What is your Favorite Ring(s) to use in the game as well as Magic, Abiliti(es), and Gear(s)? So far I must say I enjoy playing as Vexen, Zexion, and Saix... Sometimes also Larxene... As when it comes to rings I mostly like ones with resist to a element otherwise I don't really care at all... Uh, a Gear I like is Mystery Gear as well as things like Nimble Gear and Prestige Gear... I think perhaps my favorite magic to use is thunder, Firega and Cura...
Xl go figure lol, it's like I came AFTER the party or something -_-;
From what I have seen your my only friend on I think, kinda sad, have you ever seen Wtaer mage/fire mage on? Don't see them much any more but I...
((Looks good to me now =3)) PS ((also we can begin when we have at least 2 more characters in I guess))
faster at typing then thinking =X lol
((It is fine mistakes happen, thank you for fixing it =3))
((hmm, I'll accept this though you made it seem rather easier for someone to know it's still Roxas, but oh well, you may join))
Blah I meant Ansem the Wise, my bad X_x
I see, due to I figured I could be Xemnas as the creater of the Rp, otherwise i would have picked Zexion and Xigbar lol ^^;
((Alright you are allowed into the RP :) ))
Here is how......This all Happened Vexen was just simply working on another experiment for the Organization’s needs, but, then the unseen came. Roxas & Axel were bored and played a trick upon the Academic’s lab. Chemicals were mixed around with no way for Vexen to notice. As he worked, the experiment went terrible very fast… The world endured a shock wave of the mixed chemicals which turned all of the Organization Members into teenagers! (other then Roxas and Xion.) Plus teleporting all of them to Ansem’s Mansion. Luckily for the members, Ansem is not aware who they really are… Or at least yet! Can they solve the problem and get out of Ansem’s home or shall they be stuck forever in their enemy’s mansion? Rules - No Controlling other people's characters without permission! - - No Weapons / Powers Allowed (well you can't portal...) - - Pick from ages 13-18 only! No older nor younger! - - No OCs are allowed, sorry - - I will allow coupling of any form (gay/lesbian/straight does not matter) - - Nothing done that you wouldn't do in front of your mother/father (unless cussing) - - Don't hesitate to ask any questions! - - Limit is 2 Characters per person... - - No one lining at all! 2 lines+ at all times in character - Character List Ansem- Haiena.Koinu Riku- Key Master Sora Namine- Xemnas- keybladewarrioroflegend Number: I Code Name: Richard Looks: His hair is shorter, but retains the silver color. He wears a white t-shirt and jeans. Age: 15 Xigbar- TheDeadGuy Number: II Codename: Kenner Looks: Eyepatch is still there only its green, his hairstyle well bald, he shaved it off to look like his military self, Wears Military Clothing for some reason. Age: 17 Xaldin- Vexen- Lexaeus- Zexion- Haiena.Koinu Number: VI (6) Code Name: Xander Looks: Bang is not layered any more and his hair color is more of a charcoal black color, rather then a blueish slate grey. A tad bit more pale then before... Age: 14 Saix- Axel- Alpha Sonix Number: VIII Code Name: Ale Looks: Shorter hair which is now black, he still has his hair style however. The markings on his face are gone and he wears blue jeans with a shirt like Pence except it fits for Axel. Age: 16 Demyx- Flamedancer Number: IX Code name: Dmyteri Looks: Pretty much the same as before, except with longer, non-mulletish hair. And skinnier. Wears skinny jeans and band tees. And earphones...all the time. XD Age: 16 Luxord- Marluxia- Larxene- Roxas- Key Master Sora Number: XIII Code Name: Ryo Looks: He has brownish blonde hair that is spikey in the back with the bangs parted. What happened during the experiment it made his eyes purple (whoops XD). Wears a black muscle shirt and blue jeans. Age: 15 Xion- Keybladewarrioroflegend Number: XIV Code Name: Lana Looks: Hair is now blond and longer. Age: 15 Character Sheet (only for the Org. XIII members!) Name: Number: Code Name: (needed to fool Ansem, Riku and Namine!) Looks: How different do they look? (cannot look the same most be somewhat different) Age: (13-18)
Alrighty I will do so, shouldn't take me very long
Alright then I guess I'll go with choice #3 lol (it was the first one I was thinking of doing =P)
aye, that's a good point, guess I will but which one... X_X so many plans to choose...
Blah... Figures lol >_< I was thinking of making another role play, wondering though if I shouldn't due to the lack of people on... Then again...
Thanks =3 kinda sad no one really chats here *shrugs* oh well... -_-;
Doesn't seem their is many people on today, or maybe it's just me... ^^;
happy go go super baby ((Are you new to the new to the site / RP area? Don't believe I have met you before... but, nevertheless that's beside the point! I'm thinking of giving your role play a try... I guess I'll be Fu (if that is spelled right, I have a hard time with her name sadly...) and a OC...)) Username: Haiena.Koinu Name: Ares Osiris Xerxes Age: 16 Gender: Male Dorm Organization: ??? Year: 1st Average Grades: 72%-87% (Matters what subject is!) Your one great flaw: Doesn't like to Focus or Listen to most Teachers... Appearance: http://i833.photobucket.com/albums/zz255/Scheming_13/rocker.jpg Bio: Honestly he was NOT born upon the islands. How he came is a mystery that no one really thinks of. Being born in the world of 'Olympus Coliseum' he is new to the school thing totally. The only thing he finds neat is the fact they teach math, music and P.E. since that's about all he cares about... Besides that he has won a few cups back on his home world, not a good boy to fight with! Personality: Frisky, Flirty, Curious, Puzzling and a bit Bipolar perhaps... Other: Sexuality= Gay... Also another thing is that he really is into being smart and phiscally fit...
((Alrighty then, thank you for informing me ^^)) Lixma had returned back to Castle Oblivion, still trying to find out where all of Organization XIII had died and how to get them back from being nothing. It would be hard, but, he knew that most likely there was a way to reverse their death or something... Lixma sighed as he came back to Vexen's death spot. Perhaps he should find all of them which died in the castle and test to see if they can be brought back with a few different ways of trying... 'The Keybladers will pay with their lives...' He thought to himself.