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  1. Haiena.Koinu
  2. Haiena.Koinu
  3. Haiena.Koinu
    ((Fine by me))

    "I think so..." Dahlia said nodding her head, "that was pure chaos... What is wrong with those people..?"
    Dahlia sighed as she looked around but then figured she should do something.
    "I should thank you by returning the favor next time if that happens or something..." she mumbled sighing.

    Lixma smiled softly, as he looked around then up into the dark sky.
    "They cannot hide, either way heartless are drawn to keyblades..." he stated.
    Lixma then paced around a bit before looking at the other members, he frowned as he spoke.
    "Their lurking somewhere alive, if you can, try and figure out were they went to flee... And a way to ensure they don't get off the hook next time...." He explained.
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Haiena.Koinu
  5. Haiena.Koinu
  6. Haiena.Koinu
  7. Haiena.Koinu
  8. Haiena.Koinu
    Profile Post

    I can figure lol

    I can figure lol
    Profile Post by Haiena.Koinu for Vladimir Makarov, Nov 7, 2009
  9. Haiena.Koinu
    ((Now your online, greetings and yes you can join))

    "This is becoming annoying" Dahlia growled.
    She could now tell it'd be why to hard to take on these people without help or back up. They had to escaped somehow, taking them all on was out of question it seemed....
    "damn it..." she said stressing out.

    Lixma sighed with his two scythes, one which hovers around slashing at any foe who dared get near him.
    "You don't care because you were not the one killed being innocent..." he stated, "You strike as if your some sort of preposterous beast..."
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Haiena.Koinu
    a Dusk sneaked around Renji and then butted him with it's head, though it then got hit by a fira spell, making its energy be sapped away slowly. Dahlia then began to charge and ready herself to join in the battle against the two foes. But then she felt herself get light headed and began to hear a voice.
    "Your such a filthy parasite, all of you keyblade wielders shouldn't have reason to live..." the voice crackled.
    "Wha-" She tried to say but then was cut off.
    Lixma had came and grabbed Dahlia by her long hair, making her dangled almost like a rag doll. He had a mellow look in his eyes as if he didn't care he was hurting her. Before Dahlia could try and react further, he hurled her right at Renji and used a psychic shriek to silence and stop the two keybladers from using spells for a while.

    ((You have the same element as the leader, but, I guess that is okay ^^ you may join us at any time, Rexa))
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Haiena.Koinu
    Blue Moon Ice Cream... It's like vanilla and then being punched in the face by a rainbow... >_> Also Home-Made Sea Salt Ice Cream, it's very interesting in favor...
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Haiena.Koinu
    "Of course they are... Well if their very bad, I will be there in a moment, need to finish things up... I'll send in some dusks and neoshadows to aid the two threats." He informed.
    Lixma snapped his fingers and a dark portal opened, he turned his head to the neoshadows who looked to him with full attention.
    "Hustle into the portal and kill anything that has a keyblade..." he commanded.
    They all rushed into the portal, as some dusk flew into the room. Lixma could tell what they had found out and he nodded his head...
    "very well, now aid our fellow members." He said, watching they quickly vanish into the portal.


    Dahlia looked over to the boy, and frowned. One second he got pounded and then he seemed to taunt him.
    'Either he knows what e is doing or, he is rather cocky...' she thought.
    Dahlia then turned her head as she heard a wrap sound, then a lot of neoshadows piled in along with 10 dusks.
    "Great..." she whispered to herself.
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Haiena.Koinu
    i never knew that existed lol XD
    wonder if I'd like it =/​
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Haiena.Koinu
    'hm... What is their threat level, will I be needed to rid of their existence?' he asked curiously.
    Not like he cared if he was needed or not, as long as their lives were put to a end as soon as they should do so...
    'Also i have found the very spot member No. 4 has died at, hopefully there is a way to get them back and make them understand the kingdom hearts wasn't the way...' He informed.


    Dahlia rolled her eyes at the women, and her hands began to glow.
    Both of her keyblades were summoned and she casted cura on the boy. She was after all better with her magic then she was with her weapons to be honest...
    "You need to back off!" she warned again to the half nobody/heartless.

    Then she flung a fire bolt had the foe.
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Haiena.Koinu

    Bread Boredom

    My favorite bread happens to be German Water Rolls,
    what about anyone else? What is yours
    and have you ever heard/tried a German Water Roll?
    Tastes like a cross of a bagel and french bread...​
    Thread by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Haiena.Koinu
    Dahlia sighed and gave warning, "If you cause me trouble, I may grant you a world of pain... You hear me?"
    She looked over to Renji and smiled,
    "Not your fault, I should have not let my guard down..." she said then questioned, "Do you know these chicks?"
    Dahlia looked back up to the sky at the two people, they were so weird to her...


    Before long, Lixma sensed a channel connection and quickly tapped into it to see what was to be said.
    "Yes?" he asked hoping in answer.
    He then looked around the room where a few neoshadows lurked around as if trying to help him search for something. Lixma tried not to be disappointed with their dumb behavior...
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Haiena.Koinu
    Dahlia looked upward and saw a hooded women she staggered and glazed confused at the person.
    "what the..?" she said confused.
    'Something isn't right... But I'll only step in if it becomes my problem...' Dahlia figured.

    Lixma didn't get any reports from the other members, which most likely meant they had their hands full with something. So he stopped channeling telepathic and let out a long sigh as he looked to a spot were it seemed one of the members had died.
    "Only if they were not foolish... I'll return in a while, I have no clue what the members are playing around with and I should know what it is..." he muttered to himself.
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Haiena.Koinu
    Dahlia came back out with a light smirk, she didn't know why. She merely felt like doing so. The girl noticed another boy with a keyblade and tilted her head as she mumbled to herself,
    "wow, another key wielder... Wish my keyblades looked more cool..."
    She let out a soft sigh, she thought her keyblades were so simple and boring it wasn't funny... But, she shrugged it off and found herself wondering what she should do today.
    'Many I could get rid of some more heartless for the people here...' she thought to herself.
    Till the boy with a kayblade blasted wind which made her jump at first.

    Lixma figured he'd open a telepathic channel to the other members to speak with them. Thus he closed his eyes and began to focus on channeling.
    "Where is everyone currently..? Any updates of any sort..?" he questioned to every member.
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Haiena.Koinu
  20. Haiena.Koinu