Sowwy >.> 114 *chucks pancake at Divine's face*
That's my signature line and if you hear that then you know there's trouble a' blowin. FALCOOOON FACEPALM!!!!
Yes!! I'm like that girl off Lazy Town fused with Chuck Norris :D FALCOOOON FACEPALM!!!!
Holy Hands Of Allah!!!! Swim away Fugu Fish Swim Awaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!
then had a bucket of.....
Well I can't be bothered to go around looking in everyone's profile so can people just post if they wanna give me it and then I'll add you. Btw I'm
Who the hell are you!?!??! What are you doing in this thread. You didn't make it.
alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehhehehhe
110 damn lucky person who gets 111 well there not lucky cuz I'm gonna poke them in the eyes
My lil cuz's bday is on Halloween D: He is so lucky but I'm going out trick o' treatin' with him :D and he's gonna be 5 tomorrow.
Sorry! Mister! Hot I mean Cold No >.> Dammnit. Okay Cold. :D:D It's cooooooool *does nerdy laugh* Hahaha that was so funny, I'm so funny *does another nerdy laugh*
Would you class 16 as a kid??? LOL No I do but I act like a 12 year old O.o No the term is shaken not stirred as Mr. JB says (No not Jack Black O.o James Bond)
You three all alone??? LOL I have come to save your oversized asses :D P.S. .................................................................72
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! It's the ghost of the god I killed by accident when I threw it at Haseo's head!!!! *gets on knees and kisses its frozen bottom* Oh god that sounded so wrong >.><<<<< LOL I'm sorry master!!!!!! :'( Please don't make me watch the Japanese McDonalds Advert! Anything but that!!!!!!!
Thank you so very much :D I am so thankful
Your avvy ain't half bad either :D
LOL The rest of us are magical :D:D Well everyone on here is magical. That's why we're all different colours :D
The Village. That thing creeped me out I wouldn't eat for 2 days, literally.
I'm desperate for a siggy. Could someone please make a siggy out of this picture, With the text, Destiny Is In My Hands. Also can I have a fire backdrop, but if thats not possible then never mind. If thats not too much too ask. Thank you too anyone who will do me this favour.
You said it >.> O.o Hey! I'll be in a family with you :D