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  1. Haiena.Koinu
    I am pretty alright with freshwater fish, but, that is mostly when it comes to Danios, Mollies, Guppies, and yeah...
    I am thinking about getting about 3 African Chilids in a 20 gl. tank I have, But...
    I like things Vivid so I would really like it if someone can help me figure out fish that may get along...
    Some fish I had in mind was Shar fish (red-tail shark or bala shark) and a Osar(sp)

    Help anyone?​
    Thread by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 11, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  2. Haiena.Koinu
    ((Looks good to me, you can join =3 also I may need a recap... I was going to be on yesterday but had to go to the hospital >_>; so yeah))
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Haiena.Koinu
    ((Alright you may join Sephiroth, and Rexa you may be Kairi =3))
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Haiena.Koinu
    His hair looks like a Cocktail's Crown... He is emo over a reason which was for the BETTER for him... Plus he is a selfish boy who only pities himself thus is a spoiled brat in my eyes... Shesh
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. Haiena.Koinu
  6. Haiena.Koinu
    "Well I guess the saying 'Sometimes your Greatest Foe is really your Best Friend' is maybe true sometimes..." She said smiling softly.
    Dahlia then looked around at the place, it was like a big city at night time. She never had seen a world like this before... She was not so sure this was really what the inside of her mind looked like.
    "By the why, what is this place..?" She couldn't help but to ask.
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Haiena.Koinu
  8. Haiena.Koinu
  9. Haiena.Koinu
    Dahlia slowly nodded her head to him, it was somewhat odd. But then again, she knew there would be times you'd never see what's coming in the future...
    "I have to say I was being rude but..." She noted, "When you just get out of a shop and soon find yourself dragged into a fight because of your weapon... Well, it made me on edge 1 second everything's normal, the next I am like a outlaw..."
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Haiena.Koinu
  11. Haiena.Koinu
  12. Haiena.Koinu
    "Well... No not really, but I m sure there could have been more to it... Why they had to do so..." She stated, "Sadly I don't know to much so I can't judge who was nasty and who was nice..."
    Dahlia was shocked that they were talking things out, at first after all she had a bad feeling it'd have to be solved with battling or something... The girl tried to think of any other things but she was sure that was all she knew about the Organization XIII.
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Haiena.Koinu
  14. Haiena.Koinu
    "Organization... XIII..." She said thinking careful, "I think I may have... But, I... Wait, someone was kidnapped by them once I heard in Twilight Town... Unsure if it was true or not, figured that was all some from of a made-up story..."
    Dahlia crossed her arms and shrugged at him unsure if she had anything other to say about the 'Organization XIII'
    "So I am guessing it wasn't made up, Phenox... So is Organization Eternity like the other Organization or something..? She noted.

    ((PS, u forgot to reply to sora with riku =P))​
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Haiena.Koinu
    Profile Post

    aye, aye I agree =3

    aye, aye I agree =3
    Profile Post by Haiena.Koinu for Vladimir Makarov, Nov 8, 2009
  16. Haiena.Koinu
    "Darkness is nothing but what light lacks to reach, spiders and snakes only attack when they are afraid..." She stated, "and everyone needs to be alone at sometime, I'd admire if you could leave us alone..."
    Dahlia then figured maybe somehow she could change the people's mind of what key wielders were...
    "I answered your questions why can't you answer mine...? Who are you..?" She questioned, "what has a key wielder done that is so... Sinful..?"


    Lixma was still in Transverse Town, he wondered how many there were in total. Could there be more of those monster lurking in the town? Where they planning to kill this Organization next..? Lixma hated the thought of the Organization being murdered by such people. He looked to some building searching carefully for anything...
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Haiena.Koinu
  18. Haiena.Koinu
    ((Sure thing =3))​

    Dahlia stared at him blankly, now she started to find this almost like a game.
    'Is he going... To pout?' She wondered.
    A smiled formed and she tried not to jeer at the half nobody/heartless. Dahlia then shrugged at him and spoke,
    "Sure, Sure... I guess so 'god'" She said joking, "Can you scream in my ears any LOUDER..?"
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Haiena.Koinu
    Then you should! lol ^^
    Profile Post by Haiena.Koinu for Vladimir Makarov, Nov 8, 2009
  20. Haiena.Koinu
    Dahlia rolled her eyes and swayed her head,
    "Do what you want!" She warned, "But the will of a key holder is unbreakable!"
    She grinned at him ready for just about anything he was to throw at her.
    "Sure I don't know much... But there is one thing I do see now" She stated, "Your all afraid and strike with blind rage which makes you weak on the inside, though you try to stay strong on the outside!"
    She then got in a battle stance this time she had a more powerful aura of will around her. She was not giving up, backing down at all now... Her eyes narrowed and remained focused on her foe, she was serious.

    ((Nope you may have Sora =3 ))
    Post by: Haiena.Koinu, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home