!!
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jun 29, 2008, 335 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. In explicit Angst
    Okay, so this is my first story ever in khv so please don´t judge it too hard...

    It was a peaceful morning. Sora and Kairi were in a little bout sailing around. Kairi had her feet in the water and Sora was sleeping.
    "Sora look! A dolphin"
    "Uh, Sora? Sooraa"
    "Look! HEARTLESS!"
    "What! Where! Where! Sora yelled while summoning his keyblade. Kairi giggled.
    "Cam you just one time... Well, not sleep"
    Suddenly a big wave hit their boat
    "Sora!" Kairi screamed
    "Kairi! Where are you!"
    After a while Sora came to shore holding the unconscious Kairi.
    "Kairi, please wake-up" he said when he putted Kairi down.
    Riku ran to the beach holding his keyblade.
    "What happen" he asked
    Sora explained everything what had happen and Riku listened quietly.
    "We better get her to her home"
    Sora pick-up Kairi and they left the beach. As they were walking to Kairi's home Sora asked Riku: "Why did you have your keyblade when you came to the beach?"
    "Oh there was a heartless attack"
    "WHAT!" Sora yelled
    "Just kidding. Actually I was training"
    "Why you!"
    Sora summoned his keyblade, but took a deep breath and didn´t hit Riku.
    "Your lucky, because if I..."
    "Okay, here is were Kairi lives" Riku said completely ignoring Sora.

    This was kinda short, but hopefully the next one will be longer
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jun 27, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. In explicit Angst
    This rp is about if every good guy would of died and the hole organization would be still alive. When they would be living peacefully (at least so peacefully they can) with out attacking anyone (well maybe each other...)

    No yaoi
    -Romance in PG-13
    -2 characters+OC
    -No killing!!!
    -Be active. So if you haven't written in a month, your out of here.

    Xemnas- Soranspartanti
    Xigbar- Maria
    Xaldin- Maria
    Vexen- theonly9one
    Zexion- The Fifth Element
    Saix- theonly9one
    Axel- The Fifth Element
    Demyx- Flamedancer
    Luxord- Random Angel
    Marluxia- Flamedancer
    Larxene- emo_bunny
    Roxas- Roxas-Chick
    Number XIV - theonly9one

    Name: Evie+X= Xieve
    Age: 16 (by appearance)
    Personality: Strange and rather bipolar... At one moment she is cheerful and slightly annoying like Yuffie, at another a tearful confused young girl, at another dark and mysterious and scheemy like Zexion.... Her 'emotions' vary like the color of the rainbow!
    Appearance: Looks like a sixteen-year-old teenager. Has sea-blue-green eyes, reddish-brown long hair, 'bout 5 foot 4", slender, pale, etc.
    Bio: A little while ago, Xieve, or Evie as she was known back then was a normal teenager like us. School, internet, shopping, playing video-games and so on... Then one day a dark portal appeared in front of her and she stepped in it... And was immediately turned in to Nobody! No-one knows what has happened to her in the time between her becoming a Nobody and then actually joining the organization. In fact, no-one knows how long this time was... Strange!
    Weapon: Gunblade (will be explained later)
    Element: Telekinesis
    Tittle: She (=me) hasn't figured it out yet

    Number XV - emo_bunny

    Name: Foxl
    Age: 14
    Female/Male: female
    Weapon: A shuriken. Most of the time it's small, but when Foxl has a lot of energy, she can power it up into a big one.
    Personality: sometimes she's emo, sometimes she has anger controlling problems, and sometimes she gets all annoying and cheery. She is in a way, a very mysterious and protective character.
    Appearance: Straight light brown, shoulder length hair, sky-blue eyes, she's a bit taller than Roxas and she has very soft and pale, beautiful skin.
    Bio: When her somebody's (Flo) world got swallowed into darkness, Flo got thrown into the realm of darkness and she got turned into a heartless, but because of her strong heart, Foxl was created. She joined the Organization and here she is. Foxl doesn't remember a lot of the life Flo had, and has flashbacks at times.
    Element: steam and mist
    Title: not known yet

    Number XVI - Daxma

    Name: Daxma
    Age: 16
    Female/Male: Male
    Pesonalityistant and indifferent to the others except for Foxl who seems to be a little different from the others.He is always away from the rest of the organisation because he is off doing things that the organisation deem "inappropriate".
    Appearanceoesn't have the conventional black cloak.He has a black trench coat,black cargo pants (non puffy),Black boots,black t-shirt which are all metal plated at certain parts and on the pockets.His gear ways tons, especially his trench coat.He has black blond spikey hair with dark blue eyes.When he gets into an intense battle his eye's change from dark blue to sharp white and throws off his gear to reveal the same gear without the metal plates and without the trench coat.All the gear goes white along with his hair.His keyblades are engulfed in white lightning.This is called the white lightning state.
    Bio:His somebody,Adam grew up in Radient garden and at the age of 10 he learned to weild two keyblades and at the age of 14 he ventured into the realm of darkness.He tried to fight of an army of Heartless that was endless and lost his heart.
    Weapon: two keyblades called Omega Oblivions(A mix between terra's keyblade and the oblivion keyblade)
    Element: Thunder
    Title: The Thunder,the rain transformed

    Number XVII - Amasha

    Name: Xensela
    Age: Eighteen
    Female/Male: Female
    Personality: Xensela is a calm and patient girl, she is quiet and very observant. When on a mission she normally wonder aimlessly around the world, but normally carrying out her mission in the end. She's very instinctive, although her instincts are mainly in taste of the Organization. If shes not missioning she tends to be taking care of cleaning most the times, walking through out the halls and watching members from afar. When shes not cleaning up messes, shes many times playing chess or doing puzzles staying out of everyone's way until needed.
    Appearance: Xensela is a slender young lady, she stands around 5'3. She is a very light creme skin color, it has a birthmark below her left eye. She has shoulder length auburn hair, although there is two longer braided strains that reach her mid back. She has hazel green eyes, they tend to change color depending on the light shes in. She also has a couple of piercings, many up and down her ears and one being her left eyebrow. Although her looks are very rarely seen, shes mostly in her Nobody attire.
    Bio: Before she was Xensela, she was known as Selena. She lived in a small farming community, her life was rather boring and typical before the heartless showed up. Their community was taken within minutes, no real struggle although Selena refused to let her family get hurt. She tried to use tools for farming to fight off the heartless, but to no avail the community was taken. She was changed into a Nobody then after, she wondered for a long time until she was finally taken in by the organization.
    Weapon: Twin Tonfa
    Element: Weather
    Title: The Seasonal Apparition

    Number XVIII - Haiena.Koinu

    Name: Xinoxphe
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Xinoxphe is playful and full of endless energy it seems as to most of the time. She is normally trying to get Muxa to play games with her. Xinoxphe is childish and doesn’t really act her age much. She is a bit stupid sometimes, so she is easily tricked into things. So she seems to look up to Muxa a lot more then anyone else. She trusts Muxa, since it’s her twin sister.
    Appearance: He hair is silver in a long french braid in a bright sunny yellow bow. Her eyes are a dull olive green, and she has a very light skin tan from being outside a lot in her life. Xinoxphe has serval piecing on her left and right ear. As well has having a bracelet, which she wears on her right ankle. She wears a jean mini shirk with a brown leather belt, along with a plain royal blue T-shirt.
    Bio: She was living a normal life with her two parents. Heartless slowly began to appear in the world. But, had not shown themselves to where they lived. Though they were slowly making their way, day by day. When Xinoxphe has turned into a nobody, she was in the backyard tending to the flower garden. She was also the first one in the family to be attacked by the heartless. Her true name was Phoenix, until consumed by the heartless and being turned into a nobody.
    Weapon: Boomerang
    Element: Solar Energy
    Tittle: The Solar Assistant

    Number XIX - Haiena.Koinu

    Name: Muxa
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Muxa is shy and prefers not to speak more then she has to. She is more into studying, puzzles, reading books and any other logical ideal for her mind. Though one thing he likes which isn’t anything of the sort of brain working, is dancing. Muxa doesn’t try to really avoid people, she just tries not to talk to them much. She also doesn’t really likes how her sister is so active and hyper, it tends to annoy her quickly. She also tends to act sort of innocent a lot.
    Appearance: Her hair is into a hime cut, which her hair color is lilac purple with two strikes of silver in the front. Muxa’s eyes are a dull olive green, as for her skin she is quite very pale girl. Unlike her sister, she doesn’t wear any jewelry. She wears merely black light baggy pants with a dark green tank top.
    Bio: Muxa lived a everyday life alone in her house. She had a job and was preparing to go to college and become a hair stylist. Sadly, she heard of her sister disappearing and went to her parents’ house to see what she could do to find her sister. Only to see her parents get attacked by a small swarm of heartless. She ran away into town to find help, only to instead get consumed by the heartless herself within the town. Her name was Uma before being consumed by heartless and becoming a nobody.
    Weapon: Thorned Manriki
    Element: Poison
    Tittle: The Toxic Lurker

    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jun 23, 2008, 618 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. In explicit Angst
    I didn't have a clue were I could put this and I don't know why I am even putting this here!
    Okay then. At my back yard i have a little cage for my bunny so she can be out free. So she had been in the cage for few hours and I noticed that some big birds were flying pretty close by. So just in case i took a chair next to a window so I could peek out some times. So once when I peeked at her she looked kinda weird. I looked around the yard, but then I notice rite next to the cage a big cat. The cat and my bunny just stared at each other. I ran to the yard, but I didn't see the cat. But still I went to my bunny's cage. I turned my head and the cat was at the same place. The only thing different was that the cat's face looked hilarious when it noticed me. Then it ran away. When I tried to pickup my bunny she ran away like saying: "You scared my buddy away"
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jun 22, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. In explicit Angst
    Okay. So here All the kingdom hearts characters goes to the beach!!

    -No yaoi
    -Romance in PG-13
    -3 characters only!
    -Only characters from KH. If you ask very nice I might let you have some other too.
    -No killing!!!
    -Be active. So if you haven't written in a month, your out of here.

    Sora - Ven The Keyblade Master
    Kair i- xJayn
    Riku - emo_bunny
    Donald - lexamus
    Goofy - BaseSebastian
    Mickey - J.D.129
    Namine -
    Leon - Roxas-Chick
    Yuffie - theonly9one
    Cloud - J.D.129
    Aerith - theonly9one
    Cid -

    Organization XIII:
    Xemnas - Last of the Organization
    Xigbar - Last of the Organization
    Xaldin -
    Vexen - lexamus
    Lexaeus -
    Zexion - emo_bunny
    Saix - theonly9one
    Axel - BaseSebastian
    Demyx - BaseSebastian
    Luxord - lexamus
    Marluxia - emo_bunny
    Larxene - Soranspartanti
    Roxas - Roxas-Chick
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jun 19, 2008, 319 replies, in forum: Retirement Home