LOL Good for you O.o Well bye everyone I'm off to hit the- HEY!!!!!!! where's my hay!??!?!!?!?
Of course :D I'm 16 and I still do it :D
That's the whole point you naive person O.o *pats on head*
I kept on hearing that girl say "Willy,booby." Thats why it made me lol
Nope we don't have different time zone's in England LOL So its 22:23 on my computer clock.
Um well your wrong cuz I'm from england and its 10:20 right now so LOL
EMMA!!!!!!! GOD F*****G DAMMNIT POST IN THE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 and F*****G 34!!!!!!!
I'm being Dar...Darth Vad.....Vader. Sorry I was dozing off I'm trying to do a challenge.
Right well last night I only got an hour's sleep and I'm now trying to stay awake by setting a challenge and now everyone in kh-v is included because if you see me log off you can do whatever you want to me (except rape me O.o Well if your a girl I wouldn't mind LOL). So the challenge starts NOW!!!!!
Oh thaaaaaaank yoooooooooou soooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuch cuuuuuuuuz iiiiiiii'm aaaaa coooooooow :sideways::sarcasm:
I don't care but 1. You said like you just don't care and 2. You didn't say please!!! :guns:
COOL :> As I said my little cousin's birthday is tomoz too :D:D
DAMMNIT >.> 129 Anyway Divi isn't on :\
124 Will you be my fweind I don't have many :nono:
Sorry mister moody pants O.o
122...... AAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! You got 120th!!!!*gets ready to chuck anvil* *then drops it and glomps heart of darkness* dude your here :D:D
118 :> This thing
116 *throws anvil at her*