I don't really know. I just go "LOL, awesome. He thinks I'm a guy!!" XD" And my name is Jamie. :3" You can call me by screen name or Emz. XD
Or maybe Nomura just never bothered thinking. The ages of the characters ARE pretty trivial to Kingdom Hearts, so...-nods-
Don't worry about it. XD" I don't really mind. I actually kind of find it cool in a weird way. XD" I'm weird like that.
I'll look now. I'll try to get mine up. I'm too shy, but I'll try! :D
Sora was 14 in KHI, then a year passed, so he's 15 in KHII. :D You know what's crazy? I was thinking Ven was 12. XD But that was for certain...unrelated purposes. XD" I read it somewhere. Wikia, tvtropes...here. I'm not quite sure where. XD I just know it was stated he was 30, and 11 years passed so...*nods* Someone should ask Nomura for ages. v.v
Wah! I'm sorry! I can't exactly use the net, and I have loads of shame. =3=
Hey. Things are going okay. How about you? :3
Sure, I will make sure of that. :D
Well, I can say I feel that way sometimes. :/ But hey, you just gotta work your way to get a little courage. It's hard, but you should at least try. The courage you get is worth the trouble, but don't be kapal. :3" About having different interests, maybe you should at least give it a shot. And if you already did, then find something else you like--or do what I do, keep her/him talking about it and try to have fun at the very least. There's a thin line between "fake smile" and "forced smile". Don't worry, you'll find friends soon. Just be careful of who you pick.
Ven looks 15, Terra is sort of proven to be 19 because Xemnas is 30, and Aqua's probably right dab in the middle; making her 17. :D" This is what I think.
That is something I cannot answer. I usually throw away my drawings, so it's gonna take me a while to get one up. :3"
True. Guess you should lock this thread, then. :3"
*laughs* I shall, too. XD
*hums*...fine. Well then, why would Xion have her own Keyblade? She has no heart, no one performed the Keyblade ritual, she's a puppet made of Sora's memories. I'm starting understand her possibly having Sora's Keyblade, but not her own. And there's a thin line between "a key shaped sword" and a "sham Keyblade" in this situation. A key shaped sword would defintely not release a single heart, while a sham Keyblade *could* be able to function like a real one. I'd compare it to DVDs. A normal CD wouldn't function like a real DVD, the copyrighted one would actually work, and the real one would be the original. This is by far the best way to understand what I'm trying to say. And...just to get my point more across, if Xion had Sora's Keyblade, wouldn't she be able to summon it the first day? Her existence, after all, was based off of Sora, technically. She still had to wait a few days (or was that more than a week?). She had to gain a face before she could summon it. So, if what I say is true, she must have been absorbing memories and eventually gain one to summon a sham Keyblade of sorts. However, when it comes to Roxas, him using the Keyblade is vaguely explained by this: Which was released with Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix +. Spoiler Thus, we can most likely say that the 'relationship between Roxas and Sora' has something to do with Ven's heart, which means Roxas most likely had Ven's Keyblade. Sora's heart probably altered the image of the Keyblade, so it ended up looking like Kingdom Key. Yeah, I just had to say that all again/state what my mind is telling me to before I regret anything. AKA before I go away. -.-"
I will. If you do the same. XD
Lots of people seem to think that. XD" I'm starting to doubt some things about KH now.
Nah. Everyone's good. The great talent is just hiding underneath. :D It's shy. :3
*laughs* ^^ To be honest, a lot of things are starting to make sense. But for the wrong reasons. XD" I'd like to correct you, if I may. Spoiler Ven's heart is just tied with Sora's, not really merged. That's why he can still be brought back. :D" Well, at least that's what I caught.
Yeah, but what if Ven's heart was released that time Sora stabbed himself? That would make Ven pretty much dead unless they made up some way to bring back hearts. And yeah, she is. Can she bring back hearts from Kingdom Hearts? And no, I'm not trying to sound like a know-it-all, I'm asking. Like seriously; can she? I haven't played KH I...>.> But I know what happens. The main point of it all, so I can't really...you know. :D"
Not necessarily, from the way I look at it. CO IS pretty far from Hollow. Kairi was already there, so...I'm guessing her heart could find her body easily. But then that would render Ven dead. .__. Unless of course Kairi has some power to bring BACK hearts from Kingdom Hearts.