Thanks, I started it about a year ago but forgot about it... Now I am finishing it and making it better then before.
Dahlia felt a dizziness start to try and pull her down, she could feel the world spinning. Her stomach cramped due to the dizziness she was feeling. "Y-You... did this to... Him..." she growled barely able to stand, "I can't allow myself... to be weak now, I will make you pay..!" With all her energy she launched her self at Phenox striking vicariously(sp) with her keyblades, mostly aiming at his head. Though she began to become blind and she knew she was drifting into sleep. "Darn... It..." she muttered as she passed out.
my bad lol X_x; also I may post slower after all I am trying to finish a Repliku x Namine vid... =P
"Love to see you saying that when your crying on the ground, idiot..." Dahlia said rolling her eyes, "Why are you people after us and what are you people... I want to know now." She held a more firm grip on her kingdom keys, she eyed her foe careful... Was he the one who put Renji to sleep..? Though there was only one, she was still not gonna let her guard down. She worried he could get back up or something...
Really? You have never had German Black Forest, dark chocolate?!? geez, your missing out... Also I like Swiss dark choclate lol ^^;
Perhaps something like... Hmm, Spirit..? I am unsure, something fresh and new... Something I would not think of :huh:
I know! Dark Chocolate FTW~ XD lol do you have a favorite brand for dark chocolate?
Lol, I don't do that mostly due to I am a picky eater, hate milk chocolate but dark chocolate is my favorite... Uh, things have to be baked...
Dahlia growled at the man, "I have to warn I don't play nicely with punks!" she said annoyed. She then blast fira at him and charged right at him jumping up and slashing downward at Phenox. While so, Dahlia couldn't help but to wonder how they kept finding them... It was just plain crazy and it was not making sense yet.
That's due to the fact it makes your metabolism o faster... Mine makes it where I could eat cookies for breakfast, 2 slices of cake for lunch and...
Thanks lol XD what do you think of the pictures I found, I liked yours... I look for pictures everyday and some of them I never have seen, so it's shocking ^_^
...I think I may try and get more pictures or something while I'm dumbfounded l=D
Did you know my grandma gave me celery for so long I lost like 7 pounds in a week =/ It made me feel so weak, I couldn't move my arms in one of my...
I know lol, I haven't eaten anything I just noticed ^.^; I am so brain dead...
Dahlia nodded her head slowly and sighed, then she her another wrapping sound. She quickly jumped up and summoned both her keyblades. "Another one of those people." she said as a guess. Dahlia stood in a battle stance ready for attack. She was unsure what powers the foe had, but, she'd try her best to do whatever...
really? Didn't hear of that one, that's neat... To bad no one knows what causes it though to begin with lol ^^;
I hear it mostly happens when your asleep... But one girl survived... She claimed 'my skin formed 2nd degree burns all over, my skin was ichy and...
((I guess I will join...)) Username: Haiena.Koinu Name: Gibbous Glider Shadow (just Gib for short) Age 29 Gender: Male Apperance: or Vamp/601b47c0.jpg Side: Can I be Neutral or something? (otherwise Destoryers...) Bio: Once a man in his death bed, it was only till a neoshadow toke his heart and transformed himself into his new form. A new breed of heartless, what most call 'Gibbous Glider Shadow' not like his really cares any more... Personality: Mindless and carefree, does what ever he wants to do.... Commonly strikes people without any warning. Dislikes most humans. Weapon: Two Wanning Blades ( Other: His Race is a Heartless... Sexuality is Asexual (does not love)
((I agree, the Rp has been going smoothly :wow: )) Dahlia saw Renji pass out and glazed in confusion. "Hey... Are you alright?" She asked getting closer to him. Dahlia then kneeled down and felt his forehead, she then noticed the famous fast eye moments... "He seems to be sleeping... At a time like this..?" She whispered, "There has to be something wrong with him..." Thus Dahlia began to shake Renji wildly hoping to get him to snap out of sleep.
lol I always hoped that would be my death (it is painless from reports I have seen...) but it mostly happens in women oddly... =/ also people who...