Michelle Ruff would fit but as Akino said she would have too make her voice lighter. I was thinking Hayden Pannetiere could do it but 1. People would get Xion mixed up with Kairi and 2. Hayden probably won't be able to because she's too busy with Heroes.
"Um.....I'm guessing these Sithsisis or whatever are evil. So I'm never gonna join you!!" Jet then saw Lightning coming from his hand and it struck Bobba and Count. "Woah what the!?!?!"
Is it too late to join??? If not....can I????? Played by:OblivionRoxas Name: Jet Solo Gender: Male Age: 21 Light/Dark Side: Light Appearance: Mastered powers: Force Lightning & Lightsaber Throw Other two powers: Force Push & Force Grasp History: He doesn't know his farther or mother they died when he was a couple months old, So he was taken in by his grandmother Jaina Solo, she tought him many skills. The first lightsaber he got was from a Sith Padawan. But he's still on the side of good. Personality(optional) : Usually pretty joking around but can get p'd off pretty quick Weapon(s) : Red Lightsaber
Exactly same with me it'll determine that for me but our we already got out exams in and I'm probably going get into acting university like I've wanted :D and also congrats on whatever grade you got I wish you luck in the future.
.......:D:D:D The Japanese and English Kira have become one
what??? its my dance to the god imhotep!!!! I sacrifice a small dinasour every day MUAHAHAHHA