HEHEHHEHE xD Game Time!! Rules: Somebody has to say to the next poster did you know then put a question and then that person has to answer and then do the same to the next poster etc. STARTER: Did you know I'm pregnant even though I'm a guy???? O.o
This guy would be a perfect match for gintas xD
Very good question......Maybe next their gonna ask which member we'd want to rape O.o
Yo' mama's so stupid I told her Christmas was right around the corner, then she went looking for it.
LOL *does kira laugh* You really thought I was telling the truth. Of course I wouldn't sleep with you. So now I am going to edit my post. Tallyhow!!
I don't know but I'm just gonna say the one's that I really know and I think are cool. Either ILRAYCSM or....um...I dont know because I could only think of Haseo as a joke :/
But Then You'd Get Destroyed In The Heartless Arrival Storm Thingy..... I wish we lived in an Anime world where we could do anything from whatever Anime we wanted :D
That's freaky!!! I was just watching that before I clicked on it. Well this is what REALLY has happened. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=IPKbJLHFcGY
Jet suddenly had an idea, He raced to his cruiser which was about 10 feet away from him, when he got in he set course for Polis Massa, he said to his droid, "Come on R12, wake up! We're heading to Polis Massa" He sped off in his cruiser to Polis Massa.
That's being quoted :A Everyone get out your protective shields, drunk shades = riot :D
Av: 8/10 I like it :D Sig:6/10
OOC: Thanks :D BIC: Jet was walking along an empty field, in Naboo, pacing, thinking to himself, "What to do, what to do."
When kids knock on my door before I'm going out I tell them, "Go away! Else I will devour your soul!!!" Then they run off and I say, "Have a Happy Halloween :D, Puny Maggots!!"
Well its 9:46 in the morning and it's the school holidays =D 32
Thats us :D:D 5 + 140
Big words hurt my small brain!!!!! Remember kids don't do drugs else you'll end up looking like this guy!!!
I haven't posted in here for a looooooooong time xD Looks like you're all stuck with me now MUaHHAHHAHAhAHaHHaHahA
YAY!!! =D That was a GREAAAT ENDING! :D I don't think you could've ended it better
2. ME :D:D 138 xD
Ok I've edited it is it ok now???