Yeah, let's say that... :Awesome:
I will not help physically but mentally perhaps... :stupid: If that makes sense *lazy shrug*
Also how can Roxas like to begin with? Hello?! No heart >_<' how could he have a crush on Xion OR Namine??? Oh well, I think he is best off with Axel -_- Only thing I like Namine with is Repliku XP
...I wondered what I all missed. Still seems normal at least... Perhaps someone can do a request for me. I have not much time on my hands. Maybe someone can get yaoi pairs of... n/m I forgot -_-'
Alright then, I will add it to your char. Sheet {Edit} Alright I think I will play as Riku just as well, and I will begin the starting post today or tomorrow hopefully.
((Seems fair enough I guess, could be more detailed but I shouldn't be so picky... Alright you can join =3 I might take the role as Riku if neither Sora or Riku or chosen...))
Alrighty then, that is fine by me. My Leg is falling asleep T_T ugh it is so annoying.
You can also describe their appearance as long as it is good enough I can picture the character in my mind (like say 4 lines to describe) - - - Both of you may join, before starting we must wait for at least Riku or Sora to be played...
Sure thing =3 I wouldn't mind. This is my first time I will take up the role as Marluxia so wish me luck =P
PS I see you got a new av from the last time I was on here which was like a month or more... I think
bored out of my mind, everywhere I look there is not a single good looking RP on any site I know >_<; It is like every good role play I want has...
Hello again... I'm back for the moment
After Sora had 'killed' Marluxia, he had left Oblivion Castle. Not really, the hero had only bested one of Vexen's few replicas. Who he thought was Marluxia was nothing more then a pure fake! But not just that, Marluxia was not the only one to survive through Oblivion Castle... When Repliku thought he had finished off Zexion, he had only token on a mere illusion of Zexion. Though sadly the death of Vexen, Larxene and Lexaeus did happen. It is now after the time of where The rest of Organization XIII as been slain by Sora and Riku. They only can relax for 2 years before a uproar of drama happens due to a claim of a few people seeing people in black robes and seeming very fishy. It is not long before it is up to the heroes once more to save the world... Besides that fact, what the two survivors did in the meanwhile of the 2 year wait before noticed is form both there own Organizations. Neither of them know that the other is still alive, so both think one another is dead (untill they run across one another) Marluxia named his Organization 'Thorn' while Zexion had named his own 'Dusk'. Besides that difference, both have different aims for themselves. Organization Thorn wishes to take over all the worlds while Organization Dusk aims to just get their hearts back... Besides that fact both Zexion & Marluxia have gained a new elemental power. Marluxia got thunder and Zexion gained earth, can Sora and Riku hope to match up to these organizations..? Rules Follow basic rules, that shouldn't be hard! nothing less then 3 lines per post Be creative, do not make members in the same organization have the same element or weapon! Any questions, ask freely here or through PM. just because there will be OC org. members doesn't make them godly! No Power Play or God Moding, you only get only 2 warnings. Don't flame at people nor make real life drama or issues! I will allow couples and crushes in this role play. More rules can and might be added so check here & there... The Casts Heroes Sora images/Riku.jpg Name: Riku Gender: Male Weapon: Soul Eatter (Sword) Magic: Aero Mainly otherwise nothing much really... Donald Duck Goofy Org. Thorn Name: Marluxia Rank: Ⅰ Gender: Male Weapon: Scythe Element: Flowers / Thunder Name: Pocreox Rank: Ⅱ Gender: Male Weapon: Guitar Element: Sound Appearance: He is approximately 5'10". Has long, dark brown hair that is naturally messy and can cover his blue eyes, but mostly keeps it swept to the right, out of his eyes. He is also a bit slim and slender for his size, not a very adept fighter either. Not much muscle to fight with. Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Org. Dusk Name: Zexion Rank: Ⅰ Gender: Male Weapon: Lexicon Element: Illusion/Earth Name: Xetemroid Rank: Ⅱ Gender: Male Weapon: Extending Claws Element: Darkness Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Lastly the Sheets Heroes Code: Pic Link [color=color1]Name:[/color] [color=color1]Gender:[/color] [color=color1]Weapon:[/color] [color=color1]Magic:[/color] Nobdies Code: Pic Link [color=color1]Name:[/color] [color=color1]Rank:[/color] [color=color1]Gender:[/color] [color=color1]Weapon:[/color] [color=color1]Element:[/color]
Pic Link [color=color1]Name:[/color] [color=color1]Gender:[/color] [color=color1]Weapon:[/color] [color=color1]Magic:[/color]
Pic Link [color=color1]Name:[/color] [color=color1]Rank:[/color] [color=color1]Gender:[/color] [color=color1]Weapon:[/color] [color=color1]Element:[/color]
((I guess I can, though it's more respecting if the maker of the Thread does =< )) Vexen was for more in the Grey Room, he was looking out the window into the great nothingness of darkness. He was trying to get some ideas, but, not much was coming to mind... He needed either a mission of new worlds or something to make a experiment out of to fulfill his need of science. Not like this was new, he always lusted for something scientific to do after all.
Av = 7/10 my favorite animal is anything Canine... Sig = 10/10 I like how there is a ? and plus idk I just like it...
((I'm not sure everyone knows but, every member is meant to be in the Mansion due to the experiment and also portaling is the only power that is useless...)) Zexion sighed and began to walk away from where Xion & Xemnas were. He had figured by how weird things have gone, either Vexen was being very stupid to due such a experiment. Otherwise he didn't even know the out come of what he was doing... It wasn't like the academic though, after all, he thought things out before action. If Ansem were to find him, he would just claim he was a kid named 'Xander' or something... He didn't know of anything else better to say anyways.
((I agree competely as well...))
((Yes that is what I mean, Idk honestly but to me it was fishy but some of what everyone is saying sounds like a logical answer... I mean at first people just thought Vexen was killed to gain Marluxia & Larxene's trust, and Zexion was killed to ensure word didn't escape from what happened in O.C. But it seems it was merely all in plan for the Organization XIII... Well for Xemnas I guess at least... I mean if they were killing off the weak, you'd think Lexaeus wouldn't be there and Demyx would due to how much he doesn't wanna do anything in the Organiztion... Right???)) Ahhh, alright I get it now I believe =3 Also from what else I hear O.C. was a way of 'buying time' for Organization XIII... I figured that Castle was like a death trap... I think I'm starting to understan everything, thanks everyone ^_^
Alright, Is it just me but, after Axel kills off Vexen & Zexion as he speaks with Saix... He sorta acts... Well Idk, but Axel says something like 'I killed Vexen & Zexion, that's how you wanted it right?' Is there a big reason and the the heck is the 'chamer of truth' or whatever. I'm kinda left with blank spots and I'd like to have some answers ^_^; Try to get as much detail as you can so I can understand every little thing...
((I'm thinking soon I will allow someone to be able to play as 1 Org XIII member from O.C. but I'm still thinking about it carefully... Also I think I may look at the rules and see if I need to add anything *most likely not* if you have anything you want for new rules please tell me ^^; thanks))